Every human being living on the planet Earth experiences life differently although some may argue for monism, dualism, and several other philosophies about existence and reality we all end up choosing otte, which is the best story for our life and circumstances. Rene Descartes is one of the most widely looked upon intellectual persons in western philosophy his most famous phrase “I think, therefore, I am “ has been acknowledged and followed for many of years along with the idea that human thought is logic and rational. However, Jean-Paul Sartre refuted the Cartesian dualism view on reality and formed anew — a reality based on the acting, living, and feeling individual. In this paper I will argue for existentialism and how it contributes to the world with a parsimonious explanation of reality, rather than the complicated, doubting Cartesian Dualist.
Upon everyday of human life we take in stimuli from our eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and fingers to guide is in making decisions and socially interacting with others around us Unlike Descartes, Sartre believes that we do not think of existence but we feel it. Ashe states in his book Nausea: “To exist is simply to be there: those who exist let themselves be encountered, but you catt never deduce anything from them”. His idea of each and every being feeling their reality on their own is relatable attd easy to comprehend because even though we all see similar things in our clay mold of reality, we cannot ever understand what another being experiences as they shape their incoming stimuli into a visual perception of the surrounding environment. Each and every day I walk to class up the same hill arid the satne streets with my iPod blasting, although I have habituated to the surrounding environment that I perceive I always seem to notice different small details such as colors, smells. and sounds that I had never noticed before.
These new. novel stimuli that my brain receives creates new schemes of the environment and accommodate and assimilates it into other familiar categories that my senses have already stored in my brain. This mental process in the brain accounts for the idea that each individual creates different schemes every day to environments they may or may not have seen before. and the new schemes create another perception of reality in one’s mind that could be completely different from a person standing next to them. Although one may have already created schemes for one portion of the environment (reality) a new set always will present itself and the body/mind will accommodate and add another dimension to the absurdity of reality. Dualism, on the other hand, tells one to doubt our senses because they “have deceived us before,” yet how could the brain and tltought alone only function on knowledge floating througlt our mind.
Humans absorb information only through the senses and if we can’t rely on them tlten how could we even have rational, logical thought? Now, a Cartesian Dualist would argue that well maybe we cannot doubt our senses however, how do we explain the fact that we can only experience perfection in our mind, but not in the stimuli our senses detect and create into our own perception of the physical world? Descartes claims that since humanity has not experienced “perfection” in our physical reality, we can picture that “perfect,” innate being in our head. therefore God tnost be all-knowing. an innate, immaterial substance that created us. Though God is a being that seems to help guide people through life throughout human history when has his entity expressed its perfection attd given light to the chaos life ltas constantly brought to each attd every once of us. There has been so tnuch violence, death, racism, slavery, and rape. attd several other terrible acts of mankind that God seemingly doesn‘t make an “effort” to stop. Even though the belief in God and Descartes‘ idea that his being is innate in our minds to guide is may be easier to believe, due to the fact that humans desire to find meaning in life, facing reality and knowing that there isn’t a God or immaterial being watching over us is truly the simplest to follow for once an individual comes to acceptance with their ever-changing. meaningless life one can per say “live lile to the fullest.“
Once we can take the reins to our “condemn to freewill“ we can change our course of me whenever we want because the morals and nonexistent eyes of God have been erased. Ultimately, just as in the novel The Stranger by Albert Camus, Meursault (main character) at the end of the novel comes to terms with the idea that reality is absurd and humans will always try to find meaning and order to feel safe. In most circumstances God is a tool used by humans to add meaning to their life, yet when you face reality and that you are alone you become happy Meursault came to terms with his lack of belief itt God, evett though he was condemned to public decapitation, and knew dying would cotne no matter what. He demonstrated that we should all think about life as a matter of chance for it has no purpose there is no order to reality just what you feel attd the absurdity, chaos, attd nonsense that you can develop your own order of and live life because “every existing thing is bortt without reason, prolongs itself out of weakness attd dies by chance.“
Relying On The Environment And Everyday Gestures
Trying to describe this still, silent place, of an undetermined age, crisscrossed by invisible paths, entails reconfiguring it and revealing its spatiality through movement and human presence. Merely being there would limit one to absorbing the space’s story to participate in it is to take action. In her videos, Elise Leclercq invites people who are encountered there to transpose their everyday gestures and to live them in a relationship with a place in proposing that they themselves create a visual and symbolic narrative in situ. Here, there is no cinematic direction where one drifts away in assigned roles all the people play their own characters. Each questions the character in his or her own way through distancing that the ritualized movement makes possible by writing in the space, what the artist calls a microefiction.
All of these sequences of shots outline directions in time, question the relationship between a person in motion and a place, without ever looking to give the viewer an unequivocal answer. The ritual calls together the diversity of relationships in reality and makes possible a mediation of daily life in a space of open time. “The rituals invented with the people I meet try to initiate a deviation, a subversion of reality, while leaning on an environment and everyday gestures,” she says. “The Way It Goes,” a sequence of still shots filmed at the center of Ramallah in Palestine, could thus be a micro-fiction. But the character well and truly exists in the daily life of this city and comes to question an artistic approach that fictionalizes reality while sometimes finding itseif facing a reality tat is probably already fictional.
Beyond these videos which were produced, it‘s the globality of an approach that unfurls in the meeting between reality and fiction, searching for the utopic part of our lives. Thus the photographic and audio project entitled “Amador enquete,” stems from a common will of the artist and a resident to produce a gesture: inviting the residents of a neighborhood in the North of France to rechristen streets bearing the names of classical French authors. The social imagining, momentarily suspended, leaves room for the individual imagining. The relationship between the two appears conflicting, paradoxical, and perhaps impossible it points out the utopic character of a common imagining.
A Candid Reflection On My Surrounding Environment And The People Who Had An Influence On My Life
Candid Reflection is a personal diagnostic of the most influential individual in my life. The most influential individual spoken of in this piece of work is no other than Briana Janae‘ Shockley. This will discuss my likes, dislikes, my personality, and my moral virtuosity Candid Reflection will display the make—up of my character, my attitude, and most of all my behavior; thus portraying what truly formulates Briana Janae’ Shockley. Through personal insight, experiences, and a few other external references, this paper will surely display my innermost temperamental yet straightforward habits. My behavior is known to be quite bold yet conservative; in other ways, a little short—tempered yet compassionate. Some may be shown in a more positive manner than others depending on the situation at hand but it is what makes Briana Shockley.
This Candid Reflection will show how my surrounding environment and the people who surround me modulate my character either positively or negatively. As an 18-year-old female from Southeast DC, my surroundings were a large influence on my morality and actions. Being straightforward is one of my most prominent characteristics. When asked for advice or personal opinions on certain situations, a feeling of refrainment is not in my character. Though my answers and opinions may not be the most cherishing or given in the most affectionate way, being straightforward and honest is how I was raised f0 be. Promises are never hard for me to keep it does not matter who I make the promises for 1 always keep my promises. This is why loyalty is another affluent characteristic of mine I am very loyal to people who mean a lot to me such as family, friends, and coworkers.
Someone once told me, “blood makes you related but loyalty makes you family. With that being said, I cannot be anything but loyal to the people who mean a lot to me if I am being loyal to someone and do not senses the loyalty back, I will slowly cut off my loyal ways. Sometimes my temperamental ways result in my violent actions. It also results in my contemptuous verbal sayings not getting my way revealing these short- tempered moments of mine. These behavioral components are known to reveal my spoiled nature getting what i want is a necessity for me when it comes down to attitude. This characteristic of mine was primarily established because of the people who have been around me for an extended amount of time. There are few occasions when my wants are never satisfied to my liking.
Although it may not be a positive attribute to hold on to but it is what makes me who I am. I have tried in the past to get rid of this negative trait but, it never seems to go away being short—tempered may sometimes result in negative responses from others. I do not personally like their responses, but it is my temper that caused them to respond in the manner that they do determination is important when it comes to me. Though sometimes I may get lazy, I motivate myself to get the job done in a timely manner as a college student, my success depends on my determination and self-desire. When I push myself to do better in something, I feel accomplished and satisfied with myself. I always work hard at something that I know is going to benefit me in the long run. As a freshman in college thus far it has taught me to discipline myself when it comes to academics.
Vince Lombardi once said “The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand”. Although Lombardi was referring to sports, people can use those inspiring words to motivate them on a daily basis. Optimism is a very important trait to possess I was taught at a very young age to always look on the bright side of things and never to be pessimistic of the outcome. When it comes to daily life and things I do on a daily basis, I try not to think negatively about anything. Thinking negatively only makes the situation worse, Having faith and being optimistic about situations can make life easier. One of the things I have learned the hard way was that it does not pay to get discouraged‘ Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself. All of the things stated above define me, Briana Janae’ Shockley I have grown over the years to a more mature and nurtured young woman but, my character traits remain the same.