Dear Immigration Officer,
My name is Katherine Chiao, and I am an Assistant Manager in the CRM department at Officine Panerai. I have earned a master’s degree in Integrated Marketing at New York University. This letter is written in support of Ms. Wang regarding her educational training and future role as the CRM, Search Marketing, and Analytics Specialist at J Mason Inc.
Customer relationship management encompasses a variety of business practices and strategies for managing and analyzing customer interactions. CRM data analysts study customer relationship data within the business sector and develop tactical strategies based on their investigations. As a minimum requirement, the employers emphasize the need for a bachelor’s degree and experience in marketing or analysis to start working in this industry. Concerning the entry-level position as a CRM data analyst, the essential educational minimum implies a bachelor’s degree in marketing, computer science, or a closely related field. Many employers might also prefer candidates who obtained a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree.
The highly technical and complex nature of the work responsibilities needs the employees to have a sufficient set of skills that can be acquired through proper education. CRM data analysts must be qualified professionals in using the analytical and technical software, including SEMrush, Google Analytics, and computing language such as SQL. They are also obliged to know how to develop a customer database and query in various software programs. Therefore, one will lack the adequate expertise needed to perform the assigned tasks without a bachelor’s degree in marketing or a closely related field. The coursework that I completed in the NYU Integrated Marketing program was necessary to acquire proper skills in integrated marketing, competitive strategy, digital marketing, web analytics, statistical management, and database management. The specialized knowledge and skillsets gained from this coursework were vital in helping me perform my daily work-related duties as a CRM Assistant Manager.
My daily tasks primarily include developing and tracking campaigns for customer acquisition and retention. However, the successful automation of these campaigns is not about sending the same email to the entire group engaged in a particular campaign. Such professional obligation encompasses personalized, keywords specific, well-written messages that adapt based on the actions performed by different users. It is important to demonstrate an analytical mindset and strategic thinking to design enough variations. My job also involves maintaining and updating the client database, which requires a thorough understanding of the database system that I learned from my statistical and database management coursework.
The knowledge received at the Integrated Marketing program prepared me for the position of Assistant Manager at the CRM department at Officine Panerai and my past work experience as a CRM Analyst at Giorgio Armani. With that said, I believe that Ms. Wang’s education at NYU’s Integrated Marketing program also trained her to excel at her role as a CRM, Search Marketing, and Analytics Specialist at J Mason Inc. I genuinely hope that the above establish your satisfaction with this specialty occupation. I am convinced that, based on Ms. Wang’s academic achievements, professional accomplishments, and unique abilities, her case for an H-1B classification should be deemed acceptable. Please refer to my resume for my qualifications and feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss Ms. Wang’s CRM, Search Marketing and Analytics Specialist role as a specialty occupation.
Katherine Chiao.
Healthcare Quality Improvement Programs And Cost Containment
Across the country, hospital systems tend to face a significant number of severe problems, including cash flow reduction, delays in patient discharge, hospital-acquired infections, preventable medical errors, and clinical variation. Moreover, some people cannot get quality medical care due to various reasons. Quality improvement projects and programs are created to help health systems innovate to tackle these issues and challenges (“Continuous quality improvement,” n.d.). The purpose of this paper is to explain healthcare quality improvement programs’ historical evolution and examine how the necessity of cost containment, healthcare reform efforts, and performance challenges contributed to this development. Moreover, those areas where the improvement of quality and the creation of performance targets is most important will be selected.
Historical Evolution of Healthcare Quality Improvement Programs
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is a special federal agency that controls the actions and performance of the Medicare and Medicaid programs. On July 30, 1965, these programs were created by President Lyndon B. Johnson (“CMS’ program history,” n.d.). They have been improving America’s economic security, saving people’s lives, and protecting the well-being and health of millions of U.S. families for fifty years. Medicaid and Medicare were established as primary insurance programs for those people who did not have health insurance, but since then, they have changed significantly, and their evolution is a great example of how such programs have to be improved.
In order to make this program’s performance better, several important changes to Medicare were made by Congress since 1965. First of all, “more people have become eligible” (“CMS’ program history,” n.d., para. 2). In other words, in 1972, the program was expanded and started covering people of sixty-five-years-old or older, persons with ESRD (end-stage renal disease) who require a kidney transplant or dialysis, and the disabled who choose Medicare coverage (“CMS’ program history,” n.d.). Moreover, the program started to offer many more benefits like coverage of the prescription drug.
When Medicaid was first created, it only provided medical insurance to those who were getting cash assistance. Nowadays, however, the program covers a larger group of people. It includes those who require long-term care, persons of all ages with disabilities, pregnant women, and low-income families (“CMS’ program history,” n.d.). Probably the most significant advantage of Medicaid programs is that there is a wide range of services because the states may moderate them so that they best serve the citizens.
In 1997, there was one of the most crucial improvements to these programs. In that year, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) was finally established to provide approximately eleven million uninsured American children with preventive care and health insurance (“CMS’ program history,” n.d.). It is essential to mention that a number of these children “came from uninsured working families that earned too much to be eligible for Medicaid” (“CMS’ program history,” n.d.). CHIP plans are present in all fifty states and the District of Columbia.
There was a set of conditions established by Congress, including utilization review, twenty-four-hour nursing services, and staff credentials. In 1965, Utilization Review Committees were created to identify whether appropriate clinical services were provided by medical personnel and hospitals. After several years, in 1972, pilot organizations called “Experimental Medical Care Review Organizations” were introduced by Congress. These physician organizations were provided with the responsibility and authority of reviewing and evaluating the healthcare delivery’s appropriateness and quality. Later, a network of nonprofit organizations run by physicians was created and trusted with assessing the applicability, quality, and need for the provision of medical services.
Performance Challenges, Healthcare Reform Efforts, and the Need for Cost Containment
The programs and organizations listed above were not as successful as Congress expected them to be. Several performance difficulties, efforts of healthcare reform, and the necessity of cost containment influenced their effectiveness and development. For example, the success of the Utilization Review Committees was limited, and the lack of its effectiveness was due to an absent connection between defining care improvement methods and the screening process (Marjoua & Bozic, 2012). What is more, “there was an absence of formal evaluation criteria to guide providers’ decision making, and to adjust payment based on the quality of care” (Marjoua & Bozic, 2012, p. 269). These performance challenges did not let the committees’ work become successful.
As for Experimental Medical Care Review Organizations, they were rather successful as they linked the quality control process’s results with efforts of health reform and related improvement strategies. However, the need for cost containment did not let these programs continue. Another performance challenge was faced by a network of nonprofit organizations. Apparently, they were “viewed as a form of governmental interposition into the practice of medicine, one that was sternly resisted by the AMA and state medical societies” (Marjoua & Bozic, 2012, p. 269). Thereby, this network was considered unsuccessful in both containing costs and improving quality. As the first condition is important for the healthcare system, it contributed to the further development of healthcare quality improvement programs.
Improvement Areas
There are some areas in the healthcare system that require innovation more than others. For example, it is essential to improve the supply chain, which includes easier purchasing (integrated ordering system, catalog management, and electronic ordering). It will make the process easier for healthcare clients and increase their number. Another area that needs improvement is transparency, where differential prices have to be stopped, pricing strategy should become clear and concise, and costs need to be reduced. Health is everyone’s priority, but not all people are able to afford to visit a doctor or have an observation. Hence, healthcare services need to be affordable for all and less expensive.
CMS’ program history. (n.d.). 2020, Web.
Continuous Quality Improvement. (n.d.). Office of Adolescent Health. 2020, Web.
Marjoua, Y., & Bozic, K. J. (2012). Brief history of quality movement in US healthcare. Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine, 5(4), 265–273.
Present Day Resistance Historical Roots To The Trade Globalization
Financial integration through trading and investing is usually mistaken to be the phenomenon of the 1990s. It has been developing long ago, and there are two distinct periods to be highlighted in the history of progressing globalization. To be specific, they are the time of European colonialism and the early years after World War II. The enhanced economic integration experienced during these timelines was the reason for contemporary resistance to the globalization of trade.
Before the European colonialism period, most of the countries were mostly self-sufficient. The economic integration brought by the colonialists caused dependency of the colonies to the empires and vice versa. Thus, local and regional trade was replaced by global sales as conquerors spread across Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Pacific, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Local economies were integrated into the global economies in the way is beneficial to the colonists. Enslaved people were against such a development of the economy, and this fact caused the resistance to exploitative forms of global integration.
Similarly, after World War II, large international corporations suggested plans for recovery of the affected economies. The projects were aimed to enrich transnational companies even more and bring the second world countries and colonies to greater poverty and dependence. Moreover, those businesses made the proliferative atmosphere for their development without considering the fate of addressed lands. As a result, such prospects have grown greater distrust of economic integration, or in other words, globalization.
To conclude, the selfish character of economic integration is the primary historical basis for the resistance to globalization. Today’s detention and restraint to the named process is the result of past operations and events, some of which affect the present decisions directly. Considerate analysis of the prior experiences set by earlier politics and activists can show the correct approach for modern globalization to be effective.