According to Beauchamp, Norman & Denis (2003), Simulation by definition is the act of undertaking a Xerox of some condition of the issues or the processes that are mostly meant for the depiction of some particular traits of a chosen existing physical phenomenon. Simulation has for long been used in many fields to make people undertake processes that were not able to be done under the normal conditions as this creation of frustration does rise the hormone adrenaline in the human body hence making the person to jump into a field of higher performance without and further delays. The simulation created in different disciplines does have varied impacts according to the situation fueling it and the environmental impacts that are surrounding a person. In a nutshell simulation is in many perspectives viewed as the critical customer sing of the natural process and mechanism with the aim of gaining a better understanding of the ways of their functioning. Due to simulation, I was on one day made to undertake the processes of managing an economic market that had been experiencing a monopolistic type of competition to make the most rational decisions and run the place with a lot of expertise and skill and in span of a very short duration I was supposed to ensure that other firms are also able to get into the market and get out of it with ease and the count of the people coming to buy and sell is to the number that is needed for such a market. Beyond this, the whole thing should be able to show some form of product differentiation and the long run benefit tot the economy should be at zero. Out of simulation I had to take decisions that allowed all the participants to be small in such a way that they not able to influence the way the market shall be moving towards yet each of the parties shall be having some degree of controlling the price due to the availability of different products. The decisions that required this whole issue to go on were related and needed a lot concentration to enact which was to be delayed if made in a normal situation. Simulation enabled the management of the market within few minutes and the results were favorable and as expected.
Values, virtues and morals are all behavioral concepts and are related in u one way or the other yet they are very influential in convincing other people on the varied facts. Values do have the rules that enhance our making of decisions concerning a right and a wrong or the issues that are either have to be taken or dropped. The fact that they do give the impression of the right or the wrong undertaking is very useful in simulation circumstances. The morals on the other hand have a beyond drought social trait of the values and these are highly accepted in the society (Beauchamp, Norman & Denis,2003). Morals and values do blend into virtues as per individual taking and are very relative when one is simulating, just the right mannered and behaved persons are able to pull through a simulation test. Simulation is at my place of work is very useful because it does give the members of the unit the morale that is extraordinary to do things that are requiring a longer duration of time and expertise. Economics students are put into situations randomly at hand requiring them to mange it with limited time and this bring in the culture of caring for the resources which I the main goal of economics.
The external pressure does influence the business ethics to a very large extent. Beyond the immediate environment, the related conditions are also very influential to the business ethical requirements as they may make one person to behave in manner that is not allowed. This external factors can either influence the members involved into action, can create a demotivational instance that leads to taking of actions or can create scenes that make the other person feel like he does not belong and this would make him sparkle into action. For instance, a junior staff may be convinced by peers that the conditions of work are not to the standards and he is being exploited by actually having to work for the current sector and due t this he may end up storming into the human resource office and cause a scene that could have been avoided if he had thought of the whole issue without an external facilitator. The eternal conditions then do cause great influences on the business work ethics and the general conditions and performances.
Beauchamp, T.L., Norman E. B. & Denis G.A. (2003). Ethical Theory and Business. New York, NY: Prentice Hall.
The Concept Of Political Parties In The United States
From as early as the 18th century, the need to have the people’s interests represented by some form of political party had begun to arise. As the nation grew, more and more people gained the right to vote. These citizens had opinions on what and how they believed the administrations should be run in order that their interests are well served. Political discussions begun and people started to voice either their distaste or approval of how the government was being run (Michael 1992). These strong opinions consequently formed the basis of the first political parties and up to date, still continue to do so.
Rise and fall of the Federal and Democratic-Republican Parties
The Federal Party (1789-1820) was founded by Alexander Hamilton and was the first political party. The federalists supported a stronger central government as opposed to the anti-federalists who had wanted the independence of the states. The party gained popularity with the ratification of the Constitution by the States because prominent anti-federalists announced their intention of supporting the Constitution. It however began to face opposition in 1970 when Hamilton, the then Treasury Secretary, proposed assumption of the State debts by the central government that had been incurred during the Revolutionary War. These efforts to give more powers to the Central Government did not succeed and the federalists gradually vanished from existence (Michael 1992).
The Democratic-Republicans party thus arose in opposition to the propositions of Hamilton and his supporters, especially the economic and foreign policies. The party was founded by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison around 1972. Jefferson’s supporters saw Hamilton’s party as a sort of a monarchy. The Democratic Party was a true nationalistic party and remained strong for decades. It began to fall as a result of the members loosing focus. They no longer met to discuss ideologies and started to support each other based on personalities. During the1824 elections, the party literally dissolved into two, with some supporting Adams, and these later evolving into the National Republican Party, and the others supporting Andrew Jackson, majority of who formed the modern Democratic Party (Sean 2005).
The Whig Party
The Whig Party (1833-1856) was formed mostly as an opposition to the policies of President Andrew Jackson. The party was in favor of the supremacy of congress rather than the executive. The party later died due to the difference in opinion over the issue if slavery; while some wanted slavery to be expanded to the territories, others wanted it abolished (Sean 2005).
Today, the two main political parties are the Democrats and the Republicans. The Democratic Party traces its roots to President Andrew Jefferson while the Republican Party, founded in 1854, had President Abraham Lincoln as its first President. The Democratic Party is the largest party in the United States and is known for its liberal position on most matters. The Republican Party is known for its conservative position on matters. It is currently the second largest party.
Political parties continue to play vital functions in the American Society just as they did back then. They are the platform on which the citizens of the United States are able to make known their beliefs as well as expectations of the incumbent governments. With the ideologies of different parties clearly known, the American people are able to keep the administration accountable whether they belong to the ruling party or not.
Works cited
Holt, Michael F. (1992). Political Parties and American Political Development: From the Age of Jackson to the Age of Lincoln. Louisiana State University.
Wilentz, Sean (2005). The Rise of American Democracy: Jefferson to Lincoln. Norton, New York.
INTEC: Strategic Skills Analysis And Pay Equity
Relationships among KSAs (knowledge, skills, and abilities), job analysis, organizational strategy, and HR activities
An organization will have a strategy in place to achieve its desired goals. Most organizations have the desire to expand their businesses such as in the company INTEC a subsidiary of a construction and engineering company in the article Strategic Skills Analysis for Selection and Development (Summers & Summers, 1997). For this to be fulfilled, the company is required to have new employees in the delivery of heavy equipment and services to the parent company. The company required that the employees possess particular KSAs and in particular those that would accomplish the future tasks of the company.
To seek out these professionals the organization had to have particular requirements that they need to see in their potential employees. This is the area where the human resource department comes in and drafts the qualifications that the employees must possess. A job analysis will enable the HR department in determining the required qualifications and will also enable the organization in determining factors such as payment (Gatewood et al, 2007).
These three factors; organization strategy, job analysis, and human resource activities have a relationship with a potential employee’s KSAs. By involving human resource activities, an organization is able to determine and demand personnel with particular KSAs. Knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) are the qualifications and attributes that an individual needs to fulfill a job requirement (Gatewood et al, 2007). KSAs enable the organization to determine which candidate among the applicants for a particular job is best suited to fill the position. Knowledge refers to information that is directly applied for the performance of a particular task, skills are the measurable manual, verbal or mental manipulation of data (Gatewood et al, 2007) while abilities refer to the ability to perform an observable activity.
The KSAs needed by the firm to achieve the strategy and KSAs that are currently resident
The company required a new labor market that would be able to perform current and future tasks in the operation and maintenance of the equipment. Employees required possession of good customer relations and knowledge in new technological advances because the company was geared toward the future. The company also needed to find out what existing tasks, duties, future jobs and KSAs would be required for the company’s success. Those which were not essential were also considered for removal (Summers & Summers, 1997).
The firm’s growth in KSAs to meet the strategic challenge
The company applied the Behavioral Consistency Method in order to come up with the task and KSA inventories for the jobs to meet the training and selection objectives (Summers & Summers, 1997). To ensure that employees achieved the development objectives, the company set up a KSA inventory database program (Summers & Summers, 1997). The company also has a human resource information system that utilizes the information from the SSA plan. Data from the HRIS is then matched against data that represents the degree of possession of particular KSAs (Summers & Summers, 1997). This enables the company to come up with the individual most suited for a particular position.
Importance of managing pay equity (both internal and external) and the consequences for not doing so
It is important to ensure pay equity among employees and employers need to ensure that the employees are paid based on the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) that they bring to the organization or business. Today technology has allowed for information concerning a business’s salary plan to be accessible through the internet (Rubery, 2007). This coupled with bills such as the one recently signed by President Obama take liability with employers if they do not ensure equitable pay for the employees. Today an employer is not allowed to play the gender card were women despite possessing the same KSAs as their male counterparts still get paid less.
Not ensuring equitable internal pay for one’s employees will lead to the employer facing lawsuits which will not only be expensive but will also lead to a bad reputation for an organization. The employers involved in such cases will always lose especially if the employee can prove that they were getting paid less than their KSAs allow for. Employers also need to ensure pay equity internally is on the same level as that externally. It is important that employees try their best to ensure that a particular KSAs group’s salary is at the same level or higher than that of another company. This is because employees are bound to analyze the salaries of other companies with regard to a particular KSA and could provide information that would be used against the company in a lawsuit (Rubery, 2007).
Role of pay equity and employee job satisfaction and motivation from a strategic perspective
Pay is an important motivator in the workplace and if an employer desires their business to grow payment especially equitable pay is essential. Selling one’s business as one dedicated to paying equity on the basis of persons KSAs regardless of gender is one strategy for business growth. This strategy is one that will ensure employees work harder and are motivated because their jobs are satisfactory (Rubery, 2007). In return, the employer benefits because motivated and satisfied employees mean the growth of the business. The reason why pay equity ensures job satisfaction is because it allows for transparency within the organization and an employee feels that they are getting their efforts worth.
In addition to this, the employee is motivated because they feel respected for what they contribute. Pay equity is also another strategy for ensuring that an organization maintains its high performers and gives an organization the upper hand over other organizations or companies when it comes to hiring the best people out there (Rubery, 2007). The best people with the required KSAs will want to be employed in a company which recognizes their efforts by paying them accordingly.
Gatewood, R. Field, H. S. & Barrick, M. (2007). Human Resource Selection. Boston, MA. Cengage Learning.
Rubery, J. (2007). Performance Related Pay and the Prospects for Gender Equity. Journal of Management Studies.
Summers, T. P. & Suzanne, S. B. (1997). Strategic skills analysis for selection and development. Human Resource Planning.