Organizational Decision Making Writing Sample

Climate change is a terrific idea that is now and again examined and generally supported. Climate change is regularly pursued to necessitate ecological health. It is established on a moral obligation to the well-being of current populaces and people in the future. Nonetheless, it is characteristically challenging to implement due to its intricacy and the massive perspective changes it advocates. Therefore, this report gives project partners and other specialized experts a definite meaning of sustainability as far as climate change is concerned and a direction to the ethical decision-making process that goes into advancing and accomplishing it. It is intended to assist the mayor of the City of Ottawa with assessing and directing its endeavors, particularly developing, introducing, and utilizing the new project.

The Decision-Making Process

Assuming we take the idea of stakeholder to its apparent result, each individual is a stakeholder in each organization. The primary step in stakeholder management, which is the process of precisely assessing stakeholder claims with the goal that an organization can adequately oversee them, is to recognize and focus on project stakeholders (Lesson 12). It should next evaluate their claims. How does the mayor find some harmony between these claims, given the variety of stakeholders? No group ought to be dealt with unreasonably. The mayor ought to speak with as many stakeholders as expected under the circumstances. Notwithstanding, given time and resource requirements, the mayor’s office should focus on claims as stakeholder needs change.

First, it could be helpful to talk about any stakeholder assumptions about the town’s infrastructural development proposition. It varies on the particular stakeholders. However, we can sensibly accept that all stakeholders request some degree of fulfillment from an organization (Lesson 12). Considering that these partners are developers, they anticipate a significant profit from their venture. On the off chance that they are employees, then again, they, as a rule, expect engaging jobs, a safe workspace, job stability, and worthwhile pay and benefits. Suppose the stakeholders are individuals from the local area encompassing the project site. In that case, they regularly need the venture to have no adverse effect on the physical environment or the quality of life nearby (Lesson 12). In this way, the mayor’s office’s work should start with perceiving these diverse and now and again problematic expectations. Then, ethically figuring out which stakeholders to zero in on and in what request, in case not all partners can be taken care of simultaneously, a process known as stakeholder prioritization.

Second, the mayor should decide whether an individual who has an objection is from a stakeholder group. After affirming that a critical stakeholder group member is addressed, the mayor should figure out what the stakeholder group requires. This guides in the explanation of the relationship. Assuming nothing is required promptly or soon, this does not suggest that the stakeholder group is insignificant; regardless, it tends to be a decent sign that the stakeholder group is not needed to be prioritized as of now (Lesson 12). Subsequently, the mayor should establish that somebody is a stakeholder, that the concern is current, and that the relationship is vital for developing the recommended project.

Assuming the project cannot survive without a specific stakeholder or cannot promptly supplant a person in question, that stakeholder should take precedence over others who do not fulfill the required objective. However, significant regulators and suppliers should be tended to and not yield to (Lesson 12). A local state legislator addressing the mayor’s office in the space where the project is situated, for instance, should possibly lobby the legislature to raise the business taxes to increase the city’s income. This is because the legislator might not have the political clout to convince the mayor’s office to increase business tax on their own. Astute business leaders, then again, will not excuse such an individual and will participate in discussion with that person. The mayor’s office should establish a functioning relationship with the legislator since the individual in question might have the ability to convince others to support the project. In some way, this prioritization is essentially the mayor’s work because not every stakeholder can order persistent consideration, and the mayor’s office has no limitless time or resources.

The Carnegie Model is utilized in the decision-making process referenced. Since the mayor underscores stakeholder connections dependent on their power and interest, this is the situation. The stakeholder group can be weighted by its impact (or influence) on and interest in the organization, bringing about an alliance (Daft, 2015, p. 423). A significant stakeholder has a ton of power and has a ton of interest. Assuming that an issue emerges for this sort of stakeholder group, it turns out to be more significant. Subsequently, stakeholder need can be characterized as a connection between the influence of a stakeholder group and the stakeholder’s interest in the relationship.


  • Numerous stakeholders are engaged with organizational decisions, and an ultimate conclusion is made by an alliance (collaboration) of leaders. This is because organizational objectives are foggy, and functional goals are conflicting.
  • The mayor’s office is rational, but time, resources, and intellectual ability restrict it. Therefore, they establish an alliance.


  • In this model, decisions are made dependent on satisficing rather than maximizing issue solutions. This shows that the mayor’s office likes to acknowledge an acceptable arrangement over an ideal one.
  • The mayor’s office is preoccupied with prompt issues and quick solutions.


Organizational leaders give priority to those stakeholders with immediate necessities, an undeniable degree of urgency, or a significant degree of importance to the organization, and the characters of this group might change after some time. A stakeholder can likewise be prioritized dependent on their impact and interest in the organization. Establishing trust, recognizing partners, assembling and investigating relevant information, presenting information to the management, and telling partners they matter are altogether steps in the decision-making process and the model utilized. Since project users are as often as possible viewed as high-need partners, it is expected that the mayor’s office and different partners deliver as per the users’ expectations.


Daft, R. L. (2015). Organization theory and design. Cengage learning.

More Processes: Organizational Decision Making (Ch. 13). SPROTT School of Business.

Panic Disorder: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment And Prevention Essay Example

Panic disorder refers to a situation when an individual has no less than two panic attacks (one feels overwhelmed and terrified even when one is not in any danger) and continually worries and alters his or her routine to save them from having an extra one. Panic disorder is classified as an anxiety disorder (Richmond, 2021). One out of ten American adults have a panic attack every year, and this starts between fifteen and twenty-five years. Around a third of the individuals in the U.S have one panic attack in their life though most of them don’t have the disorder. Only around 3% of the grown-ups have the disorder and are mostly common among ladies compared to male counterparts (Richmond, 2021). Individuals with the disorder typically have abrupt and recurring attacks of fear which last for a couple of minutes longer than that.

According to Bhatt (2021), panic disorder is typically characterized by the anxiety of losing control even in the absence of real danger. An individual might also have a very robust physical reaction during an attack, and this might feel as developing a heart attack (Richmond, 2021). The Panic attacks can take place anyhow, and most of those who have panic disorder typically fear experiencing another attack. An individual with panic disorder might feel discouraged and ashamed because they can not carry out their regular routines such as driving, going to school or work, or going to the grocery. Panic disorder typically begins in early adulthood or late teens. Minus treatment, recurrent as well as prolonged attacks can be brutally disabling (Richmond, 2021). Affected individuals might avoid many situations like being alone or leaving their houses for fear of suffering an attack.

Causes of panic disorder

In most cases, panic attacks come “from the blue.” One might start while one is sleeping. Embracing alcohol or drugs to handle panic disorder can worsen the symptoms. Attacks might come after an individual uses mild-altering drugs. Some medications, such as antidepressants, can cause panic attacks. However, doctors do not know the exact cause of panic disorder, although there is a possibility that the brains of individuals who have the disorder might be specifically sensitive in reacting to fear (Richmond, 2021). There is a connection between phobias such as claustrophobia, school phobia, and panic attacks. On the other hand, there is a theory that this disorder might come from oversensitivity to carbon dioxide that makes one’s brain think he or she is suffocating.

National Institute of Mental Health (2021), the disorder runs in relatives, although nobody knows why some members have it whereas others do not. Scholars have realized that numerous brain parts and biological processes play a fundamental role in anxiety and fear. Some scholars believe that individuals with panic disorder misunderstand harmless bodily feelings as threats. By learning much about the body and brain functions of individuals with panic disorder, scientists can develop better treatments. Doctors do not know the exact cause of the panic disorder. However, there is also a possibility that the nervous system and the brain play a major role in the manner individuals handle and perceive anxiety and fear (Richmond, 2021). A person’s risk of having panic attacks keeps increasing if the individual has:

Mental health conditions: Individuals that have depression, anxiety disorders as well as other mental conditions are susceptible to panic attacks

Family history: Anxiety disorders such as panic disorders are normally run in families.

Substance abuse complications: Drug and alcohol addiction raises an individual’s risk of a panic attack. Some symptoms common to panic attacks can also occur in conditions that are physical. In this case, some drugs and medications such as alcohol and tranquilizers, and caffeine can induce panic-like signs.

Based on this, it is apparent that some research has expressed that panic disorder can be linked genetically. In contrast, other studies have not found a connection between an individual’s genetics and panic disorder. On the other hand, panic disorder is linked with substantial life changes. For instance, getting married, having a firstborn, or leaving for college are among the substantial life transitions which might create stress and result in the advancement of panic disorder. It is prudent to mention that recalling or fearing a panic attack might lead to another attack.

Symptoms of a panic attack

Panic attacks commonly occur abruptly and minus a warning. There is no simple way of stopping a panic attack the moment it begins. Panic attack symptoms typically peak within ten minutes after they commence and disappear soon afterward (Bhatt, 2021). However, some symptoms persist for more than an hour. Panic attacks can be mistaken to be heart attacks. Individuals with the disorder usually live in the distress of getting another attack and might be fearful of being away from medical aid or alone.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (2021), Individuals with panic disorder have at least four of these symptoms.

  • Feeling of unreality
  • Shaking or trembling
  • Fear of dying
  • Pounding heart, palpitations, or first heart rates
  • Upset stomach or nausea
  • Discomfort or chest pain
  • Feeling of chocking
  • Sweating, hot flashes, or chills
  • Tingling in the feet, face, or hands or numbness
  • Feeling faint or dizziness
  • Smothering or feelings of shortness of breath
  • Impending doom or fear of losing control
  • Feelings of detachment

Panic attacks can change function and behavior at school, work, or home. Individuals with panic disorder usually worry about the consequences of their attacks (Bhatt, 2021). Based on this, individuals with the disorder might abuse alcohol as well as other drugs. They can feel depressed or sad. Panic attacks are not predictable, and in the initial stages of this disorder, no defined trigger begins the attack. However, remembering a previous attack can activate panic attacks.

Flight or fight reaction

Whenever the body gets faced with an abrupt threat, the brain instructs the autonomic nervous system to trigger the flight or fight reaction. The body is then flooded with many chemicals, such as adrenaline which prompt physiological changes (Bhatt, 2021). For instance, breathing and heart rate are enhanced, and blood gets shifted to muscles in preparation for running away or combat. The disorder is believed to befall when the flight or fight reaction is activated, but there is no imminent danger yet to ensue. An individual might witness signs of a panic attack in stress-free and harmless situations such as while asleep or even watching television. Factors which might make the body inaptly trigger the flight or fight reaction comprise of:

  • Chronic stress because it causes the human body to exceedingly higher quantities of stress chemicals like adrenaline.
  • Acute stress suddenly floods the body with higher amounts of stress chemicals.
  • Usual hyperventilation which affects the balance of blood gases since there is no sufficient carbon dioxide circulating in the blood.
  • Illness might result in physical changes.
  • Heavy physical exercise as it can cause life-threatening for some people.
  • Extreme caffeine intake- the caffeine in tea, coffee, and other beverages is a stimulant and a strong one.
  • Abrupt change of the environment is like walking into a stuffy, hot, or crowded environment.

Tests, exams, and diagnosis

Bhatt (2021) states that many individuals who suffer from the disorder typically seek treatment from the emergency room since the panic attack is ordinarily similar to a heart attack. Here the health care professional performs a mental health exam and a physical exam. The care provider also carries out blood tests. All other medical orders ought to be ruled out before diagnosing panic disorder. All disorders which are related to substance use must be considered since symptoms can resemble the ones of panic attacks.


According to Mount Sinai (2021), serious health complications like thyroid disease, respiratory and heart disease cause symptoms that are the same as those of panic attacks. Therefore, the healthcare provider needs to run tests to rule out all physical complications. In case there is no physical cause, the healthcare provider can make a diagnosis concerning your risk factors and symptoms.

Mental or medical health providers can quickly diagnose panic disorder. They can diagnose panic disorder in case there have been recurrent panic attacks and the individual:

Continuously worried about getting more panic attacks or threats.

Obsesses on losing control during the occurrence of a panic attack.

Changes behaviors to evade circumstances which might cause a panic attack.

Treatment and Management

According to National Institute of Mental Health (2021), medications, psychotherapy or a combination of the two are efficient in ending panic attacks. How long one will need the treatment relies on the cruelty of the complication and how well he or she responds to the treatment. The options comprise of:


According to Richmond (2021), cognitive behavioral therapy is a form of talk therapy or psychotherapy. Here person with panic attacks shares emotions or thoughts with a mental health professional like a licensed psychologist or counselor. The professional plays a role in identifying triggers of a panic attack so one can change his or her behaviors, reactions and thinking. (Skritskaya, 2021). As the individual starts to react in a different way to the causes, the attacks will lessen and eventually stop.


Some antidepressant medicines can help in reducing the frequency or severity of panic attacks. Professional care providers can recommend serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, or serotonin-norepinephrine inhibitors (Richmond, 2021). Serotonin selective reuptake inhibitors comprise paroxetine and fluoxetine while serotonin-norepinephrine inhibitors comprise venlafaxine and duloxetine. On the other hand, tricyclic antidepressants comprise of doxepin and amitriptyline.

Anti-anxiety medications

According to Richmond (2021), benzodiazepines are the commonly recommended anti-anxiety drugs to prevent and treat panic attacks. Although they have risks of dependence or addiction, they have they help with anxiety. They include lorazepam and alprazolam.

Complications of panic attacks

Panic attacks are curable, but people stop to look for help since they get embarrassed. Panic disorder or untreated attacks might affect a person’s capability to enjoy life. If untreated, the disorder might have substantial effects on the life of the victim’s daily life. One can then develop complications such as:

Anticipatory anxiety

The likelihood of having a panic disorder might trigger dangerous anxiety.


Phobias are thrilling and unreasonable fear of specific things. For instance, the fear of heights is known as acrophobia whereas the fear of enclosed places is known as claustrophobia.


Around two thirds of individuals who suffer from panic disorder also develop agoraphobia. Agoraphobia makes a person afraid of being in situations or places where panic attacks can occur. The fear might be so thrilling that one becomes afraid of leaving his or her house. Panic disorder also causes delayed development teen and kids since the fear of getting a panic attack make it hard to maintain relationships or attend school.


Skritskaya (2021) argues that the health care provider can help an individual with panic disorder identify the triggers that lead to panic attacks. Individuals who suffer from the disorder learn strategies of managing the triggering events during psychotherapy to avoid attacks. Alternatively, one can take the following actions to lower chances of having an attack:

  • Manage stress
  • Embrace regular exercises
  • Cut on caffeine intake and above all
  • Maintain a healthy diet

People suffering from panic disorder should talk to their doctor before taking any over-the-counter drugs or herbal supplements since some substances might increase anxiety. Panic disorder is usually a long-term problem which can be hard to treat. Some people who suffer from this condition don’t respond well to their treatment while others might have times when their symptoms are intense and when the symptoms are entirely not present (Skritskaya, 2021). However, individuals with panic disorder witness some symptom relief due to treatment. Additionally, it is likely to prevent the disorder though one can work to reduce symptoms through the use of substances as prescribed by a professional care provider and avoid stimulants and alcohol. It is also prudent to notice whether the one signs anxiety due to an upsetting live event. In case one is bothered by a thing he or she was exposed to or experienced, the situation needs to be shared with the mental health professional or care provider.

In a nutshell, Panic disorder is a situation when an individual has no less than two panic attacks (one feels overwhelmed and terrified even when one is not in any danger) and continually worries and alters his or her routine to save them from having an extra one. Doctors do not know the exact cause of panic disorder. However, there is a possibility that the brains of individuals who have the disorder might be specifically sensitive in reacting to fear. There is a connection between phobias such as claustrophobia, school phobia, and panic attacks. The symptoms of panic disorder include feelings of unreality, shaking or trembling, fear of dying, a pounding heart, palpitations, or first heart rates. Triggers for the disorder comprise extended stress, abrupt changes in the environment, and severe physical reactions. Medications, psychotherapy, or a combination of the two efficiently end panic attacks. Prevention can be achieved if the health care provider identifies the triggers which lead to panic attacks. Individuals who suffer from the disorder need to learn strategies for managing the triggering events during psychotherapy in order to avoid an attack.


Richmond, C. (2021). Panic Disorder and Panic Attacks. WebMD. Retrieved 4 December 2021, from

Bhatt, N. (2021). What are the DSM-5 criteria for diagnosis of panic disorder?. Retrieved 4 December 2021, from

National Institute of Mental Health (2021). Panic Disorder: When Fear Overwhelms. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). (2021). Retrieved 4 December 2021, from

Mount Sinai (2021). Panic disorder Information | Mount Sinai – New York. Mount Sinai Health System. (2021). Retrieved 4 December 2021, from

Skritskaya, N. (2021). Treatment of Panic Disorder: Long Term Strategies – Full Text View – Retrieved 4 December 2021, from

Personal Code Of Ethics Sample Paper

A personal code of ethics may be described as the values that an individual embraces ethically to their daily activities. They may comprise of ethical standards that an individual employs in controlling their performance and behavior in their physical or professional state. According to Howard, Korver & Birchard (2008), ethical codes of ethics include accountability, loyalty, respect, equality, selflessness, transparency, responsibility, and honesty. For an individual to identify their code of ethics, they need to monitor their daily goals, beliefs, and practices. Monitoring these trends and determining the behavioral approach that an individual always uses towards achievement will allow them to identify their code of ethics. In this essay, I provide a detailed statement of my ethics code and indicate its relevance it is to my work ethics.

I consider being honest my initial code of ethics that I employ in my operations. Honesty is described as the moral conduct of that an individual who can be truthful in certain scenarios without contradiction fear. It may also be used to mean the straightforwardness in the line of work of an individual. I always choose to exercise honesty in my dealings and activities because it offers me the opportunity to provide the real picture of an event or a situation. This code of ethics is valuable to me because it enables and encourages me to keep track of my achievements and embrace the outcomes without hiding or whitewashing the bad experiences that I sometimes go through in life. Through honesty, I have managed to achieve many things that I initially thought were impossible.

First, honesty has sharpened and strengthened my relationship with my friends and the people around me at home, school, and place of work. This is evident in the kind of freedom I have with them when I become honest with everything and everyone. I also enjoy a lack of judgment from these people that could make me have crossed thoughts when I am around them. Honesty has relieved me from the burden of trying to fit in everyone’s lives and the community because people find it easy to welcome me into their lives without struggles. I have also gained the trustworthiness of people through honesty. Because I chose to be honest at all levels of my life and with all people, it is easy for them to trust me with their everything. However, honesty also made me experience some drawbacks because I lost some contact with people who feel that being honest is not a great ethical value but a weakness. Despite all these challenges, I still strongly believe that honesty is not a weakness but an important virtue that every individual in the community should try to emulate.

Another code of ethics is respect. I apply this in my daily activities regardless of color, race, ethnicity, age, sex, and social position of an individual. Respect may be described as a deep admiration feeling for something, or somebody elicited achievements, qualities, or abilities. It may also be used to describe the due regard for the rights, wishes, or feelings of other people. I prefer paying respect to all individuals and adhering to their obligations. In my place of work, I gain back respect from my colleagues when I treat them with respect. Lastly, the ethics of respect is important for my life because it has enabled me to achieve a higher level of people’s intimacy because it creates mutual understanding between the people I often interact with and me.

Another code of ethics that I find important and I have always applied in my daily activities is responsibility. Responsibility means having control over something or somebody or having the duty to deal with something or a given situation. This code of ethics makes me accomplish my goals and objectives without the feeling of being burdened. My embrace of responsibility is evident since I handle duties and roles with minimal supervision. I help my parents in doing certain tasks in the house daily without being asked to. I also do my school work and homework in time to perfection. This indicates a higher level of being responsible.

Lastly, being a considerate person is also a code of ethics that I find very important for me as an individual and my life endeavors. Being a considerate individual means having or portraying a moral character of being selfless so that other people may not be harmed or inconvenienced in any way or the other. Being a considerate person is important, and this is evident at home when I ensure that all my siblings have their basic needs first before considering my state. I also ensure that my friends have certain things or comfort they require before I have my own. I find that being a considerate individual is not only important for my well-being but also for the well-being of others in the community. Moreover, it helps me be in the right standing with my friends and family members.

Personal code of ethics and organization ethics

In comparing the personal code of ethics and the organization code of ethics, I think the personal code of ethics is more practically applicable to the organization’s ethics. Corporate ethics refer to the codes of conduct that exist between works in a given organization. These may comprise beneficence which is showing concern for the well-being and the needs of the people, especially the clients (Kaptein & Wempe, 1998). In such scenarios, workers are required to portray ethical codes such as being considerate. Additionally, being that confidentiality is also another organizational ethic that is required when handling clients or customers, there is the practical applicability of the personal code of respect. This implies that a worker is required to show respect to the needs or the requirements of the clients or the customers and also keep clients’ attachments or documents as confidential as much as they can (Verbos et al., 2007). Therefore, I would solidly conclude that it is highly appropriate to apply an individual’s code of ethics in any given organization that they offer their services because it shapes the path for one’s ability to meet the requirements of the people they serve, maintain these people, and be able to fulfill the short and long-term objectives of the organization.


Howard, R. A., Korver, C. D., & Birchard, B. (2008). Ethics for the real world: Creating a personal code to guide decisions in work and life. Harvard Business Press

Kaptein, M., & Wempe, J. (1998). Twelve Gordian knots when developing an organizational code of ethics. Journal of business ethics, 17(8), 853-869.

Verbos, A. K., Gerard, J. A., Forshey, P. R., Harding, C. S., & Miller, J. S. (2007). The positive ethical organization: Enacting a living code of ethics and ethical organizational identity. Journal of Business Ethics, 76(1), 17-33.