Being Young: Advantages And Disadvantages Sample Assignment

People are prone to aging, and gradually, starting from infancy, a person turns into the elderly. All people go through the stage of youth, when they are no longer children but not yet adults. Everyone evaluates their young years in their way, that is, someone enjoys being young, and someone wants to grow up as soon as possible. Although youth has its advantages, there are still disadvantages, because of which some people may not like being young.

The main advantage of youth is that often young people do not have health related issues like the elderly. Pain forces a person to suffer, sometimes it more difficult for them to move, and almost nothing can please them anymore. Young people may also have some pain or get sick, but their body tends to regenerate more actively and efficiently, which helps them to recover faster (Webdale et al., 2018). Health is an essential and integral part of people’s lives, and any health problems lead to a deterioration in the quality of life of a person.

The main disadvantage of young people is that young people are in the care of their parents financially, since studying does not allow them to get a job and earn their own money. Youth often has many ideas, but they do not have the money to implement them. When a person grows up, earns their own money, and fulfills their dream, it no longer seems as fascinating as it would have appeared in their youth. The lack of financial independence, as well as the late realization of dreams and ideas, can be one of the disadvantages of youth.

In conclusion, there are various advantages and disadvantages of youth. The absence of health problems is a significant advantage, there are still many others. The drawback that young people do not have financial independence is not the only one. Still, being young is good since health and strength allow to choose what to do in the future.


Webdale, K., Baker, J., Robertson-Wilson, J., Leatherdale, S., & Wattie, N. (2018). Exploring the relationships between relative age, sport participation, education, and indicators of positive youth development. Sport Psychology, 50(1), 1-10. Web.

Essay Voice-over

The Walmart Company’s Marketing Campaign


Walmart headquartered in Bentonville is the largest retailer globally with over 70% of its sales coming from the domestic USA market. It had fewer online operations accounting for fewer sales globally but later made technological strategies a priority which led to its expansion to outside countries. It sells merchandise at low prices on e-commerce sites and at stores. Its ability to relate well with customers has led to its growth as well as the use of modern technology through online services. One of Walmart’s competitors is Amazon which sells the same products and services as well as prices. It has created a strong customer base by expressing its loyalty to the customers over the years.

Evolution of Walmart’s Marketing Campaign

Walmart has evolved its marketing campaign over the years. It was slow to embrace online operations but later made its digital strategy a priority, with the introduction of a critical marketing approach with a slogan that encouraged customers to save money and live a better life (Kotler & Keller, 2016). Walmart’s marketing campaign’s main goal was to cut customers expenditure and enhance their savings. It started with three main objectives, all of which showed how Walmart had cared for its customers since the beginning which, led to victory and excellence.

In the 1970s to 1980s Walmart started its operation with small stores then, later in 1988 opened a supercenter with the increasing demand of the people. They expanded outside Mexico City with stores which might have been considered for its poverty line where people were interested in the stores because of the product affordability (Ellickson, 2016). This strategy showed how Walmart used major marketing strategies by stating the wants of the people through keeping affordable prices and minimizing its profit margin. Walmart also added different facilities providing customers with easy access to their services, including a hair salon, optical center, pharmaceutical, photo lab, among others leading to company new innovations in online services such as online shopping and payment. It also had sales promotion through advertisements to create customer awareness of the available products.

Walmart’s Success

Its success may be attributed to its marketing strategies which enable it to have the largest proportion of market sales through advertisements, low prices, good customer relations, and technology. Walmart uses technology to predict inventory and demand as well as track product availability (Nyugen, 2017). These strategies have not only helped Walmart to develop but also encouraged customers to cut consumer spending and enhance their savings. Additionally, key skills like logistics and supply chain management are of great importance to Walmart’s success. This is brought about by doing away with intermediaries and obtaining services directly from producers. This way, the production cost is reduced and reliable information is directly obtained from the producers.

Walmart’s core principles; respect, quality, and service may be another company’s success. The company ensures that the clients receive high-quality products and services as well as bring up excellence in their activities. It also ensures that the customers receive proper treatment from the company regardless of their origin (Ellickson, 2016). This may be through good customer relations such as greetings, thanking the customers for visiting the company and identifying customers’ needs and wants, and responding to them appropriately.

Pros of Walmart’s Current Marketing Plan

The pros of Walmart’s latest marketing initiatives include; low production cost as well as increased store size. The company sells its products and services at a reduced price to its clients. This may be due to competition from other companies. Another advantage of Walmart over its competitors is, providing a diverse selection of goods and services in a location with proximity to its customers. Product development is another benefit made by Walmart through the creation of goods and services with modified attributes that offer a new or additional advantage to the buyers.

Another consistent key to Walmart’s marketing plan success is total customer satisfaction. This is through giving customers a priority to access Walmart by integrating online services, smartphones, and physical available stores (Kotler & Keller, 2016). Product and service quality is another Walmart’s most recent marketing initiative. Walmart is able to produce products and services that satisfy the customer stated or implied needs. This may be through specifications of design or even operating product characteristics.

Cons of Walmart’s Current Marketing Plans

Walmart has got cons in the current marketing plan. It has been showing an inadequate connection in e-marketing strategy in the recent world of technology. It has been operating with relatively small and in some instances unprofitable business chains that are really inhibiting its chances to progress in the e-retail business.

Walmart Versus Amazon

However, Walmart has continued to compete with Amazon by the use of emerging technology to make online shopping more convenient for its customers through the provision of faster and easier services. Just like Amazon, Walmart has sustained competitive and affordable prices throughout its product expansion. This is to ensure that it attracts many customers leading to business development. Walmart has also embraced product diversification just as Amazon through its large availability of physical locations. Walmart’s stores have close proximity to its customers in the U.S market hence saving time for customers to reach the market.

Amazon Online Success

Amazon has performed well online compared to the other companies which have experienced a lot of challenges. This might be due to a high-quality customer experience (Denning, 2019). Amazon provides excellent customer services such as offering low prices, convenient shipping, a large product list, and displaying their products to each individual consumer (Kotler and Keller, 2016). Amazon also provides incentives to customers as a way of motivating its customers. They have a customer-friendly website that is easy to sail. However, Amazon is also expanding services to outside markets including Canada and France.

Kindle Revolution

Kindle has already revolutionized the book industry. This is because it used its own strategies to compete with its competitors. Its small size (able to fit in a pocket) and its large storage space which could hold many books, made it convenient for travel and work companions. Its ability to hold many books, simple operation, and diffusion of innovations made kindle very fecund.

Amazon’s Next Move

Amazon’s next step may be the strategic use of technologies since it is willing and able to lead the Artificial Intelligence innovations. Amazon has already launched its new Artificial Intelligence conference which embraces the use of new technology. They also launched Prime Air’s new drone delivery design at the conference which is one of the major plans to advance transportation and delivery time. This will ensure that the customers get their products in time. In addition, they announced a sortation robot to be used in the market centers. This shows Amazon’s commitment to advanced technology in the future days.


In conclusion, further studies need to be conducted in order to improve the existing marketing strategies. Online marketing has greatly increased the marketing sector by providing interaction opportunities and individualization via e-mails, websites, and display ads. Online marketing has also enhanced proper and timely communication by the companies and their customers from their diverse locations.


Ellickson, P. B. (2016). The evolution of the supermarket industry: from A & P to Walmart. In Handbook on the Economics of Retailing and Distribution. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2016). A framework for marketing management (p. 352). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Nguyen, T. T. H. (2017). Wal-Mart’s successfully integrated supply chain and the necessity of establishing the Triple-A supply chain in the 21st century. Journal of Economics & Management, 29, 102-117.

The Utilitarianism Argument For Public Policy


Utilitarianism holds that an action that is morally right should result in the most good. The theory of Utilitarianism refers to a type of consequentialism, which indicates that actions are understood based on the consequences produced. A Utilitarian view aims to maximize the overall good of others as well as own good. Adam Smith expected the natural economics law to cause happy outcomes. However, economic and political thinkers discovered that the natural laws of economics did not cause happy outcomes. As a result, they started looking for answers to crises caused by the industrial revolution, such as extreme poverty (Matthews & Hendricks, 2019). Utilitarianism supports actions that increase happiness and opposes actions that cause unhappiness with the ultimate goal of making the whole society better.

Jeremy Bentham and Happiness

Classical Utilitarians such as John Mill and Jeremy Bentham were interested in social and legal reforms. The fundamental motivation for developing Classical Utilitarianism was the desire to experience the change of corrupt, useless social practices and laws. A normative theory of ethics was needed as an essential tool to accomplish such a goal (Matthews & Hendricks, 2019). To explain what makes actions or policies morally right, the Classical Utilitarians needed to develop a theory explaining right and wrong in society. Thus, it is critical to review Bentham’s and Mill’s arguments on increasing or decreasing unhappiness for the highest number of people possible.

Inspired by earlier theorists, Bentham held that people were ruled by the fundamental qualities of pain and pleasure as humans seek to avoid pain and gain pleasure. Bentham promulgated the utility principle as a proper action for individuals and governments. Actions should be approved when promoting pleasure or happiness and condemned when they cause pain or unhappiness. Such an argument is seriously incompatible with psychological egoism. When Bentham endorsed the Hobbesian psychological egoism, he created problems for those trying to understand his moral theory. Psychological egoism does not advocate for the promotion of overall well-being at the expense of one’s own (Matthews & Hendricks, 2019). Ultimately, Bentham pulled back from his complete support of psychological egoism and admitted that individuals act benevolently, sometimes considering the good of humanity.

Bentham vehemently rejected the idea of the social contract and natural rights and provided a way to remedy the problems caused by the natural law of economics. If a limited government like Adam Smith suggested caused bad outcomes, Bentham proposed to increase the government scope to enable policies that cause better outcomes to be pursued. The best society provides the greatest happiness for as many people as possible. Thus, good policies should increase happiness or decrease pain (Matthews & Hendricks, 2019). For instance, if a majority of society is poor, with few wealthy people, then such a society can be considered unhappy.

John Stuart Mill and Happiness

Mill argued that while the happiness of one individual is essential, an action that leads to happiness for most people should be the correct answer. Mill sought changes to various parts of Bentham’s views that were often criticized. For instance, Bentham argued that there were only quantitative differences between happiness and pleasures. Harming people and puppies is terrible, but many people view hurting individuals as worse. Such intuitions could be accommodated using a new theory. Ultimately, Mill uses Bentham’s theory and hedonic calculus and adds a qualitative feature, which refines the quality of happiness produced by the action instead of relying on quantity alone. In addition, Mill distinguishes between rule- and act-Utilitarianism (Matthews & Hendricks, 2019). Rule-Utilitarianism focuses on rules covering various acts, whereas act-Utilitarianism focuses on specific acts.

The qualitative distinction happens between lower and higher pleasures or physical and intellectual pleasures. Some pleasure types are more fitting than others as intellectual pleasures are ranked higher than sensual ones. Generally, Mill argued that complex and simple pleasures are based on their quality. For example, pleasures that require intellectual capacities are better than sensual ones. Each type of happiness is intended to produce the highest happiness possible while promoting the least suffering (Matthews & Hendricks, 2019). Ultimately, adding a qualitative feature increased the understanding of pain and pleasure, expanding the framework for maximizing pleasure and reducing pain for the greatest number of persons.

Utilitarianism and Equality

Utilitarians argue that pleasure has intrinsic value and should be provided equally to many people possible. Utilitarianism originated from the word “utility,” meaning happiness or pleasure instead of usefulness. If something has an intrinsic value, it is considered an asset or commodity. Most persons value friendship and love because they are linked to happiness and pleasure. The best action will always produce more happiness than other actions. Furthermore, the happiness of everyone counts equally. As a result, governments must consider policies that lead to better outcomes for many people instead of focusing on every citizen’s interests. Sometimes, due to social class and other factors, some people and their happiness may have been considered more valuable and essential. For instance, the lives of masters were more valuable than those of the enslaved (Matthews & Hendricks, 2019). In Bentham’s time, the principle of equality was progressive as it lay on the government to implement policies that benefited the highest number of people equally.

Contributions to Public Policy

Most Utilitarians sought to utilize Utilitarianism and inform social policy and law. The goal of happiness increment underlies the arguments that most Utilitarians made. Bentham views the law as immutable and not monolithic. The impacts of a given policy may alter; thus, a policy’s moral quality may also change. For laws, a government does not implement good laws and leave them unchanged over long periods. Lawmaking should be a continual process that may be altered due to changing and diverse desires. A law may be good at one point and become bad at another point in time. Thus, Bentham’s theory allows lawmakers to know they should be sensitive to varying social circumstances (Berry, 2018). Although most laws may need to be updated, some of them reflect that action is intrinsically wrong irrespective of the consequences.

Mill also sought to inform public policy and law, as evidenced by his arguments for free speech and women’s suffrage. People have access to certain rights which are supported by utility. If people can show that alleged rights or duties are harmful, such rights are ungenuine. Since women were often denied suffrage rights in the past, such an act can be deemed harmful. Thus, improving women’s social status was important because they could be happier. Furthermore, denying women access to development opportunities and education is forgoing happiness (Berry, 2018). Men who deny women education, political expression, and self-improvement make such women unhappy.

Mill’s recommendations for social policy show the influences of his liberal theory training and education. He argued that everybody deserves education because it enables practical reasoning and shows the interrelationships between society and individuals’ long-term interests. Governments can use regulation, education, and taxation to alter social behavior. If the working classes are educated, they would voluntarily understand the need to have fewer children. As a result, new industries would increase labor prices, and no surplus labor would be available to cause a wage reduction (Berry, 2018). Mill did not depend on educating the working classes alone to improve society.

Universal education can ensure that most people understand Utilitarian ethics logic and the need to fulfill their long-term interests. Governments could establish laws that prevent landlords from getting unearned rents. Furthermore, governments can prevent worker exploitation and ensure each household has sufficient education, shelter, and food. Mill’s writings provide the basics of a modern welfare state. Contemporary civil rights and social welfare programs like unemployment compensation, free public education, subsidized medical care, housing, food, and regulations that improve worker safety (Berry, 2018). By giving the government positive roles in society, Mill’s policy recommendations aimed to maximize the happiness of multitudes of people.


It is critical to understand that Utilitarianism recognizes happiness as a good which should be equally maximized for the greatest number of people for a decision to be right. Two Classical Utilitarians are crucial to understanding the basics of Utilitarianism theory. Bentham and Mills made important arguments that inform social and law reforms. Both theorists aim to deliver social policies that result in the greatest happiness for as many people as possible. Public policies influenced by Utilitarianism include free housing, food, and education. Women’s rights form a fundamental part of explaining why an action that deprives people of happiness should be disapproved of. Universal education is a great social reform that can significantly improve the lives of millions of people. Such people would increase their knowledge, gain intellect, and increase their earning capabilities.


Berry, M. (2018). Morality and power: On ethics, economics and public policy. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Matthews, G., & Hendricks, C. (Eds.). (2019). Introduction to philosophy. Rebus Community.