With the changes in society and technological advancements, privacy has become a premium need for most people. It seems as if technology has slowly but gradually rendered privacy a thing of the past, making confidentiality noble. Still, even without the intrusive nature of technology, confidentiality has been part and parcel of human society, with laws put in place to protect or safeguard the same. Confidentiality rules become quite complicated when it comes to drug abuse and mental health matters. This is because there is usually a class between the confidentiality rules relating to sharing of information between mental health providers concerning the confidentiality rules between the various states.
Rehabilitation and mental health institutions are usually expected to work as a unit, especially when it involves chronic cases. They are supposed to share information and records about patients if there is any transfer program or for the sake of ensuring the best possible method of handling the patients. They are supposed to do this while upholding the fundamental human values of their patients. Fundamental values of human service sectors include dignity, the welfare of all, honoring diversity, ensuring honesty, and respecting privacy. Different laws or policies have been instituted to ensure confidentiality in service provision, including HIPAA, CFR-42, and FERPA. Safeguarding information gathered in the domain of human service relationships is paramount towards the acknowledgment of the rights of every individual.
As a concept, confidentiality is about individual privacy and respect for people’s wishes. In human services, information shared within established relationships is not meant to be shared beyond the defined boundaries or parties involved (Corey, Corey & Callanan, 2010). For instance, in the helping process, what a client tells a social worker, should not be revealed to others, and it’s a professional’s responsibility to keep exchanged details confidential. Confidentiality also extends to other fields, such as education, where the information about a student is supposed to be kept private by the school unless it gets shared under extraordinary circumstances (Corey, Corey & Callanan, 2010). Parents and guardians might share such information with the institution to ensure their children are handled properly or understood in a given way.
Examples of confidentiality laws include the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), such as the CFR-42, which governs the privacy of patients with substance use disorder (SUD). For years, federal laws have protected the rights to privacy of individuals seeking treatment for substance abuse in federally assisted programs (Campbell et al., 2019). Confidentiality is the cornerstone of health intervention and relationships for such a population. Strict confidentiality protection means clients can share data about their past and present drug use without worrying the information could be used against them by the police, judges, social workers, or employers. As an element of privacy, the law is quite strict on it.
Another confidentiality law is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Just like CFR-42, HIPAA is also a federal regulation established in 1996 and demands the creation of standards to protect patient health information from being exposed without owners’ consent (Reamer, 2018). The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) generally works to safeguard the transmission of electronic records. HIPAA and CFR-42 laws stipulate that individuals are entitled to confidentiality unless they permit information disclosure. HIPAA applies to care practitioners in healthcare and many types of patient data, unlike CFR-42, which governs the SUB information. However, HIPAA is less protective of people’s privacy compared to CFR-42.
Comparing the HIPAA and the CFR-42, it is worth noting that whereas the HIPAA offers the minimum confidentiality restrictions, the CFR-42 offers the maximum. For CFR-42, only a special court order can allow an individual’s confidential information to be shared with law enforcement or the court. In this case, not even a general court order holds water. CFR-2 usually makes a follow-up on the shared information and, in turn, holds the recipient of the information to be responsible in case of any breach. However, HIPAA covers several types of patient records, making it a bit light on enforcement.
Furthermore, concerning confidentiality in human service fields, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a vital federal law that applies in the education sector. FERPA governs schools that benefit from funds under the United States Department of Education (Altman et al., 2018). Under this policy, parents have certain rights with respect to children’s academic records, but such privileges are transferred to students upon reaching the age of 18- considered eligible learners. Therefore, according to FERPA, confidentiality is maintained on education records relating to students and maintained by an institution.
Until a society successfully eliminates stigma and criminalization of issues like substance use disorders, patients have the right to receive services without disclosing their records. Maintaining confidentiality in human service departments is essential to prevent the misuse of crucial data through illegal or immoral practices, enhancing a good reputation. Failure to follow confidentiality laws like HIPAA, CFR-42, or FERPA could result in dire consequences. They include termination of employment for workers, civil lawsuits after pressed charges by third parties, and vulnerabilities to information owners (Moore & Frye, 2019). On the contrary, some barriers to following confidentiality law aspects may exist. Despite efforts to ensure privacy protection, sometimes breaching confidentiality is unavoidable but not unethical. For example, when clients pose self-harm dangers or confess threats to others, safeguarding such details becomes impossible (Corey, Corey & Callanan, 2010). The information has to be released and shared amongst the responsible parties for the greater good of the stakeholders and the person in question too.
Data and information are the gold and silver of the present society. It takes a lot of effort to safeguard it, from the law to how it is stored. Any field that is related to human services is under an obligation to protect personal information of the people they serve, from students to patients. Human service fields such as medicine and Education are developed in response to people’s needs and solving problems. Care providers offer assistance to different clients within the contexts of their environments or communities while promoting unique values and characteristics. The only way to access confidential information is either through the consent of the required authority as per the law, or through an exception rule to it. In doing so, it is integral to uphold professional ethics and integrity in promoting people’s well-being by following necessary laws. From a legal and ethical perspective, therefore, it is just important to uphold the confidentiality of whoever one meets, especially from a professional standing.
Altman, M., Wood, A. B., O’Brien, D., & Gasser, U. (2018). Practical approaches to big data privacy over time. International Data Privacy Law, 0(0), 1-24.
Campbell, A., McCarty, D., Rieckmann, T., McNeely, J., Rotrosen, J., Wu, L., & Bart, G. (2019). Interpretation and integration of the federal substance use privacy protection rule in integrated health systems: A qualitative analysis. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 97, 41-46.
Moore, W., & Frye, S. (2019). Review of HIPAA, part 1: history, protected health information, and privacy and security rules. Journal of nuclear medicine technology, 47(4), 269-272.
Reamer, F. G. (2018). Ethical issues in integrated health care: Implications for social workers. Health & Social Work, 43(2), 118-124.
Corey, G., Corey, M. S., & Callanan, P. (2010). Issues and ethics in the helping professions. Cengage Learning.
Conscience And Liberty Of Conscience Essay Example For College
The concept of liberty of conscience has a long history, dating back to early Christian thought on the human person’s nature. In the medieval period, theologians such as Thomas Aquinas developed the idea of conscience as a God-given inner light that could guide one’s actions. This understanding of conscience was influential in the Reformation when Luther and other reformers placed a new emphasis on the authority of Scripture as the ultimate guide for Christian living. For Luther, conscience was not something that an external authority could overrule but was subject to God’s Word. This principle was at the heart of Luther’s dispute with the Catholic Church. It led him to advocate a model of the Church in which the priesthood of all believers meant that each individual had the right to interpret Scripture for themselves.
Luther was a strong supporter of liberty of conscience. He believed that every individual had the right to follow their conscience, as it was God-given. Luther also believed that the conscience was captive to the Word of God, so it was important for individuals to study Scripture and to be able to interpret it for themselves. This meant that Luther extended liberty of conscience to those who rejected his teachings, as he believed they had the right to follow their conscience.
Luther’s interpretation of the Bible, which he regarded as the last authority on religious matters, influenced his views on conscience. This implied that people were free to interpret the Scriptures for themselves and were not dependent on the Church. Luther’s belief in the “priesthood of all believers” also influenced his views on conscience. This implied that every Christian had the same freedom to read the Bible as they saw fit and to act per their conscience. Luther expanded the concept of freedom of conscience to individuals who disagreed with his teachings. This represented a fundamental change from how the Church had hitherto viewed people. Luther’s views on conscience influenced people’s views of religious freedom.
Luther’s opinions on the right to conscience freedom weren’t always well-liked. Other Protestants frequently criticized him for tolerating various Bible interpretations. He was also criticized for being open to discussion with those who disagreed. However, Luther’s views on the right to freedom of conscience played a significant role in the Protestant Reformation. They had a long-lasting influence on the growth of various Protestant denominations.
Protestant Reformation progress was significantly influenced by Luther’s teaching on the priesthood of all believers. Libertarians’ right to conscience was also influenced by Luther’s justification by faith alone theory. According to this concept, saving faith alone—not good deeds—is required for salvation. In accordance with this philosophy, people were free to hold any beliefs they chose without worrying about the Church’s disapproval.
Luther’s idea of freedom of conscience was revolutionary in its day. Still, it must be understood in the context of his views on the inspiration of Scripture and the necessity of individual interpretation. Although Luther’s theories were not entirely novel in this regard, they marked a significant change in how that conscience was perceived and applied in daily life. Today, the concept of freedom of conscience is recognized as a fundamental human right and is enshrined in many legal frameworks. The Reformation and Martin Luther’s ideas are the foundation of this conception of conscience.
The Word of God, according to Luther, is the final arbiter of what is right and wrong, so the conscience is subject to its authority. Since our conscience directs us to act morally uprightly, the Bible is ultimately the final arbiter of what our conscience should inform us of. This is because God’s Word is the final arbiter of right and wrong. This demonstrates that Luther did not view the conscience as wholly an individualistic concept. Instead, it is something that the Bible has molded. This is so that we have a standard by which to judge what is right and wrong—the Word of God—to guide us. We cannot simply rely on our own opinions or feelings to determine what is right and wrong. Rather, we must look to the Word of God to see what it has to say on the matter.
Luther did not guarantee everyone’s right to freedom of conscience. He advocated using force against those who disobeyed his teachings and was extremely critical of them. For instance, Luther urged the German nobility to put down a rebellion with force in his treatise, Against the Robbing and Murdering Hordes of Peasants, published in 1530. In this treatise, Luther made the case that the peasants were insurrectionists and heretics who ought to be executed. Luther’s treatment of those who disagreed with him shows that he did not support complete freedom of conscience.
Conclusively, Luther was a strong supporter of liberty of conscience. He believed that every individual had the right to follow their conscience, as it was God-given. Luther’s ideas about the authority of Scripture and the ‘priesthood of all believers’ meant that individuals could interpret the Bible for themselves and follow their conscience, even if it differed from Luther’s views.
Works Cited
Luther, Martin. “To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation.” In Luther’s Works, vol. 40, ed. Jaroslav Jan Pelikan, 1-44. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1958.
Luther, Martin. “Against the Robbing and Murdering Hordes of Peasants.” In Luther’s Works, vol. 45, ed. Jaroslav Jan Pelikan, 277-308. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1972.
Consumer’s Purchase Decision-Making University Essay Example
Energy digitalization refers to the renovation which takes place within the energy sectors and the usage of energy in general that involves a transformation from traditional manual, including binary methods, to intelligent remote controls, management, and monitoring. Currently, sectors dealing with energy are evolving to enhance energy consumption as they try to achieve strategies that can efficiently improve energy usage. Additionally, as commercial, industrial, and private institutions are enlightened on better ways of sourcing and consuming energy, they become aware of the essential modifications required concerning energy usage. Moreover, these sectors learn about the positive impacts of digital technologies brought by energy digitalization as it gives ways to generate more effective energy consumption. Thus, this study aims to discuss the role and application of digitalization, its advantages, and disadvantages in the recent operations of organizations.
Building sectors are unique in that they deal with challenging tasks, and their employees are at risk in risky situations sometimes. Therefore, their operations need much digitalization of technology to help them prevent cases that might result in excessive losses. Moreover, these sectors use a high quantity of energy. Thus, there is a need to reduce such energy consumption. In the words of Davis and other scholars, energy efficacy is among the solutions to encouraging the renovation of the worldwide energy scheme and enlightening the ecological difficulties triggered by energy application or consumption(Davis et al., 2012). Exploring energy competence in different settings connects all ages and is crucial for expansion and sustainability. Moreover, the digital economy and technologies permeate many energy schemes and financial -growth extents, reforming business and functioning models.
The role of digitalization in the modern building sectors
Digitalization offers the following roles in the modern building sectors: Most importantly, it enhances better productivity. Increased productivity is among the dominant roles digitalization plays in the contemporary building sectors. According to Gajdzik & Wolniak, there exist many ways digitalization contributes to increased productivity (Gajdzik & Wolniak, 2021). for example, a usual way is by having digitalized plans so that the crews are not worried about the complex schematics and other papers. Instead, management will update them on the new methods for better-digitalized constructions that are electrically functioning and will help their operation be lively. Through this, the team will update all their construction plans in different departments at a similar period. Thus, this will help them cut unnecessary costs incurred when an expert moves from the job site to the primary office. Therefore, this will enhance more effortless communication flow among all departments.
Moreover, the greater the scale- the more significant the improvement will be. Digitizing the essential tools helps in the smooth running and managing of things by ensuring better ways to improve productivity. Another role of digitalization is to ensure that there is improved safety at construction sites. Digitalization ensures that all data are collected by experts concerning the situation of the construction site. Experts communicate all the information to all the individuals working in such areas to ensure they are secure from any risk they might face as they carry out their duties.
Moreover, workers will be made aware of the conditions of machines and how they can operate them to avoid some risks associated with such devices. Achim and other scholars stated that good data sharing is met with digitalization technologies. Workers do not need to worry since experts will communicate unfavorable conditions in time (Achim et al., 2022). Thus, digitalization technology helps workers at the construction site work without fear since they have skills to help improve their healthy operations.
Digitalization also improves the accuracy of an organization’s technology, and this is among the best roles it plays in the organization. Without digitalization, there exist many chances of errors brought by a human in an organization which can lead to extreme losses that an organization can not correct immediately. It means that digitalization technologies help reduce issues that might cause losses within construction sites. (Eller et al., 2020) reasoned that through digitization, numerous tasks are significantly more straightforward. Hence, any process taking place is monitored by workers effectively, and the workers openly share any additional required skills or knowledge. Gauging distances, for instance, can frequently be performed with measuring devices or tools instead of using humans. Therefore, electronic and digital scales have a high level of accuracy compared to traditional methods. Moreover, organization workers can be more appropriate and accurate when applying the right digitalization tools in daily contribution activities.
In the recent past, building techniques were kept to old-style working standards, which were inefficient and could not meet some clients’ requests, making such clients rate the service as poorly done. The transformation was frequently frowned upon since shaking up the formerly employed knowledge was perceived inefficient. Nevertheless, as technology evolves and shows novel methods, this attitude has disappeared, and individuals adopt new strategies. Currently, digitization is continually altering the workroom. The rapid acceptance of technology for the building has facilitated invention to become among the most vital features of the building. An organization can expect its workplace to have continually enlightened skills and adjust to the novel technology they are bringing in. According to Achim and other researchers, digitalizing will provide continuous technological advancement to an organization that has tried to apply it in its operation(Achim et al., 2022). Such an organization will be updated on the current trend.
Types of digitalization technologies used in the building sectors
Building firms must use the newest building technologies to help them operate more quickly and effectively to produce outstanding services that meet clients’ expectations. Thus the following are examples of the categories used in building sectors. They include; information-gathering Apps – it is very accurate that technological advancement in building sectors has significantly impacted the building industry. Novel technologies are continually developing that can result in building projects’ effective and exact operation. One significant portion perceived as very innovative is information gathering. Information-gathering apps have increased and become popular in the current ages, displaying countless possibilities for the upcoming building technology. Eller and others said that many building firms are transforming to information-gathering apps since these apps help them collect information fast at less cost(Eller et al., 2020). Therefore, information-gathering apps are for achieving more significant roles and impacts in the building sectors in the approaching ages.
The second technology is the usage of drones in building activities. Drones are aerial tools (Vehicles) with diverse sizes and shapes; these devices have existed and are becoming more popular due to their great support and benefits in the building sectors. The application of drones in buildings is still promising and appropriate. Nevertheless, there exists possible for the knowledge to transform how experts accomplish building schemes. According to Eller and other scholars in building organizations, drones work better for numerous diverse tasks, like surveying land, checking bridges and buildings, and monitoring traffic(Eller et al., 2020). Drones also help to collect materials and transport them to construction sites. Moreover, they are also applicable for 3D modeling and mapping. They also help in taking pictures and videos of any project progress which takes place in the building sites.
The third technology is the application of construction evidence modeling software. Likewise, another one is construction evidence modeling software, among the most excellent substantial tools used in building technology. It has grown massive acceptance in current times since it can advance project results and enable healthier communication flow among stakeholders undertaking a project. It is applicable in creating a 3-dimensional archetypal construction. Thus, it supports project directors, technologists, designers, and other specialists in the building course to comprehend better the nature of the building they undertake. Thus, this software has become more applicable, and many experts have acknowledged its possible profits. According to Kayikci, construction evidence modeling software is an effective tool which more appropriate for the building industry (Kayikci, 2018). Additionally, it is applied to generate digital illustrations of structures and supports building specialists achieve projects professionally. Moreover, it assists in attaining various determinations in engineering, design, building, and facility administration.
The fourth technology used in the building is Wearables and virtual certainty technology, which now significantly affects several building sectors. Thus, these technologies give several possible reimbursements for the building sectors, as they help in improved safety among the workers, improved proficiency, and also help in reducing the cost of projects that might be unnecessary. They offer an immersive skill, improving collaboration and teamwork and facilitating information sharing among building specialists. Kayikci said that wearables like Google Glass displays commands and meaningful reports straight in the operators’ fields of view (Kayikci, 2018). Thus, applying the two technologies has brought positive impacts by increasing building projects’ safety, productivity, and efficiency. In addition, it eases information sharing among various departments of the building sector. Thus, workers know what to do at every stage of a project’s work.
Another technology is 3D printing technology which is currently never restricted to the borders of minor objects. Thus, it has penetrated the building sectors and is used to help in large-scale printing items. Moreover, this has increased its demands in the building sector. A 3D printing skill is meaningfully changing the construction technology field, making things a reality instead of imagination. It offers many rewards that make it the best technology being demanded by experts currently and in the future in this field of building. According to Achim and othwer researchers, 3D printing help building firms generate models that support their projects at all the phase they undertake(Achim et al., 2022). It helps them simplify complex tasks. Thus, a task that might be difficult becomes more manageable with this technological advancement. Therefore this permits them to avoid potential difficulties and give corrections before work starts. Furthermore, 3D printing generates custom portions for building projects, saving money and time.
Artificial Intelligence technology is another example of technology used in building sectors. Several means are applicable to transform the building industry; this technology has the latent to make building projects well-organized and precise. It is essential in a diversity of means to enhance building skills. Moreover, the following are ways this technology is applied in the building; designing and planning technology is applied to help in the designing and planning of projects, and thus, it makes progression effectual and exact. Pre-fabrication – this knowledge is used to generate models of constructions that can later become pre-fabricated offsite, decreasing building periods and outlays. Davis and other scholars said that artificial intelligence technology responds to and addresses issues that might be difficult and need immediate solutions(Davis et al., 2012). Hence with it, constructors feel betters as many worries are reduced.
Site positioning schemes are the technology that permits workers to precisely map the construction position; these arrangements play a significant role in the building, including mining activities, and they help reduce job time and maintain one’s budget. A location positioning scheme empowers employees to complete the initial site examination even without the surveyor. The location positioning scheme is usually operated similarly to a machine control scheme. However, the difference between the two is the technique each uses. Davis and others reasoned that the machine control scheme emphasizes the equipment’s setting, whereas the location positioning scheme operates by taking a more comprehensive method and measuring the whole location(Davis et al., 2012). The application of a site positioning scheme brings many benefits to the construction sector by ensuring their machine control arrangement becomes more resourceful. Therefore, these technologies can optimize an organization’s processes and decrease their operative outlays; thus, they are easy-to-use tools and devices that create differences in an organization’s building projects.
Computer-supported design technology is also one of the best in building sectors; this technology entails the application of computer-based software with the main aim of having proper design procedures. Gajdzik & Wolniak assumed that diverse categories of designers and engineers commonly use this software (Gajdzik & Wolniak, 2021). Moreover, the software is applicable in formulating 2-D (two-dimensional ) drawings and 3-D (three-dimensional) models. The main reason for its application is to enhance and reorganize the engineer’s workflow, upsurge output, expand the excellence of the task and recover certification communications and frequently donate toward an engineering project database. Additionally, Its outputs are generated as electronic records used for engineering procedures.
Likewise, this technology regularly helps bikes with digitalized industrial methods. Computer-supported manufacturing or computer-supported design is used for designing products like electrical circuit boards in a computer and other tools. It gives the following advantages: it helps designers to lower construction costs and aids in faster project attainment since it offers a well-organized plan and design procedures. With this software’s help, any changes can be achieved independently without interfering with other processes. It also offers high-quality design for better results (Gajdzik & Wolniak, 2021). Thus, the firms that use these technological skills help achieve their client’s expectations. Therefore, they have higher chances of retaining their clients while reducing the high operation cost they incur in the building sites.
Ways by which digitalization has enhances energy competence
The following are ways the digitalization in construction sectors has contributed to reducing high energy consumption to achieve and maintain efficient energy usage in these sectors.Digitailaization has promot collection data. Digitalization technologies comprise the application of smart meters, which help collect high-resolve energy usage data from businesses and homes. It also includes skills for collecting information associated with energy consumption, like sensors that assist in recording temperature, light levels, or location (Eller et al., 2020). Thus these help in conserving energy in building sectors. Digital technology help in examining information; organizations achieve this through the application of powerful computer, which is joined with progressively ‘intelligent’ software procedures that permits the analysis and processing of information to generate an understanding of better usage to become a more efficient energy consumption company.
Furthermore, it means that the company using digital technologies can analyze and evaluate areas that use much energy and thus help in restructuring those areas to consume little energy. With the application of digital technology, the construction sector can change the physical location based on information examination. Increasingly, their associated devices and apparatus are empowered with knowledge that moderate energy consumption instantly as a result of digital indications. According to Gajdzik & Wolniak, in construction, associated devices like lighting schemes, heating tools, air-conditioning apparatus, and water heaters are being automated to help achieve efficient use of energy at all the time (Gajdzik & Wolniak, 2021). In engineering services, drives and smart actuators can adequately be controlled by management through innovative engineering energy supervision schemes to create subtle fluctuations to moderate energy consumption while improving security and cutting the cost of production.
- Meters -an algorithm -automation
- Sensors -artificial intelligence -controls
- Circulated records -interface
- Interfaces -3-D printers
Figure 1 How Digitalisation helps in achieving efficient energy consumption
Market trends and the best practices in the building sectors
The following are examples of the current trends that take place in the building sectors: Green building which is also called a sustainable building or green construction, denotes to structure which embraces processes and applications that are responsible and accountable for managing construction sites along with the application of adequate resources during a construction’s life-cycle: From preparation to design, building, process, maintenance, reformation, and destruction. It needs close collaboration among contractors, engineers, architects, and customers at every project phase (Kayikci, 2018). Sustainable building is an emerging trend used by constructors to enlarge and match the standard construction design, reflecting the economy, durability, utility, and comfort. Another trend is the application of offsite and modular buildings. This contruction technique involves various methods of forecasting, scheming, fabricating, assembling, and transporting building components for fast site gathering to better attain the project than in old-style disorganized on-site buildings.
According to Kayikci, offsite construction comprises a variety of resources, systems and scales, methods and digital softwares for building and construction, and inventions in technological and social integration (Kayikci, 2018). Offsite outputs comprise panelized and modularized components. It organizes the components in the facility of the enclosure, structural, and interior partition schemes. Another trend is the application building management software which is a system that helps in controlling and monitoring all the phases that contruction needs to follow. The system analyses and corrects any mistakes that might occur without their knowledge as contractors perform their duties. It works with risk management to help workers complete the project in the desired manner for better quality.
Pros and cons of the critical digitalization technology towards the application in the buildings
The pros of digitalization technology in the building sectors are as follows: Digitality in construction sectors helps streamline the whole processes of a given project. All categories of businesses are transforming their operations to attain innovative systems that can help in effective and efficient operations (Kayikci, 2018). The building sector needs to generate a more effective operation process. Therefore, they must use digitalization in each unit they operate in, as this will help them to achieve excellent work. With digitalization, the capability is well-defined, and time and money, and effort are well applied to complete all the steps of a given task. Thus, goals of constriction are attained by workers. Another advantage is that the organization realizes higher productivity in every step they make in construction. When construction sectors automate manual recurring procedures, they free their workers from tedious job tasks, thus authorization workers to concentrate on challenging and innovative creativities that will support the organization’s construction to operate more professionally.
With business procedure automation schemes, tasks are carried out quicker, with fewer errors, as many mistakes are stopped before they occur. Similarly, procedure automation empowers workers to avoid time wastage on other activities that cannot add value to the organization’s projects. Another advantage digitalization embraces in the construction sector is that it improves transparency (Kayikci, 2018). Concerning the processes and organizations chosen to automate, critical measurement systems can be collected and described to help provide data that the building sector needs. Therefore, this call for transparency in these organizations since transparency is vital for long-term achievement. If procedures are digitally observed, higher administration will trust all the steps followed by workers as they carry out their roles. Well-documented procedures and transparent systems boost these sectors’ visibility since this is brought about by digitalizing all the processes.
Therefore directors cannot worry about workers overlooking what they are supposed to perform since every individual knows what to be done and by what time. According to Achim, when managers visualize procedures through digitalization in construction, they can directly recognize opportunities and bottlenecks (Achim et al., 2022). Another advantage that the building sector can attain when they digitalize the operation is that there will be a constituency in the quality of the services they offer to their clients. It is because each step carried out in the building site follows a consistent manner that is unique and active. Thus, the results are of higher quality and are reliable outputs. If these sectors continue to digitalize their services, they will retain their clients in their business. Most clients like up-to-date services and higher quality, which only digitalization brings to the organization. Moreover, with digitalization, quality and reliability assurance are attended to in all the processes that building sectors undertake.
Similarly, the digitalization of building sector operations helps improve decision-making because digitalization and info supervision work together as a single unity as data is examined. It alters into knowledge used in making better decisions that are useful in building sectors. The information can help restructure some areas that are not working correctly or design areas that are consuming many costs. Moreover, the decision can also be made by management to generate ways to help the sector increase the high level of security in building sites for the well-being of workers. With digitalization, workers get nonstop information flow that can help them avoid some risks that are treated with their areas of their duties. Another vital advantage the building sector can attain when they digitalize their processes is that government policies and regulations might become burdens for them to follow. It is because they will have the complete information the states need to carry out building activities (Achim et al., 2022). They will be aware of penalties that can be charged if they go against any government regulation. For example, filing tax returns will not be a problem for them since they will know all the requirements. It means that with digitalization building sectors, all that state law requires concerning their operation. Thus, they will not trespass the government requirement.
The disadvantages that digitalization can cause in building sectors
As new knowledge and skills are generated by experts each year in every business, including building sectors, digital acceptance has brought challenges in this field, resulting in issues that have made such organizations operate with some challenges. However, it has led to countless benefits. In the brick-and-mortar business, problems are understandable. Therefore following are barricades that make digital modification mainly challenging: Project Uniqueness-Almost all building projects are unique and possess diverse requirements. It means that every step needs much keenness to avoid duplication, which is unnecessary since when this happens, the final result might not be adequately achieved by the oganization. Due to project uniqueness, workers can sometimes lack the knowledge to attend to other areas, which may delay some processes as they go and inquire about what to do (Gajdzik & Wolniak, 2021). Thus it leads to time wastage since workers must follow a defined strategy to achieve the best results. Thus, it makes it very expensive and challenging to implement digital knowledge and modify them to all the needs of a project.
Another challenging issue related to digitalizing technologies in building sectors is that the software and devices used are very costly. Obtaining even single devices that can help carry out construxctions needs enormous capital investment. Sometimes, if an organization in this field lacks, it cannot operate as efficiently as needed. Morover even if the organization is capable of aquiring such machines and other tools, they must train their employees to operate them. Some of the machines used in construction sites are very difficult to operate since they need basic skills that an individual must possess for better operation. Hence it means that the sectors dealing with construction must train their workers to have full knowledge of these machines (Gajdzik & Wolniak, 2021). Training is costly since some experts must be hired to train the workers. Training also makes the entire process uncompleted, and this is because a process that has already begun is put aside, making the entire work delayed at some given point. Similarly, getting the exp[aert who has full knowledge of all the machines is also tricky. Therefore these sectors are forced to high, many different experts, making them incur many expenses that, if they are not carefull about then, they may run into losses at the end of the day.
In conclusion, technological advancement in every business activity, including building sectors, for effective operation. Building sectors should ensure that they incorporate the skills and bknwllegdes that current technology offers to offer better services to their clients, which will help them maintain their superiority in the eyes of the consumers. Although each technology has its disadvantages, it is better if building sectors evaluate the best that can help them perform excellently in the market despite such challenges. Management of these sectors should ensure that their employees are well-secured in every step they undertake as they perform their duties. However, they can achieve this when they use these digital technologies in their workplaces.
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Eller, R., Alford, P., Kallmünzer, A., & Peters, M. (2020). Antecedents, consequences, and challenges of small and medium-sized enterprise digitalization. Journal of Business Research, 112, 119–127.
Gajdzik, B., & Wolniak, R. (2021). Digitalization and Innovation in the Steel Industry in Poland—Selected Tools of ICT in an Analysis of Statistical Data and a Case Study. Energies, 14(11), 3034.
Kayikci, Y. (2018). Sustainability impact of digitization in logistics. Procedia Manufacturing, pp. 21, 782–789.