Consumer Buying Experience In The Age Of AR And VR Writing Sample

You all won’t have to scratch your head to find out what does the above picture represents. Pokémon Go, for a brief period, had once become Top-of-the-Mind recall for gaming enthusiasts surfing their App stores. Based on the Japanese folk religion, Shinto, Pokémon Go, not only was an instant hit but its success announced the arrival of AR/VR on the global stage. Based on AR, Pokémon Go bolstered the acceptability of AR/VR in the hearts and minds of consumers.

What is Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality?

In layman terms, Virtual Reality or VR is a computer generated interactive experience taking place in a stipulated artificial environment by completely shutting the physical world and primarily experienced by 2 out of the 5 senses i.e. sight and sound. Augmented Reality or AR, on the other hand, is an interactive, reality-based display where objects residing in the real world are augmented by digital information. Unlike VR, AR can include almost all senses including Visual, Auditory, Somatosensory, Olfactory, and Haptic.

How Brands are using AR/VR in Marketing

Marketing campaigns have always been communicated through traditional media sources like TV, Radio, and Newspapers etc. before the advent of Social media grabbed a significant part of marketing space. Now, imagine delivering a marketing strategy in real time. Clients and customers get to experience the product or service as it is meant to be used.

For AR the mode of communication is Apps which are accessible through Smartphones while VR uses bulky Video Headsets to communicate.

The above picture is of Hyundai’s AR tool to help the company’s salespeople show potential buyers the car’s built-in safety feature as well as colour and accessories option. The app showcases a 3D model of the car so that users can change its colour and wheel types, and view animations showing difficult-to-explain safety features such as lane-keeping assist system and autonomous emergency braking.

Fast-food giant McDonalds has launched ‘Happy Goggles,’ a VR headset made out of a Happy Meal box and having a basic-looking skiing game shown. Thus, not only playing on the conceptTop-of-the-mind recall and the first-movers advantage but developing customer loyalty and securing their buying behavior towards brand McDonalds early in their life-cycle.

Why AR/VR experience matters?

Consumers especially those belonging to Generation Y and Z are now preferring experiences over material needs. Both the generations being the digital citizens will form the key target segment for any AR/VR related market campaigns. The crux of the so-called immersive experience is more likely to keep them interested in the product rather than simply seeing a picture of it.

Above all, AR/VR enriches the relationship between consumer and brand and adds value at every stage of the consumer journey: Pre-sales, Sales, and Post-sales

Pre-Sale: Add value to the shopping experience

 Remove uncertainty from decision-making

Determining whether a new home appliance or a particular piece of furniture would fit well within your personal space used to be a daunting task. This is where AR apps like IKEA Place and View in Room 3D score. These interactive apps remove the uncertainty as they project the furniture or décor in 3D at full-scale by helping shoppers transform their homes into virtual showrooms.

Check what’s trending before taking the big decision

Peer influence is a strong driver for sales. Brazilian retailer C&A displays its apparel on innovative clothing hangers. As shoppers pass through the store, they can aim their smartphone app at the item, and check the number of “likes” on the particular item.

Point of Purchase: Boost Sales

 Virtual dressing rooms

AR apps make shopping for apparel easier.  Dressing Room by Gap allow customers to select an Apparel from the virtual shelf and then choose their clothing size. An AR-generated model tries on the clothing and can be rotated 36⁰, allowing the customer to get a better idea of how the clothes will fit.

 Immersive Retail

Starbucks flagship Roastery in Shanghai is using the power of AR to transform the retail experience. Visitors use their smartphone to unlock fun visuals, gather information about products, and even learn about the roasting process. Thus, a whole version of customer involvement.

Post-Sale support: Solidify the brand-customer relationship

Self-service support

Brands are tapping into powerful AR-based self-service for upping their post-sales service game. Using a smartphone, customers can access the product related FAQs, manuals and training material displayed in an AR overlay.

Technical support

The agent-customer interactions during technical support calls can be eliminated with AR-based visual support. Visual Support allows customers to hold a smartphone near the product and all parts will be identified in real time by computer vision technology.


Customer relationship is changing dramatically as consumers these days are preferring experiences over material needs. The advent of AR/VR has the potential to not only become a differentiator for organizations but also take the overall customer experience to a new level. Through Apps and Video Headsets, the two upcoming technologies can be added throughout the customer value-chain i.e. Pre-sales, Sales and Post-Sales and create a unique value proposition for both organizations and customers.



Steve Jobs And The Apple Life Experience

Eight years ago, I walked into Penn Square Mall with my father attempting to buy my dear mom a Christmas gift. My father is a bit of a tech junkie, and like most sons, I wanted to be just like him, so of course, we selfishly decided to go to the Apple Store. As I walked into the entryway of the store my eyes were immediately drawn to the Christmas gift of my dreams, the MacBook Air. I made my way past a few customers and scurried across the beautiful hardwood floors to the MacBook Air. While my dad attempted to find a gift for my mom, I toyed with features such as Photobooth, Safari, and different games that had been installed on the laptop. When he finished shopping, my dad came over and realized that he has made a mistake in bringing me into the Apple Store. I was in love with the MacBook Air.

Because of their brilliance, hard work and dedication to being the best at every section of the Business Model Canvas, Steve Jobs and the Apple team are giving a similar experience to millions of people each day in Apple Stores worldwide. Although Jobs was responsible for much of Apple’s success, he was not responsible for its first value proposition. Mike Markkula, the second CEO of Apple, realized that there was a need for personal computers. In return, Steve Wozniak and Jobs invented and developed a solution – the Imac. Jobs had the idea of creating the Imac desktop after visiting the Xerox headquarters and observing the creation of their desktop computer, The Smalltalk. The Smalltalk had three amazing features, but one stood out more than the others to Jobs and his team and that was the graphical interface of the computer. Jobs was very open about his thoughts during this meeting. He knew that Xerox was sitting on a gold mine.

On the way back to Apple headquarters, Jobs knew what they had to do. Isaacson writes, “It was the breakthrough he had been looking for: bringing computers to the people, with the cheerful but affordable design of an Eichler home and the ease of use of a sleek kitchen appliance.” (97) The team began to create the Lisa named after the daughter Jobs abandoned. Jobs wanted The Lisa to look high-tech rather than industrial. It had to be no bigger than a phonebook. Jobs was known for saying, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” (Steve Jobs) The Lisa did not go as well as the team wished, but Jobs knew they had something great. Sadly, for Jobs, he would not be involved in making a product of greatness for several years. Jobs was ousted from Apple after he tried to undermine the CEO of Apple, John Sculley. When he came back as an advisor and eventually the interim CEO, he took the top 100 members of the Apple team on a retreat. During this retreat, Jobs did something that would change the world forever. In a meeting with the members, he went to the whiteboard and drew a chart with four quadrants.

Two of the columns, he labeled “consumer” and “pro”, while the two rows were labeled “desktop” and “portable”. From this chart, four value propositions were answered and four products were born: The Imac, as a consumer desktop; The Ibook, a consumer laptop; The Power Macintosh G3, for the professional desktop; and The Powerbook G3 for the professional laptop. Designed by Ives and Jobs, the Imac became a hit. It was a solution to the need of a personal desktop. It was designed as an all-in-one product with simplicity, a translucent design, and it came in five different colors. More recently Apple has created some other solutions to address pains in the marketplace. In 2001, Apple began to offer a portable way to listen to music and a mobile device with all kinds of different abilities. Apple also invented more updated and advanced computers. In the early 21st century, no company had developed a way to seize the marketplace for music.

Apple developed a marketplace that was better than illegally downloading or pirating music called the Itunes Store. Apple then created a solution to the problem of not having a portable device to play music on by developing the Ipod. The Ipod had a sleek all-white design and a trackwheel that allowed consumers to surf 2,000 of their favorite songs. It was seen as a revolutionary invention. In 2007, Apple created the Iphone, a sleek device with glass covering the screen and back of the phone. The Iphone had the ability to serve the normal cellular functions as well as play music, take pictures, take video, surf the web, download applications, and more. Apple continues to meet the needs in the marketplace with new and updated versions of these products as well as cutting-edge innovations. Many would say Apple’s value proposition has changed tremendously since the beginning of the company, but I would have to disagree. Their value proposition has always been centered around creating personal products that offer a solution to a pain in the marketplace to near perfection. That being said, as technology has become more advanced, it has allowed Apple to take its innovations to greater lengths such as information security.

Apple gave the consumer the ability to set a passcode to protect any unwanted person from accessing the phone. Later hey created the ability to use a fingerprint, and more recently, they offer facial recognition as a passcode. Although Apple is able to engineer and give their products more abilities, they are still developing solutions to similar needs and offering solutions as they did when they first began. Apple uses many different channels when communicating their value proposition to their customers. They use: direct channels, such as Apple stores; their online store; commercials; and indirect channels, such as Best Buy and other third parties who sell their products. They create an awareness for their value proposition using advertisements and displays, such as the “Think Different” campaign, Lee Clow’s Superbowl commercial, Macworld, and their Apple shops. They have done a great job of engaging consumers’ emotions. For, example the “Think Different” campaign used heroes from the past and present who had creative minds. Apple likes to convey a futuristic feel to its products. The commercial created by Lee Clow for the Super Bowl did just that. Apple also uses the channels they have created to help their customers evaluate their products in the way they want them to

. The front of most Apple stores is solid glass to show transparency. Each product on display is sitting on a gleaming, white table on sleek, hardwood floors. By displaying the products in such a manner, Apple gives their products a clean and sophisticated first impression to each consumer. When a consumer enters a store, there are always employees ready to help by not only informing you but showing you how to use them. If you decide that the product is so amazing you need it now, the Apple employee makes the purchase very simple by bringing one of their devices to you to scan your card and check you out. Apple also takes advantage of the packaging they use because they know it is your first experience with your newly purchased product. They are elegant and have a simple design and inside it contains everything the consumer needs for the product. If you have a problem with your device down the road, Apple does a great job of leaving channels open to give you assistance. You can walk into the store and head to the Genius Bar, a bar where Apple’s employees will give you help, set up an appointment, or look for help online.

Apple’s use of channels has changed drastically from its inception to now. Steve Jobs began by trying to sell computers at different conventions and would make the products in a garage. Apple did not have advertisements or any way to get news of the computer out to the masses. Eventually, after Apple began to grow and had some capital, they were able to start advertising. Apple was able to launch successful campaigns, such as “Think Different”. On May 19, 2001, Apple opened its first store. Apple store locations began to become more common and serve not only as a place where customers can go to purchase products, but also receive help when they have issues with the products. Apple has continued to open more stores and develop advertising campaigns that work as successful channels for themselves and their customers. Apple is notorious for their customer relationships and their ability to get, keep, and grow their relationships with their customers. Jobs’ implementation of the Genius Bar in all The Apple stores is an example of one way Apple succeeds at the customer relationship.

If a customer has an issue, they can come in and visit with Apple’s technicians at the Genius Bar who will help resolve their problems. Apple also does a great job of being on the cutting edge of product design. For example, the Ipad was a product that came out of the blue and was not proven but ended up being a huge success. Innovation like this will help get new customers, keep those relationships with current and new customers, and grow their relationships tremendously. Apple’s customer segments are males and females ranging in age from 18 to 45. They are considered middle to upper class according to John Dudovskiy of Research Methodology. Any person who wants or needs and can afford a personal computer, phone, or other device is a target for Apple. The most important customers are the younger consumers who crave the Apple experience and become repeat buyers for the rest of their lives. In the book “ Steve Jobs”, Walter Isaacson talks about how Markkula was the one to figure out what Apple’s segmentation strategy should be. Markkula wanted to target any individual who needed a personal computer rather than a work computer. As Apple grew, its segmentation never significantly changed, but the amount of devices they had to offer the segment did. Over the years, they tried to crack into other segments- specifically the work computer for working men and women with products like the Power Macintosh G3 and the Powerbook G3, but this was not their strength

. Recently, they have focused on offering solutions to the problem of not having the best personal devices on the market. December 25, 2011, it’s Christmas morning and my little sister runs into my room repeating “Santa came” over and over again. I rip my sheets off and run as fast as my two feet will carry my down the stairs. As I turn the corner, I see the most beautiful silver, 13-inch, MacBook Air sitting on top of its box. The shock on my face and the hilarious reaction I had when I turned the corner were all caught on a video camera. That was my first personal experience with an Apple product, and it was the beginning of a long line of experiences with different Apple products. The ability of Steve Jobs to design spectacular products and dominate the Business Model Canvas has allowed Apple to give others a fantastic experience like the one I had and be the successful company it is today. Thank you Mr. Jobs.

France Regained Control Of Louisiana

Jefferson’s intentions for the country depended upon western extension and admittance to foreign exchanges for American farm commodities. This idea was endangered, but, when France reacquired control of Louisiana; Napoleon, who had now succeeded to power in the French Revolution, threatened to obstruct American passage to the major port of New Orleans on the Mississippi River. New American establishments west of the Appalachian Mountains depended upon river transportation to get their assets to market because the overland barter to the east was costly and unrealistic. Barring American passage to New Orleans was such a critical peril to American affairs that President Jefferson contemplated replacing his traditional international policy position to an anti-French association with the British. At the same time that he assigned ambassadors to France to negotiate for continued commerce passage by the Mississippi, he also assigned ambassadors to Britain to try other policy options. James Monroe, the best negotiator in Paris, was allowed to buy New Orleans and West Florida for within two and ten million dollars. Shockingly, though, Napoleon granted a lot extra. His militarily was failing and he desperately needed money to further his fight against Britain. Understanding full well that he could not compel Americans out of the land France occupied in North America, Napoleon allowed all of the Louisiana territory to the U.S. for 15 million dollars. The extensive territory ranged from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains. It also doubled the area of the U.S. Napoleon’s asking value was about four cents per acre.

The deal happened in April 1803, however it produced a fair amount of dispute. While American construction in the early 1800s depended on expanding westward, it also increased contentious problems that could lead to the separation of the U.S. A couple New England Federalists, for instance, started to speak of leaving from the U.S. since their political influence was heavily lessened by the Lousiana purchase. The Louisiana Purchase displays Jefferson’s experience to make practical administrative decisions. Though opposite to a few of his fundamental beliefs, ensuring western development was so significant to Jefferson’s total concept that he exercised definite progress. The accumulations were touching because the territory gained would give thirteen new states to the union. In 1812, Louisiana became the leading state to enter the union from property obtained in the purchase. Louisiana was permitted to enter the U.S. with its French legal traditions mainly in place. Even today, Louisiana’s judicial system maintains many parts that do not match common law customs.

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