Adolf Hitler’s 1933 Speech Mobilizing The Masses Free Writing Sample


Adolf Hitler’s speech in 1933 is one of his famous public speeches calling for a reorganization policy in the country (“Berlin,” 1933). Although further actions, as it is known, will entail enormous destruction, some of the proposed theses seem logical in the context of the situation in which Germany found itself between the two world wars. The analysis of this performance may allow determining its background, key facts, and arguments.

Germany’s Problems

Hitler mentions various external and internal factors that, in his opinion, are the causes of the collapse of the German statehood. According to him, the communist ideas that seized part of Europe are a significant external problem for the country’s security (“Berlin,” 1933). Similar causes of an internal threat are also suggested by Hitler since, in his opinion, Marxist ideas leak into their country, and hampering them is one of the government’s top priorities (“Berlin,” 1933). Also, as the problem inside Germany, the future dictator notes the disunity of the nation and the lack of brotherhood among its citizens (“Berlin,” 1933). These ideas form the basis of his emotional speech and the whole political course.

Appeal to Nationalism

When speaking, Hitler emphasizes that the German nation suffered greatly during World War I, and for eighteen years after its end, significant problems became evident (“Berlin,” 1933). The unity of the country is considered in the context of creating a holistic and indestructible power that is capable of confronting external threats and defending its interests. Hitler does not mention the term nationalism directly; nevertheless, his speech is dominated by statements where he justifies Germany’s actions the war and condemns its opponents (“Berlin,” 1933). According to Lebovics (2015), the country’s policy in 1933 supported the development of nationalism as the main state ideology. Therefore, the calls to unite for the sake of prosperity are the main Hitler’s theses.

Measures Suggested

The measures proposed by Hitler give an opportunity to predict the possible consequences of the policy course that will ultimately lead to World War II and the Holocaust. In particular, he argues that every citizen of Germany, without exception, should help the country to create the new Reich, thereby reinforcing nationalist ideas (“Berlin,” 1933). Also, he wants listeners to understand that national discipline and order should be key the features of the nation that is able to build a new country. These theses are evidence of the future Fuhrer’s desire to follow the course of nationalism.

Reflection on the Speech

When considering this speech from the position of a German who does not know about the consequences of future actions that will be followed by the ideals of Hitler, the proposed theses look logical and even reasonable. The desire to strengthen the internal situation of the country weakened after the previous war is natural, and the arguments about the merits of unity seem to be correct. However, even despite these nuances, the course of nationalism cannot be considered a solution to problems since, as practice shows, it brings dangerous outcomes.


The ideas of nationalism and the desire to create an ideal nation are the main provisions of the speech. Germany’s internal and external problems are viewed as a threat to its integrity, and the rallying of the people is proposed to overcome difficulties. The chosen political course cannot be considered a solution to all the challenges, and the results of the nationalization of the German authorities prove this assumption.


Berlin: Proclamation to the German nation. (1933). Web.

Lebovics, H. (2015). Social conservatism and the middle class in Germany, 1914-1933. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Integrity In Relationships And Leadership

Integrity is an ethical concept that is widely discussed owing to its importance in life. In all areas of study, including religion, law, ethics, philosophy, politics, and psychology, it is viewed as the hallmark of ethical living and effective leadership. Humans live in accordance with socially acceptable values and principles. Integrity is the strict adherence to specific principles and values that are considered ethical, and it is characterized by qualities that include honesty, transparency, consistency of character, and truthfulness.

Successful relationships between parents and children, employers and employees, marriage partners, as well as teachers and students, are founded on trust and the willingness, to tell the truth, regardless of the prevailing situation or circumstance (Scherkoske 53). Many relationships fail because of the propensity to compromise principles. For example, a child might lie to their parent in order to avoid punishment, or an employee could feign sickness in order to have time to attend to family matters.

These actions involve compromising moral principles for selfish interests without considering their effects on other people. A person of integrity would avoid lying because their core values demand honesty and transparency at all times.

In ethics, integrity describes the consistent application of a framework of principles that are regarded as a measure of morality. For example, the concept is widely used in politics to evaluate the suitability of different individuals for leadership. Politicians are widely criticized for their lack of integrity because some of them manipulate citizens to get votes, use lies to garner support, and make promises that they fail to honor. In that regard, they lack integrity (Scherkoske 65). In order to be a person of integrity, it is important for individuals to focus on the development of their character. This process is difficult because it involves making mistakes, learning from them, and using the insights gained to improve personal character (Scherkoske 74).

Integrity is one of the most critical components of effective leadership. Successful leaders practice integrity by doing the right thing, standing for truth, keeping promises, and adhering to a strict set of moral principles (Hancott 52). Many companies have collapsed because leaders compromised their integrity in order to earn huge profits. I believe that integrity is important because people who possess this quality are honest, trustworthy, and dependable. In many companies, such individuals get promotions because they act with honor and truthfulness all the time (Hancott 86). Moreover, they are good at developing effective interpersonal relationships with their coworkers.

Integrity is one of the most important ingredients for success in personal and professional life. It facilitates the development of effective relationships, which are based on trust and transparency. Integrity can be practiced in both small and big ways. It is the duty of every person to behave according to the dictates of morally acceptable principles that vary from society to society, company to company, and community to community. Becoming a person of integrity is a worthy goal to pursue because it leads to the development of a strong character.

Works Cited

Hancott, Daren. Leadership is What? The Importance of Vision, Integrity, and Developing Others. Lulu Publishing Services, 2017.

Scherkoske, Greg. Integrity and the Virtue of Reason: Leading a Convincing Life. Cambridge University Press, 2013.

Spirituality Part In The Worldview Inventory


Over the years, several connotations have been developed with regard to the concept of spirituality. The commonly accepted definition of spirituality describes it as a religious process through which human beings seek to reorient their originality in the image of God through the help of the Holy Spirit (Sheldrake, 2013). Spirituality also refers to the attachment that people have to religious values. The concept is also used in reference to the property owned by a church. I believe that spirituality is the process through which people search for meaning in life by seeking a connection with something bigger than their soul.

Pluralism, Scientism, and Postmodernism

According to my understanding, pluralism refers to a social organization that tolerates diversities in race, religious beliefs, ethnicity, and cultural backgrounds. It is based on the principle that reality consists of numerous basic elements (Sheldrake, 2013). I believe scientism refers to a situation where someone is obsessed with science to the point of having too much conviction in the supremacy of scientific consciousness and practice. I understand postmodernism as a 20th-century faction that triggered the departure from a novelty in the fields of arts, architecture, and philosophy in a highly critical manner characterized by a general disbelieve in theories.

Prime reality and the nature of the world around me

According to my Christian religious beliefs, prime reality refers to the doctrine in the existence of God as revealed in the bible. He is triune, magnificent, ubiquitous, autonomous, and immanent (Aslan, 2017). I believe that the principle of prime reality shapes the world around me. God’s invisible qualities shape the way people perceive themselves and their relations with the world, thus influencing their behavior and beliefs.

I can say with certainty that the world around me is on hiatus because people have stopped being at peace with themselves. The world is no longer peaceful because people are angry and fighting on the inside, while they want to experience peace on the outside. This phenomenon has been necessitated by the large disconnect created by human beings between themselves and nature (Sheldrake, 2013).

A human being and happenings when one dies

A human being refers to any living or extinct member of the species Homo sapiens with distinguishing features such as erect carriage, articulate speech, and advanced intellectual growth (Steiner, 2014). I also believe that a human being is someone who does not treat others with the required dignity, as well as treats animals with dignity and is friendly to nature. According to the bible, when a person dies and one’s soul is separated from the body, the latter retrieves to the dust of deprivation (Aslan, 2017).

Possibility of knowing anything at all

One of the most contentious issues around the world the way human beings are capable of knowing anything. I believe one of the many reasons behind this phenomenon is the fact that people have varying religious beliefs, ethnicities, and cultures. This has created a situation where people develop varying and irreconcilable understandings of truth. Studies have shown that truth is conformity to reality as verified by a society, political group, or like-minded people (Aslan, 2017). This means that truth is anything that one decides as so. From a Christian perspective, I believe the ability of human beings to know anything is founded on the belief that God exists because he revealed himself to his disciples. Thus, God is the source of all the knowledge that human beings have, and because of his unchanging nature, truth becomes consistent and unlimited (Steiner, 2014).

The ability of people to know right or wrong

I believe the ability of people to choose between right and wrong is also founded on the unchanging nature of God. People are able to choose right because their ability comes from God, and that is his character. Through the Ten Commandments, God gave human beings the power and ability to understand right and wrong (Steiner, 2014). Therefore, whenever someone is doing a wrong thing, it is right to assume that one is aware of his or her actions because they already know the right thing to do. God clearly defines right and wrong. Thus they cannot change under any degree of human justification.

Meaning of human history

The meaning of human history is a highly controversial topic, especially among critics of religion. From a Christian perspective, I believe that human beings exist according to God’s plan. God had a purpose for creating human beings, thus forming the foundation of their history. The meaning of human history started when Adam and Eve disobeyed God. Their sins led to both spiritual and physical deaths on earth as punishment for disobedience.

Later on, God revealed his plan to save his people from destruction and restore their lost dignity (Steiner, 2014). Through his son Jesus Christ, God sent someone on earth whose sole purpose was to turn people back from their sinful ways and embrace the purpose for which they had been brought to fulfill on earth (Steiner, 2014). I believe that human history helps people to believe in the existence of God and his true nature.


Aslan, R. (2017). God: A human history. New York, NY: Random House Publishing Group.

Sheldrake, P. (2013). Spirituality: A brief history. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.

Steiner, R. (2014). Universal spirituality and human physicality. New York, NY: Rudolf Steiner Press.

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