Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neurotoxicity: Analysis And Innovation Strategies Essay Example

Innovation: Description

Neurotoxicity is a serious problem affecting both the quality of life of cancer patients and the very possibility of antitumor intervention. A large group of modern highly effective cytostatics, including Cytarabine, induce clinically significant symptoms of neurotoxicity which may require modification of doses, delays in treatment cycles, and even termination of intervention (Szoch & Kaiser, 2015). Unlike most of other complications associated with chemotherapy, the clinical manifestation of neurotoxicity is usually subjective. Evaluation of the severity of neurological impairments remains very conditional to date and largely depends on the experience of a health practitioner.

Since the adequacy of patient assessment and, consequently, the outcomes of chemotherapy depend on the level of practitioners’ competence and knowledge, it is recommended to develop a tool for the analysis of doctors and nurses’ neurotoxicity assessment skills, as well as behavioral guidelines and protocols (Visovsky et al. 2012). Additionally, as the innovation for the project aimed at the design of new neurological assessment tool for patients receiving high doses of Ara-C, it can be suggested to include the preliminary patient assessment with the purpose of health risk identification and prevention.

By obtaining relevant information before the development of complications, health practitioners may reduce possible biases and increase treatment effectiveness. Therefore, it may be considered that the combination of compliance with comprehensive patient assessment protocols with the application of preliminary evaluation tool may help reduce Cytarabine-induced neurotoxicity rates.

Diffusion of Innovation: Importance

According to Rother (2014), communication of research findings should be conducted in such a way that allows a lay audience, including decision-makers, stakeholders, and the general public, to implement information in risk management. Diffusion of innovation usually occurs in two major steps: communication of objective information (i.e., research evidence) and evaluation of innovation by those who already adopted it. It is possible to say that the second phase is especially important as it may verify the value of innovation and objective study findings and, in this way, accelerate and facilitate the diffusion process.

Communication of research results and innovation through publications in professional and academic journals or online media, including professional forums and websites, is of great importance because even if readers may not be interested in innovation as such, by having access to this information and reading about it, they may develop awareness of possible solutions for the improvement of adverse situations. As stated by Pashaeypoor, Ashktorab, Rassouli, and Alavi-Majd (2016), the knowledge of a particular practice increase the likelihood of the adoption of EBP. For this reason, it is important to disseminate information through appropriate communication models. In the case of the present clinical research project, the publication in a highly credible source can reaffirm the quality of proposed innovation.

Significance of Project Results

Nowadays, no unified standards related to the correction of Cytarabine-induced neurological complications can be found in contemporary literature. To date, researchers have investigated various drugs (e.g., tissue metabolism improving agents, calcium channel blockers, corticosteroids, analgesics, etc.) as potential neuroprotectors. Some of them demonstrated promising results and still data collected from randomized trials does not confirm the effectiveness of these agents (Beijers, Jongen, & Vreugdenhil, 2012). Moreover, the intervention of neurological disorders in oncological patients usually begins when the deterioration in the quality of life becomes severe. Therefore, the prevention of neurotoxicity is preferable.

It is possible to say that the results of the project are worth disseminating through a larger venue beyond the selected facility because of the large scope of the problem. According to statistical data, there are 28 million cancer survivors worldwide (Park et al., 2013). Thus, the issues related to post-chemotherapy recovery and quality of life of patients are topical especially because chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy may lead to “permanent symptoms and disability in up to 40% of cancer survivors” (Park et al., 2013, p. 420).

The results obtained through the examination of the new neurological assessment tool can be published in such periodicals as Journal of the Advanced Practitioner in Oncology or Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing because they are the recognized journals for practitioners and graduates. They provide recent information on a great variety of oncology-related topics, and articles published in the editions can be characterized as progressive and innovative.

Project Selection

In case the grant is received, it will be appropriate to start the research from identifying all possible risk factors contributing to chemotherapy-related neurological complications. A few of these contributing factors include the presence of anti-Hu and Anti-CV2 antibodies in patients, as well as hematological malignancies which may cause large- or small-fiber nerve dysfunctions (Park et al., 2013). It is also possible to investigate environmental risks and drug-induced risks.

The given objectives can be achieved through the collection and analysis of relevant research evidence. The results of the systematic literature review may then be used to design self-assessment and knowledge assessment tools for practitioners − it will be the second stage of the research process in the project. It will allow the identification of learning needs and support the development of both behavioral protocols for health providers and the tool for the preliminary assessment of risks for the development of neurotoxicity in patients.

Visovsky et al. (2012) state that the use of assessment guidelines including step-by-step examination and physical assessment handouts, as well as repeated training practices, significantly contribute to the feasibility and effectiveness of patient examinations. Therefore, it can be recommended to identify possible gaps in practitioners’ knowledge and skillfulness in order to reduce biases during the evaluation of proposed patient assessment tool at later stages of project completion.


Beijers A. J., Jongen J. L., & Vreugdenhil G. (2012). Chemotherapy-induced neurotoxicity: The value of neuroprotective strategies. The Netherlands Journal of Medicine, 70(1), 18-25.

Park, S. B., Goldstein, D., Krishnan, A. V., Lin, C. S., Friedlander, M. L., Cassidy, J.,… Kiernan, M. C. (2013). Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neurotoxicity: A critical analysis. A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 63(6), 419-437. Web.

Pashaeypoor, S., Ashktorab, T., Rassouli, M., & Alavi-Majd, H. (2016). Predicting the adoption of evidence-based practice using “Rogers diffusion of innovation model.” Contemporary Nurse, 52(1), 85-94. Web.

Rother, H. (2014). Communicating pesticide neurotoxicity research findings and risks to decision-makers and the public. NeuroToxicology, 45, 327-337. Web.

Szoch, S., & Kaiser, K. S. (2015). Implementation and evaluation of a high-dose Cytarabine neurologic assessment tool. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 19(3), 270-272.

Visovsky, C., Haas, M., Faiman, B., Kurtin, S., Shaftic, A. M., Lyden, E., & Rice, J. (2012). Nurse self-evaluation of assessment of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in patients with cancer. Journal of the Advanced Practitioner in Oncology, 3(5), 319–325.

Industrial-Organizational And Social Psychology


Industrial-organizational psychology studies how individuals behave and cooperate in work settings. Social psychology studies how the behavior of people is influenced by the presence or opinion of others (Kuther & Morgan, 2012). Bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degree holders’ are offered many employment opportunities due to the high applicability of these spheres of psychology. The practical value of industrial-organizational and social psychology may be explained by the fact that human behavior determines everything that is connected with communication and work performance.


“Industrial psychology is a branch of psychology that studies how an individual behaves and cooperates in work settings” (Kuther & Morgan, 2012, p. 99). Organizational psychology studies the same subject but on a higher level: it studies the interaction of individuals in groups to provide more productive and efficient workflow (Kuther & Morgan, 2012). Social psychology studies how the behavior of people is influenced by the presence or opinion of others and considers such factors as the influence of social approval, subjective interpretation of social messages, decision-making patterns, etc (Kuther & Morgan, 2012).

Industrial-Organizational and Social Psychology within the Field of Psychology

Both industrial-organizational and social psychology are closely connected with other branches since they use the scientific knowledge of different studies in cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, health psychology, and others. For example, the results of the analysis of such cognitive activities as perception and motivation that is performed within the framework of cognitive psychology may be used in industrial-organizational psychology for the selection and placement of employees, performance evaluation, and training of employees (Kuther & Morgan, 2012). Social psychology uses the results of cognitive studies to solve various social problems in education and business spheres on the assumption that all social problems are caused by human behavior.

Levels of Education

To work in the spheres of industrial-organizational and social psychology, one should achieve a certain level of education. Bachelor’s degree gives certain opportunities in management and education services. However, if a student considers a career of an industrial-organizational or social psychologist, they should contemplate obtaining an advanced degree, since it will allow working not only in work and teaching settings but also in academic ones. Master’s and doctoral degrees provide various employment opportunities in management, teaching, training, business consulting, and scientific services (Kuther & Morgan, 2012).

Jobs and Incomes

Industrial-organizational psychologists may be involved in business and teaching settings performing the interviewing and survey work for state or private companies. Industrial-organizational psychologists examine, analyze, and evaluate the abilities, performance, behavior, and interaction of people that work together to develop a scheme that will provide the efficient workflow of a company.

The income directly depends on the level of education, the experience of the employee, and the setting in which he works. Master’s degree holders may count on $65,000 per year, doctoral degree holders’ salary is approximately $80,000 per year. However, if industrial-organizational psychologists are employed in the private sector, their annual income may reach $100,000 (Kuther & Morgan, 2012).

Salaries of social psychologists also depend on the level of education and type of setting. Psychologists with master’s and doctoral degrees are offered more employment opportunities and may be involved in various spheres. For example, they may teach students in colleges and universities, or work in state and private companies, examining the employees’ perception of new policies, developing social campaigns that attract people’s attention to such problems as poverty, violence, and others. The average annual income of social psychologists is approximately $85,000 (Kuther & Morgan, 2012)

Possible Career

I find both industrial-organizational and social psychology rather attractive career options. Although these branches of psychology do not provide much of the scientific knowledge that helps to save people’s lives, I think that numerous possibilities of their practical application almost in all spheres of human activity make industrial-organizational and social psychology a good choice for a future psychologist. The variety of employment opportunities that are available even for bachelor’s degree holders and considerable average annual incomes are two main factors that speak for industrial-organizational and social psychology.

Interesting Facts

This report helped me understand the practical value of social psychology. It was interesting to learn that social psychologists play a significant role in the development of corporative and even state policies. Previously I was convinced that social psychology is a secondary branch that influences neither science nor social life, but with the possibility to change and reform policies comes the possibility to develop states’ ideologies, and this speaks of great power that social psychology has over social, political, and even economic life of our society.

Everyday Experience

As a follow-up to the above-mentioned practical value of industrial-organizational and social psychology, I want to discuss the Psych Files podcast that suggests five characteristics that affect employees’ motivation. These characteristics include significance, identity, variety, feedback, and autonomy (Britt, 2011). Indeed, as a person that will soon start seeking employment, I could not agree more that my motivation directly depends on the importance of a job, variety of activities that it suggests, the possibility to discuss my progress as an employee, and reasonable freedom of action to develop my professional skills.

Another Psych Files podcast reveals the effect that social psychology produces on people’s personal development. Theoretical bases of social psychology were used in web search engines design: these engines use the information from our social networks accounts and previous search activities to provide us with links that may interest us. As a result, “we get trapped in a ‘filter bubble’ and don’t get exposed to information that could challenge or broaden our worldview” (Britt, 2012).

Again, this point may be supported by my impressions and the experience of my friends. The advertisements of things that we previously looked for on different sites may be rather annoying and create an unpleasant impression of limitations. It is important to delete the browsing history so that web engines could not offer similar information several times thus trapping us in the “filter bubble”.

Hot Topic

The analysis of the recent scandal that was evoked by leaked Access Hollywood tape where Donald Trump speaks disrespectfully of women may serve as an illustration of social psychology application to real life. In a taped conversation, Trump tells how he sexually assaulted women and explains: “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything” (New York Times, 2016, p. 21). Social psychology studies how the behavior of people is influenced by the opinion of others. The opinion is formed based on many factors, and power is not the last one. When people realize that they have power and authority, they feel the freedom of action and start to behave openly. They reveal their true nature because they feel the protection of their power. That is how Trump’s behavior may be explained by social psychology.


Industrial-organizational and social psychology are embedded within the field of psychology and interconnected with its other branches, such as cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, and health psychology. Industrial-organizational and social psychology are highly applied branches of psychology because they allow solving different social problems that occur in all spheres of activities. The practical value of these branches may be explained by the fact that human behavior determines everything that is connected with communication and work performance.


Britt, M. (Presenter). (2011). Episode 142: How to Make Jobs More Satisfying and Motivating. Web.

Britt, M. (Presenter). (2012). Episode 170: Is the Web Making You Narrow-Minded?. Web.

Kuther, T. L., & Morgan, R. D. (2012). Careers in psychology: Opportunities in a changing world (4th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Cengage Learning.

New York Times. (2016). Transcript: Donald Trump’s taped comments about women. Web.

The Revolutionary Meaning Of Che Guevara Posters


In her poignant article “Posters: Advertisement, Art, Political Artifact, Commodity”, Susan Sontag takes issue with a forceful push for consumption that transforms a seemingly benign pictorial medium—poster—into the driver of capitalism. The author deliberates on the nature of the art-commodity dichotomy while focusing her analytical lenses on mass-produced images as material objects that function both within political and artistic realms. This paper aims to discuss Che Guevara posters that are commonly displayed in people’s rooms with reference to the writings of Sontag.


The distinctive image of Che Guevara has been brandished by revolutionaries of all hues and stripes; however, no one has been so brazen about sporting the iconic portrait as those who do not have any understanding of the historical significance of the person. A case in point is a Che poster in my friend’s apartment. Never having been to Cuba, it is challenging for Nathan to connect the abstract meaning of the image with anything that he might have experienced in his daily life. In addition to being completely detached from the historical, cultural, and revolutionary processes underpinning the emergence of Che on the political arena of Cuba, the man has no interest in challenging lingering dogmas of the establishment. A corollary is that the choice of the countercultural symbol is not loaded with deep symbolism; rather, it has been entirely dictated by a whim, which instantiates ‘emotional tourism’ derided by Sontag.

It can be argued that the poster of Che has been purchased by Nathan in a bout of omnivorous consumption that undergirds all disparate structures of the modern capitalist society. Instead of championing revolutionary ideals, the poster propels the expansion of capitalist capacities by sanctioning the ideological consensus on the state of the economic participation of masses. It follows that without grasping the concept behind the image of the revolutionary leader, the poster cannot be regarded as an emotional foci of one’s aspirations and ambitions.

I would be remiss in not pointing to the strong commercial undertone of the image itself that precludes the emergence of any meaningful emotional response to the poster. By virtue of being mass-produced, the measured brevity of the image gives way to a great measure of the ideological cynicism of the modern era that facilitates the occurrence of a transaction in which an embodiment of heroism and resistance is exchanged for units of oppressed individuals’ toil. Taking into consideration the paucity of inputs into the production of a single picture of the guerrilla leader, the egregiousness of the transaction allowing to extract profit from unassuming cultural consumers can indeed produce ‘moral vertigo.’

The intellectual climate of the modern era breeds emotional tourists who are, unlike actual travelers, dare not to venture outside the comfort of their conceptual bounds. However, it can be argued that a diligent attempt to glean several smidgens of meaning behind the iconic image can cancel out the toxicity of its dark underbelly. Even though the mass-produced Che posters cannot approach the grandiosity of art crowning Cuban liberation and its identity forged in the struggle, the conscious choice of the cultural object redeems one from partaking in cultural appropriation to some extent.


The paper has discussed the subversion of the revolutionary meaning of Che Guevara posters by their commercial production. It has been argued that the modern use of the countercultural symbol would have been frowned upon by Sontag who in no uncertain terms opposed the dilution of the aesthetic aspect of image-making in the process of its transformation into an object of consumption.

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