CorelDraw And Ms Paint Comparison Free Sample


This research paper seeks to illustrate differences that exist between CorelDraw and Ms Paint, in terms of their features and applications.


CorelDraw as defined in (Bain and Bouton 2008) is a kind of vector graphic editor, which was developed as well as marketed by a company called Corel Corporation. CorelDraw has been developed under the product brands of Corel’s Graphics Suite, and it is the most recent version that is also referred to as X4, released to the market place early in the year 2008. CorelDraw was initially designed to serve in Microsoft windows, and as of now it is used in Windows XP as well as Windows Vista. The initial versions of Corel were phased out since they tended to be slow in their operations, and also recorded low levels of sales at the market place, leading to their modifications to form the current CorelDraw.

History of CorelDraw

The history of CorelDraw can be traced to the periods of 1980s, when in 1987 Corel company designed a vector based illustration form of program, which was meant to match up with the developments which were taking place in the designing of the desktop publishing systems. The Corel software was later released in 1989, when the program under which the software was developed from received positive market response. In the CorelDraw software’s development history, there has been the development of CorelDraw 1.x and 2x that was used in Windows 2.x as well as 3.0. Later on, CorelDraw 3.0 was developed when Windows 3.1 was released by Microsoft Company. The face of CorelDraw changed at the time when TrueType was incorporated in the development of a more advanced Windows 3.1. This inclusion process lead to the CorelDraw having more operational features, whereby the CorelDraw program managed to become a more sophisticated illustration program that had the potential of applying the features of system installed forms of outline fonts with minimal assistance from the other kinds of software programs like Adobe Type Manager. The operational features rendered the CorelDraw software a pioneer graphics suite, with the potential of using vector graphics software in carrying out photo editing. The software also incorporated the font manager as well as many other forms of software, which were included in the different versions of the CorelDraw software (Bain and Bouton 2008).

Features of CorelDraw

CorelDraw has evolved in its features to assume the current state of a vector based illustration. The features of CorelDraw began with a node edit tool, a tool that was able to operate in a variety of ways when applied in different types of objects, then there is fit text that leads to path, then the stroke before fill characteristic, that is followed by quick fill stroke color choice palettes then the perspectives projection feature as well as mesh fill, in addition to the complex gradient color fills (Bain and Bouton 2008).

Ms Paint

Ms Paint as discussed in (Bain and Bouton 2008) is a form of a simple graphical painting program, which has been incorporated in most of the Microsoft windows systems from the time it was developed. Ms Paint has the capability of opening and saving files in the computer systems as Windows bitmaps, which is comprised of 24-bit and 256 colors among other many features. The other forms in which the program can operate in include the JPEG as well as GIF and the other windows versions like 98, 95 and NT4 among many others. Ms Paint can take the color forms of black or white and in some occasions a two color look. Considering its simple application procedures, it has managed to serve a high number of computer users. The history of Ms Paint can be traced with the development of Windows 1.0, and as the windows systems have been developed, the program has been incorporated in this systems and its name changed from paintbrush to Ms Paint when it was incorporated in the Windows 95.


The Ms Paint program enables the computer users to choose on more than one color to work on at the same period of time, by using the mouse clicks. As displayed in the menu box, the image menu for Ms Paint displays a number of options, which includes flip/rotate, invert colors, as well as stretch/ skew among many other features like clear image. There is also a colors menu, which enables the user to changes the features of the colors in their text or drawings. The colors contained in the dialog box are more than 40 (Bain and Bouton 2008).


The difference that exists between CorelDraw and Ms Paint is that, it has positioned itself as a graphics suite that has managed to encompass the vector graphics programs features. In taking this position of a graphics suite, the software has displayed a wide range of editing tools, which can enable the user to make changes to the graphic designs in the computer system such as making changes to the contrast in colors, utilizing color balance features, as well as changing the format features, including the unique effects like vignettes among others like the special borders. On the other hand, CorelDraw has got the potential to deal with a high number of pages at the same time when it is used in line with multiple master layers that are generated from the main program that makes it more beneficial to the users as compared to the other software programs like Ms Paint. CorelDraw finds it easy to create the many documents that can be edited at the same time since it has the Corel print engine, that enables the software to generate booklet forms of documents and other forms of features that even the simple types of printer systems can be employed to come up with finished documents.

In addition to that, the software is also able to use the single and many page documents to establish text boxes, which can be adjusted and transferred as the text information in the documents, assume their right positions in the various document pages. This feature of the CorelDraw makes it useful in designing articles in magazines and other multiple article documents. When compared to Ms Paint, CorelDraw is able to perform more features whereby although both of them are computer software programs, CorelDraw enables the user to have access to Adobe PDF files, whereas for Ms Paint can only manage to print its documents through PDF in collaboration with Adobe PDF Writer driver while CorelDraw it is able to open and edit the various aspects of the initial layout out and design. In addition to that, CorelDraw has the capability of opening PowerPoint presentations as well as the other Microsoft office formats with minimal problems, function that Ms Paint cannot manage to offer (Bain and Bouton 2008).


Although the both CorelDraw and Ms Paint are software programs used in the computer systems, they tend to differ in their applications whereby Corel Draw is more complex in its features and applications as compared to Ms Paint.

Word count 1150


Bain, S, Bouton, G, (2008). CorelDraw X4: The official guide. McGraw-Hill Professional.

“Essential Of Sociology: A Down To Earth Approach”

            In our text, it discusses how the United States is a society that is made up of many different groups, or a pluralistic society.  These groups are diverse in their religious beliefs and come from different racial and ethnic backgrounds.  Because of so much diversity, identifying the core values of the society in the United States can be difficult.  Many sociologists have worked at identifying the underlying core values that are shared by the majority of groups in America’s society and a Sociologist by the name of Robin Williams (1965) identified twelve.  In an earlier edition of this book James Henslin, the author, had three core values that he identified and added; education, religiosity and romantic love.

            The first, achievement and success, shows that Americans place a high value on personal achievement; this would also include outdoing others.  Examples of this would be getting ahead at work or school and getting wealth, power or high esteem.  Individualism is the second.  Americans prize success through individual success and will fault someone who is not able to get ahead.  The blame will lie with the individual instead of possible fault with the social system.   The third would be that Americans are to work hard or keep busy even when not working.  But this value is becoming less important in the United States.  Americans value efficiency and practicality.  An award for such things as getting things done efficiently, as fast and as well as possibilities for the increase of efficiency is always valued in American society.  New technology and science is extremely important to American culture.  Americans also expect this technology to come at a rapid pace, progress.  American’s value material comforts, whether they are need or wants.  Humanitarianism was identified as the eighth.  This would include helpfulness, kindness and aid during disasters.  Freedom is a major core value in America.  Any kind of personal limitations is unconceivable in American society.  Robin

Williams believed that equality was a central core value Americans shared.  With democracy the belief is that the majority rules in the United States.  Racism and group superiority is also a core value for Americans but in the United States Americans will place a higher value on some groups more than others (Henslin, 2004).

            Education for Americans is a very important core value.  “Americans are expected to go as far in school as their abilities and finances allow” (46).  A college education is an expected and accepted goal of most Americans.  Religious beliefs in the United States have every true American as being religious.  Individuals don’t have to belong to any certain church or synagogue, but members in this society should have a belief of a higher being and follow matching sets of perception.  “This value is so pervasi8ve that Americans stamp ‘In God We Trust’ on their money and declare in their national pledge of allegiance that they are ‘one nation under God’” (46).  In the United States marriage should only happen when people are in love, or romantic love.  This belief is imbedded in American songs, literature, mass media and folk beliefs.  Americans have a strong belief that love will conquer all.

            No core value acts alone and cluster together to make a larger whole.  This is called value clusters and is very important to understanding core values and how they work.  Examples of this might be that hard work, education, efficiency, material comforts and individualism are all connected.  Americans are expected to go as far in school as they can, work hard after graduation, making sure they are efficient and to gain a large amount of material gain which will show success.

            Value contradictions will play a part when studying core values.  James Henslin used the example of group superiority which contradicts freedom, democracy and equality.  “There simply cannot be full expression of freedom, democracy, and equality along with racism and sexism” (48).  How Americans have overcome this problem is by giving one group more of a status than another.  New and emerging core values and core value clusters have been seen more recently in American society they include leisure, physical fitness, self-fulfillment, and concerns for the environment.

            Growth in the recreational industry has given way to an emergence of the concept that leisure is a core value in America.  Computer games, boats, recreational vehicles such as R.V.’s and off road vehicles, sports arenas, vacation homes and the travel or vacation industry has helped to make this value grow within the society.  Physical fitness is stressed even more today in our society.  Just look at some of the reality shows like “The Biggest loser” or the one where Shaq helps kids get fit.  The term “all that you can be” best describes the self-fulfillment value Americans have, the text lists books and talk shows that focus on self-help and relating, along with personal development.  This cluster of values is a switch from creating a nation or fighting for economic survival to now centering on living longer and more leisure time.  With environment as a new emerging core values in America the development of environment issues is up front in today’s society, but still only after basic needs are met within that society.

            Changes in core values are not welcomed and individuals in American society see this as a threat to their way of life.  When people hold dearly their value beliefs and don’t feel threatened then a feeling of well being will prevail in the society, but if change is immanent then a feeling of crisis is felt.  I can see this more in our society with the idea of marriage and religion.  In recent times marriage or the institution of marriage has come under fire in America.  The issue being should gays be allowed to legally marry?  This brought a storm of controversy that continues today and upsets the basic core values Americans have on marriage.  Another core value that is changing and is causing clashes is religion.  When the war in Iraq began the spreading theme that seemed to cause a stir was the possibility of Muslim faith dominating Christian faith.  In my opinion this became more of a religious war, rather than a war for oil.  With this war there is also crisis showing up in Iraqi society, meaning the United States pushing for democracy in that country, this would be another example of changing core values that would cause crisis.

            Values and their beliefs can show a very different picture of reality in some societies and give a view of how life ought to be that isn’t real at all.  This will tend to make one society blind to another’s values.  American society has a tendency to think that anyone can do anything with effort.  Our society tends to focus on the precious few that are able to do this, but if someone was on the outside looking in this would not be the picture the other society would see.  Instead they could possibly see that Americans are unrealistic with an egocentric concept of the world around them.


Henslin, J.M. (2004). Essentials of sociology: a down to earth approach, 5th. Ed.

            Boston: Allyn and Bacon

Henslin, J. M. (1975). Introducing sociology: Toward understanding life in society.

             New York: Free Press.

Williams, R. M. (1965). American society: A sociological Interpretation, 2nd. Ed. New     York: Knopf

Four Theories That Unify Biology As A Science

Science and sciences related subjects have remained as units of paramount importance to the human life. There is much hope for individuals and communities in the progression and advances in the scientific fields. Many have believed the changes of world productivity, economic growth and states stability can only be achieved through the development and advances of scientific studies and researches. The advancement of science technology and the correlated fields has evidently done so, leading to realization of transitions from the old perceptions of reasoning of mankind on the nature and natural life. (Bowler, 1989)

The view of life on its natural ways has not only been a field that has blessed human beings, but it has also fascinated him in diverse manners. The uniqueness on living organism perhaps led to the studies of biology.  Biological understanding and the appreciation of the studies has been a long historical work. Like many other scientific units, it has been a field that has created a lot heated debates; hence, it’s a field eminently full of resourceful work of ideas and thought from diverse individuals. Although the diversity of biologists were initially displayed both on distances as well as in their opinions on one subject, the existence of these variables has at  later end produced  the most fascinating results on flora and fauna life and life span outcome. This has been through the consolidation of the authentic and undisputable results that began with the theoretical approaches of life study. The overall enormous work of most biologists which has changed the world in term of reproduction, productivity and resolution complicated disease treatment can only be summed up within three or four paramount theories.

The ideas of what biology is as science began with the enthusiasm on the persistence of characteristic and  also  changes of characteristics  which are observed in many individuals who lived at different  time. As changes are inevitable even in today’s world, similarly, changes were being observed from ones generations to another, a thing that created a lot of interest to scores of biologists. This makes Lamarck the father of biology with his theory of pangenesis which dawn the light on organ development and organ inheritance. The subject of organs being too big, deeper meaning of living organisms could not be drawn. Perhaps, to make the understanding on the development of organs to be of   significance, the cell theory was necessary. The Hooke’s work and his colleagues emerged with more precise meaning of life by discovering that all living things are composed of cells which are basic unit of structure and function. Although, his ideas were taken with skepticism at the first point, Darwin could not relent from borrowing his approach of life in his explanations endowed in the evolution. (Bowler, 1989)

The evolution theory began with the confirmation that variations exists in progeny. He elaborated in his work “the origin of species” by which he saw the variations either enhancing the survival of some individuals while other was diminished. However, the revelation that variations existed within the living organisms was most intriguing matter.  But, the cell and the revolution ideas never brought any better understanding of the origins and functions which brought all variation and similarities within species. Nevertheless, the foundations of variations were laid down with the discovery of gamete cells whose research revelations of its contents demonstrated the existence of structure. Mendel’s work on the reproductive cells from the psuim and other organisms such the drosophila were fundamental as they unveiled that cells carries what brought all that fascinated the past man. Having the ability to established that hereditary materials (thus the gene theory of Gregor Mendel) were within the pollen cells, much of other pieces of information  of Mendel dwelled on the structures know as chromosomes hence the chromosomal theory. What credibility to Mendel by the molecular scientists of today!

The world of today is now depending on the biology as science to solve sophisticated problems such as food crisis, cancer disease treatments, other human body disorders as well as solving environmental difficulties by the application of the unified studies of these core theories. Biology would not have existed as science with dispensability of any of these theories. (Bowler, 1989)


Bowler, P. (1989): The Emergence of Hereditarian Concepts in Modern Science and Society: Johns Hopkins University Press

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