Ethical Issues Of HeLa Cells Essay Example For College


HeLa cells are an essential tool for various biomedical researches, which have significantly contributed to the development of science. The history of them has multiple ethical issues to discuss. Henrietta Lacks, the African-American woman, who had vaginal bleeding, was treated in a segregated section of Johns Hopkins Hospital, the only medical institution which offered its services to poor non-Europeans (Johns Hopkins Medicine). Her cells were collected for biopsy and became the only cells to survive in her gynecologist laboratory, Dr. George Gey (NPR). Consequently, this specimen was grown multiple times to prepare cells for biomedical investigations, including the development of the polio vaccine (NPR). Despite cells’ wide range of applications, neither Henrietta Lacks nor her family received benefits (Beskow 400). There are various moral circumstances for examination in this novel. The consent to collect the cells was not required at that time, and the family for long did not know about the fate of the exemplar. Moreover, the ethical issue of using human tissues in research was not considered. The ethics of racial discrimination is one more point for careful consideration as Henrietta Lacks faced severe violations of her human rights because of society’s ethical mindset.

Main body

The original motif of taking the specimen of Henrietta Lacks was to study her cells for further medical treatment. Later, when it became evident that her cells were unique and could be used for research, the doctor’s intention did not to consider her interests (Johns Hopkins Medicine). Hence, according to the principles of a deontological theory, the action is unethical because the reason for the procedure did not recognize the rights of the subject. However, if the utilitarianism postulates are identified, then the exploit of using HeLa cells for vast biomedical investigations becomes the ethically acceptable measure. The consequences of implementing the human tissues for studying the effects of various drugs, physical impacts, and other influences brought incalculable benefits for humans around the world, saving many more lives (NPR). On the other hand, the family did not have access to primary care despite the benefits it brought to all people. The outcomes of the action have brought benefits for the majority, neglecting the needs of the direct subjects of it (Beskow 396). As a result, this story’s ethical significance shows the importance of informed consent and the legal procedures and measures for human tissue application.


After a long debate, the issue of informed consent and the right to have access to medical records was given to all patients. The usage of medical exemplars for research is also regulated under the legal standards (Johns Hopkins Medicine). Nowadays, the authors of the study have to provide ground justifications and experience strict standards for using human tissues for conducting research. Moreover, the hospitals had to reconsider their politics of refusing to treat non-Europeans or segregating the patients according to their racial characteristics (Beskow 410). The story of HeLa cells was a strong catalyst for abiding by these measurements (Beskow 403). It highlighted the importance of fundamental human rights, such as having a right to know about the fate of the specimens taken, access to medical information, and equal treatment. Today the ethical issues of the HeLa cells story and the measures taken for solving them are implemented around the world, although some countries still have the discriminative approaches.

Works Cited

Beskow, Laura. “Lessons from HeLa Cells: The Ethics and Policy of Biospecimens.” Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics, vol. 17, 2016, pp. 395-417.

“’Henrietta Lacks’: A Donor’s Immortal Legacy.” NPR, Web.

“The Legacy of Henrietta Lacks.” Johns Hopkins Medicine, Web.

Crisis Of Lethality Analysis

Suicide has been a common phenomenon in the world for centuries. Suicide may be committed by single individuals or groups of people varied in size and age composition. Suicide is observed among people of all social backgrounds, ethnicities, sexes, and ages. Suicide is generally described as a person’s decision to cause their own death (Self-directed Violence, 2015). In most cases of suicide, the people who decide to end their lives are in good health. Suicidal behavior is caused by psychological issues.

Dynamics and Theories

The suicidal dynamics are characterized by several basic factors. First of all, suicidal behaviors occur due to persons’ emotional overwhelming that makes them feel particularly helpless and depressed. That way, an individual decides to initiate their own death in order to stop the painful flow of emotions. Physically such people may seem alright when internally they might suffer from powerful distress; a “psychological autopsy” is something that may help the professionals understand which events forced an individual to end their life (Martinelli, 2012). Besides, the interpersonal-psychological suicidal theory maintains that to commit suicide one requires a desire to die as well as an ability to go through with the attempt (Joiner, 2005). There is a variety of suicide models developed by psychologists; they help the practitioners to identify potentially suicidal individuals and provide required interventions. However, regardless of all the variety of approaches, all the scholars agree that the main factors that create the basis for the suicidal behaviors are one’s belief that they are a burden, feeling of extremely loneliness and the ability to commit suicide (O’Connor & Nock, 2014).

Moral Dilemma

When it comes to ending one’s life, in many cases the desire to die may not be accompanied by an ability to commit suicide. For instance, people whose physical abilities are limited due to their age, health conditions, or surrounding environments. The dilemma occurs when a suicidal individual turns to people around asking for help to go through with the suicide attempt. Morally, it is wrong to help someone to end their life, at the same, time deliberately leaving them alone to suffer is also immoral (Van Norman, 2012). Suicide assistance is prohibited by law, yet the cases of assisted suicide are not rare; they occur with the help of doctors, family members and friends of the suicidal individuals. There is no right answer to the question whether or not one should help their close person die when their sufferings are utterly unbearable, and their problems cannot be solved (terminal illness, old age, painful disabilities). In many cases, the sentences of the individuals who assisted their close ones with suicide are reduced due to public actions of the supporters of such solutions (Van Norman, 2012).

Characteristics of People Who Commit Suicide

Annually, out of 800 000 suicide attempts committed in the United States are “successful” (Grohol, 2009). In other words, out of all people who attempt suicide less than a half end up dead. This occurs due to the factors that give away the suicidal behavior. For instance, about 70% of the suicidal individuals inform someone about the planned attempts (Grohol, 2009). In addition, the professional differentiate between the individuals who are acting as if they were suicidal to attract attention and those who are actually about to commit suicide (Grohol, 2009). Among the most common behaviors of suicidal individuals, there are statements about life not being worth living, or being too hard, feeling like they are in the dead end, giving away their valuables, getting chores in order, saying goodbye to people, compiling a will (Grohol, 2009). The other characteristics of suicidal people include depression, loss of energy, sleep, and appetite, loss of focus, extremely low self-worth, substance and alcohol abuse (Grohol, 2009).

Similarities between Suicide and Homicide

One may argue that there is nothing in common between killing oneself and killing another human being. However, a relationship still exists since both of these actions result in violent death (Jackman, 2003). Another common aspect of the two behaviors is the desire to kill; the difference is the direction of the violent impulse (outwards in homicide, and inwards in suicide) (Jackman, 2003). In both cases, the impulses are the expressions of extreme unhappiness with oneself or with another individual, the violent desire to kill is a response to this dissatisfaction. Moreover, many murderers end up killing themselves after committing a homicide. The scientists notice that the chemistry that happens inside one’s brain during such actions is very similar and determined by the circulation of serotonin, the hormone responsible for self-control (Jackman, 2003).

The Use of Triage Assessment Form in Addressing Lethality

Triage assessment form is used to identify the severity of crises and their characteristics. The form is intended to evaluate one’s state according to several domains such as affective, cognitive, and behavioral. The assessment of these aspects will allow a practitioner to make a conclusion as to the degree of a client’s crisis. The most severe impairments in all of the domains mark suicidal behaviors and inclination towards lethality. The evaluation of the cognitive aspect of a client’s state helps to identify the causes of such emotional condition and possible interventions.

Reference List

Grohol, J. M. (2009). Common Signs of Someone Who May be Suicidal. Web.

Jackman, N. (2003). The Brains of Violent Males: The homicidal & suicidal brain. Web.

Joiner, T.E. (2005). Why people die by suicide. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Martinelli, R. (2012). The Dynamics of Suicide. Web.

O’Connor, R. C., & Nock, M. K. (2014). The psychology of suicidal behavior. Web.

Self-directed Violence. (2015). Web.

Van Norman, G. (2012). The Ethics of Ending Life: Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide. Web.

Preventive Health Care Issues


Preventive healthcare is a form of medication that aims to prevent diseases as opposed to curing them. Preventive healthcare does not primarily refer to medicine; it may refer to measures taken to prevent occurrences of given diseases (Nussbaum, 2006). Although unknown to many people, preventive healthcare is very important in determining one’s overall health. People may tend to think that curative medicine is the best and the only way to address health issues. Practicing preventive healthcare will be tantamount to addressing a problem from its roots. The journey to achieve a healthy community hinges its success on good preventive healthcare practices. Preventive healthcare should claim a significant portion of overall healthcare and this calls for full integration of the same.

With protagonists and antagonists debating hotly on the bill of healthcare reforms, they should put preventive healthcare into account. This is because over the years, preventive healthcare has taken the back seat in the overall healthcare budget, and people lack sufficient information on the benefits of this form of healthcare. Accessibility and provision of the same have not been receiving the necessary attention over the years. Many diseases are preventable; however, mainstream health care establishments do not utilize the available resources to facilitate preventive health care.

Importance of Preventive Healthcare

The importance of preventive health care cannot be over-emphasized in the wake of shocking statistics of how health is deteriorating rapidly due to a lack of preventive measures. This grueling reality must have been on Elgin Moray’s mind when he said, “If prompt and effective action is not forthcoming, the medical services of the central and local authorities will go where the school of dental services has already gone down the drain” (British Medical Journal, 1949, p. 1416). Elgin made this observation many years ago but it is very relevant in today’s preventive medicine. It emphasizes the neglect that practitioners and stakeholders gave and still give to preventive healthcare. Nevertheless, why is preventive medicine important after all? Why should it receive much attention?

Well, as the old adage goes, prevention is better than cure. Preventive healthcare results in reduced mortality rates and this consequently increase life expectancy. Preventive medicine is significantly cheaper as compared to traditional medicine that many people prefer. Lack of preventive medicine puts individuals in danger of insalubrious lifestyles and varying food habits (Jekel, Katz and Elmore, 2001, p. 114). Being strong and big is not a sign of a healthy lifestyle. Someone may be strong and active but inside he or she harbors a health disaster waiting to strike. It is important to observe preventive health practices like a frequent diagnosis to detect any form of health risk that may be crawling on an individual. Many people live by optimism that all will be well and that no health-related disaster would strike. It is important to go for frequent check-ups, which allows detection of diseases at early stages before they advance to developed life-threatening levels. Specialists may detect some potential health risks that an individual may dismiss as mild and insignificant. Moreover, healthy people save money on healthcare. Preventive medicine is the way to these healthy lifestyles. It is very sad to die from a preventable disease while it could have taken someone a few minutes to save the situation.

Preventive Healthcare Measures

Preventive healthcare seeks to uphold good health practices. According to (2009), preventive medicine entails the following practices; daily exercise, proper nutrition, fore fending smoking, substance abuse and alcohol, weight control, and handling any disorder as it arises. These are practices available to everyone. However, there are professional services that foster preventive healthcare. These services entail periodical testing of individuals to detect potential health risks. These include going for a pap smear; a screening practice that detects cancer in women, the teaching of breast self-examination (BCE); a preventive healthcare practice that will determine the presence of breast cancer, mammography; a radiological examination of breast tissues, teaching testicular self-examination, to detect testicular cancer. Additionally, there is prostrate cancer testing; carried out annually to detect testicular cancer, cholesterol screening; to determine levels of bad (low-density lipoproteins) and good (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, colon cancer; carried out every year for people over 50 years. Moreover, people should go for blood pressure check-ups, dental examinations after every six months, and immunizations given to the right people at the right time (

The Current Healthcare Systems

According to a report by World Health Organization (W.H.O.) (2008), the majority of current healthcare systems focus mainly on reacting to severe health problems, pressing patients’ needs, and agitating concerns. The hallmarks of modern-day health care systems are curing or relieving symptoms after testing and diagnosis. Conventionally, these measures are in line with curative processes and they play a major role in restoring and maintaining health. However, they neglect that has met preventive medicine is biting. The zeal employed when dealing with curative medicine is painstakingly missing when it comes to preventive medicine. There is an utter failure on the part of health care providers to seize the opportunity of informing patients on the need to practice preventive exercises. Doctors, nurses, and other practitioners have the opportunity to educate patients as they interact with them. Unfortunately, these professionals underutilize this opportunity and different diseases keep on recurring from time to time. Management of preventive health care, scores below par as compared to management of curative medicine. There is an inherent difference between preventive health care systems and curative health care systems world allover, and this is alarming (W.H.O. 2008).

Why the Concern

One would love to ask; why is there so much campaign about preventive health care? On top of the main advantages of preventive health services, statistics indicate appalling figures on the number of people who die from preventable diseases. As aforementioned, it is very saddening for an individual to die from a preventable disease. It hurts, even more, to know that these diseases could be prevented from the comfort of one’s home. Research carried out by The University of California, San Francisco, indicates that the majority of American teenagers do not receive any or sufficient preventive care (Preidt, 2009). Researchers in this research established that only 38% of the 8,500 adolescents interviewed had received preventive care or information in the last year (Preidt, 2009). On the issue of doctors counseling or informing teenagers about preventive health care, only 10% of these teenagers received counseling on pertinent issues like dental care, regular exercise, putting on a seat belt, healthy eating, or exposure to secondary smoke (Preidt, 2009). These statistics are shocking given that a sick young generation translates into a future ailing nation.

The following are some data collected on deaths resulting from preventable diseases.

Table 1. Number of preventable deaths world wide in 2001.

Cause Number of deaths resulting (millions per year)
Hypertension 7.8
Smoking 5.0
High cholesterol 3.9
Malnutrition 3.8
Sexually transmitted infections 3.0
Poor diet 2.8
Overweight and obesity 2.5
Physical inactivity 2.0
Alcohol 1.9
Indoor air pollution from solid fuels 1.8
Unsafe water and poor sanitation 1.6

A Graph Representing Number of preventable deaths per year against causes.

Number of preventable deaths per year against causes.

Table 2. Number of preventable deaths in United States in 2000.

Cause Number of deaths resulting
Tobacco Smoking 435,000 deaths or 18.1% of the total deaths
Overweight and Obesity 365,000 deaths or 15.2% of the total deaths
Alcohol consumption 85,000 deaths or 3.5% of the total deaths
Infectious diseases 75,000 deaths or 3.1% of the total deaths
Toxicants 55,000 deaths or 2.3% of the total deaths
Traffic collisions 43,000 deaths or 1.8% of the total deaths
Incidents involving firearms 29,000 deaths or 1.2% of the total deaths
Sexually transmitted diseases 20,000 deaths or 0.8% of the total deaths
Drug abuse 17,000 deaths or 0.7% of the total deaths

If these figures are anything to go by, then there is an urgent change in running healthcare systems. We cannot watch as our brothers and sisters go down the drain from avoidable circumstances. It is true that death is the ultimate destiny of all; however, in cases where death can be avoided, then the involved parties should respond appropriately. For instance, if there were functional preventive health care systems in place to address the issue of smoking, the 78,735 people who died in America in 2000 would be living today.

The Way Forward

In the wake of these facts, there is an urgent need to reconsider the place of preventive health care services in the mainstream healthcare systems. Policymakers cannot afford to overlook these facts and continue concentrating on curative medicine. According to W.H.O (2008), the majority of diseases are preventable. This puts practitioners and stakeholders on high alert and may be it time to come up with new techniques in providing health care services. Every session that a doctor has with a patient should be a session of interaction; informing patients on how to prevent some of the diseases we have today. This should be a challenge to doctors and other health care providers to become proactive and make radical decisions that will bring change. There is a high probability that if patients get enough information, they are likely to cut down consumption of substances that threaten their lives. For instance, there is a high probability that by educating a smoker on the dangers of smoking, he or she will quit smoking because he or she has already experienced the effects of the same. Does this strategy have a long-term effect?

WHO (2008), indicates that, by educating people on the importance of preventive health care practices, there will be a long-term reduction of chronic diseases hence reducing the burden of healthcare expenditure later on in life. By teaching young people how to shun risky behaviors like unsafe sex, they will grow to be responsible people in the future thus reducing instances of preventable cases like sexually transmitted diseases. There is a need to have a collaborative approach in managing preventive healthcare, a feat that will involve patients, doctors, families, policymakers, and communities at large. Some of the essential elements that call for implementation include endorsing a paradigm shift that will integrate preventive health care into the mainstream health care systems (W.H.O, 2008). There is a dire need to increase funding towards the implementation of a functional preventive care system. Doctors and other practitioners should educate patients on the need to practice preventive practices.

What has happened so far?

Despite the drawbacks that have plunged implementation and maintenance of a functional preventive health care system, different countries have made significant steps towards the implementation of this form of care. For instance, the United States of America is trying hard to integrate primary healthcare into mainstream healthcare practices. A good example is Kaiser Permanente (WHO, 2008). This is a care organization based in California and it seeks to integrate preventive care into curative care to meet patients’ needs in a better way. The organization created multidisciplinary teams of experts who will address health issues from an all-rounded perspective. These teams encompass nurses, physicians, health educators, physical therapists, and psychologists.

The American Heart Association in 2000 noted improved health through preventive health care practices. This is one of the departments in the health care sector that adopted preventive medicine quite early. According to The American Heart Association (2000), preventive health care practices have been in heart care services for the last three decades. Death rates from cardiovascular complications are lower compared to the times when preventive medicine was unavailable in cardiovascular treatment. In 2001 alone, more than 516,000 operations on coronary artery bypass were done on 305,000 patients (The American Heart Association, 2000). Given the prohibitive costs of performing heart surgery, most people would be dead now, because they would not have been afforded to pay for the services. This is a good example of how preventive medicine can work for the benefit of patients and the community at large.


Preventive health care is a crucial component in health care that seeks to tackle diseases before they emerge. This is the primary care where individuals can experience prolonged life expectancy if well executed. Unfortunately, this form of medication has not been able to enter mainstream health care. Over the years, health care systems have focused on curative medicine, addressing only chronic and urgent patient needs. It is regrettable that many people are dying today out of preventable conditions. This calls for immediate implementation of preventive health care in mainstream health care. Reports indicate that there is no sufficient information concerning preventive health care. Nevertheless, despite the many challenges and neglect, that face preventive health care, there is hope that finally, preventive health care is gaining popularity and it is finding its place in mainstream health care. By adopting preventive health care into other forms of health care, more lives will be saved at a lesser cost.

References List

American Heart Association. (2000). Preventive Health Care. Web.

British Medical Journal. (1949). Correspondence. Web. (2009). Preventive Health Care. Web.

Jekel, J., Katz, D., & Elmore, J. (2001). Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Preventive Medicine. Web.

Nussbaum, S. (2006). Prevention: The Cornerstone of Quality Health Care American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 31 (1) 107-108. Web.

Preidt, R. (2009). Most Teens aren’t Getting Preventive Health Care. USA Today. Web.

World Health Organization. (2002). Integrating Prevention into Health Care. Web.

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