Feminism is associated with exploring sexual orientation differences and refers to gender roles in the public view being supplemented. Feminism believes in equal rights for men and women. It is a movement that advocates for equal rights and laws for women’s political, social, cultural, and economic rights. It has nothing to do with hating guys. It isn’t about women being better than men. It has nothing to do with avoiding womanliness. Even though research shows that men and women are far more similar than different across many domains, our gender views may cause us to assume that men and women exist in other gendered worlds, producing self-fulfilling prophecies that validate these assumptions.
This study seeks to find the role that the media plays in our gendered views and experiences. This research aimed to see how much social networking sites had influenced people’s perceptions of the feminist movement. Gender inequalities are most pronounced in media representation and content, and, in particular, exposure patterns are partially due to gender-typed material. To comprehend how the media affects women, it is necessary first to learn about systemic gender disparities in media content and any gender inequalities in media quality and quantity.
A literature review
The feminist movement has progressed through many phases, three to be precise. Each stage, known as “waves” in academia, has its history and distinguishing characteristics. In the past and now, the media played a part in the movement. Charles Fourier originated the term “feminist” in 1837, according to Beecher (1990). Three waves of feminism developed it and supplied the elements necessary for equality to triumph. The first wave, which spanned the nineteenth and early twentieth century, focused on social and economic equality. It included fights for women’s voting rights and social equality. In 1960, the slogan “To End Patriarchy” launched the second wave of feminism. Women got more involved in their schooling, divorce rights, and professional options. In 1990, the third wave of feminism began with themes of gender violence and the oppression of women.
The qualitative approach was used in this investigation. The data was gathered via focus group talks, online textual analysis, and critical journal reviews, among other means of data collection. These three methodologies would enable the researcher to triangulate their data and come to accurate conclusions from the investigation.
Feminism and the media have always had a strong connection, and this is no exception. The movement would not be where it is now if it had not had access to the media. Without the media, political and social advancements for women would have been challenging to accomplish. As social media becomes more popular, more viewpoints become available to the broader population. This allows for fresh ideas and tactics to fight injustice and promote political advancements for women. Because these waves were so huge, they’ve likely triggered the start of a never-ending cycle that will continue to evolve and adapt. Consequently, in general, incidents relating to women’s issues will continue to be covered by the media.
The idea is that the media is more than simply a source of information in this movement. They function as catalysts because they are at the center of the action. For the feminist cause, feminist groups and feminist media span all media, culture, and society. Their sole source of information about the feminist movement and a venue to learn about their own and other people’s circumstances was the media. They are freely available and appear in your “feed” without you having to actively seek them out, even without our consent.
As previously said, the media are becoming more indistinguishable from the public. We absorb information from it without even recognizing it anymore since it is so ubiquitous in our lives nowadays. It is via the work of Bolter and Deuze that we can understand how we get to be content producers without even realizing it. To be sure, the internet has made it so simple to express one’s thoughts by writing articles and videos that it has become ordinary and transparent since we are not accustomed to interacting with them daily. Women in the United Kingdom utilize internet media as a supplementary and vital means of gathering information and feeling empowered by the movement. “Democratic places of visibility, identity development, and discussion,” according to the literature.
Another intriguing conclusion from this survey was that, despite male feminist self-identity being considered contradictory to society’s views of what masculinity should and should not be, an increasing number of males felt comfortable self-identifying as feminists. This was a clear indicator of a cultural reality in which men who are seen to be deviating from dominant male gender norms, or hegemonic masculinity, risk having their masculinity and, by extension, heterosexuality questioned by their peers and society at large. Men’s willingness to identify as feminists is a step in the right direction. Still, with male feminists’ attitudes about feminine conduct remaining, sexist practices may continue to redirect attention away from male feminist self-identity.
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Final Paper About IT Asset Management Job Strengths Sample College Essay
IT asset management involves a collection of organizational policies that enhance the maintenance and usage of an organization’s IT equipment. In general, it includes managing both software and hardware assets (Abbasi et al., 2018). Information technology asset managers play the role of managing the IT assets. Therefore, the management process may include everything from the organization’s software and hardware assets and other digital assets and cloud services (Abbasi et al., 2018). The major role of these managers is to operate and create new functions of the IT Asset Management system. They typically focus on the firm’s strategic management of the routine workflow tasks and all IT assets (Fareri et al., 2020). This paper provides a final draft on the way forward to improve the strengths of an IT asset management job. It also provides a detailed analysis of how someone can become an information asset manager.
The role of an IT Asset Manager
Information technology Asset facilitates the making organization’s software and hardware devices. It applies the information used in quick decision making .this brings about Information Technology related sales and redistribution of the devices to the people working for the organization (Faheem et al., 2018). The IT asset manager’s job includes assisting their colleagues with the unwanted waste, bringing about the best IT hardware and software devices, and doing away with unwanted sales from the working organization. They help the organization make quick results on coping with the IT surroundings (Faheem et al., 2018). This brings mutual understanding between people working in the whole business.
Their role also entails developing and maintaining standard dimensions that help the company successfully control the entire organization’s daily operations (Chen et al., 2018). This comes with Business’ concerns with its operations through costs of risks that may occur, business goals, and the power as by the IT organizations.
The IT asset manager is responsible for maintaining quality controls throughout the lifecycle of the organization’s IT assets. Their work also involves ensuring that the employees meet the requirements ruling of IT supremacy (Fareri et al., 2020). This brings about the tools applied in the IT business used in managing, monitoring, and reporting the IT hardware and software devices. Also, His her work entails keeping and recording databases and files of information through permit and services contracts for the business hardware and software tools (Abbasi et al., 2018).
IT asset manager plays a role in fulfilling the wishes of other employees and ensuring that the organization complies with vendor contracts. This is usually achieved by completing service contracts and maintaining watch with working teams through software and hardware permits (Fareri et al., 2020). They can also bring changes in the sector of obtaining across the business that checks the use of the technology. To become an effective IT asset in any organization, it is important to include software that connects different business sectors such as IT resources, running the organizational departments, and losses reporting.
A plan for moving forward
Assess Subsets of Your Strengths: You can be the best in training, but you also need to understand some of the other areas of improving training skills. Therefore, having little knowledge in some areas based on the activity doesn’t mean you should add to the knowledge and skills (Abbasi et al., 2018).
Find People to Cover for Your Weaknesses: Core skill is a statement that is rarely heard at some offices. We know we are best in answering the questions relating to our strengths (Fareri et al., 2020). Therefore, we have to allow the people working in different technology sectors to concentrate on their success and downfall (Fareri et al., 2020). To cope with this, we have to discover the strongest people to assist us where we are can’t to meet our goals.
Get additional training: Once we are done with schools, we often don’t revisit the basics subjects regarding additional training, especially when we have all the knowledge concerning them (Fareri et al., 2020). Due to this, the business changes with time. If you want to become more successful, take some additional exercises or acquire a guru to teach you more about the career (Abbasi et al., 2018).
Discover more attractive opportunities: Having a positive attitude that you can in various areas is a basic key. Also, you have to challenge yourself through multiple activities and improve your skills (Fareri et al., 2020).
Intentionally practice: they say practice makes practice, makes perfect”. Practice every day to improve your skills .this intentional practices mainly bring together productive results. I, therefore, plan to do my job to the best of my ability and never say you can’t (Fareri et al., 2020).
Communicate and Blog: I’ve appreciated how bloggers communicate and force you to organize your thoughts. Generally, communication and Blogging help you dive deeper into topics you have expertise in (Fareri et al., 2020). This is because Blogging is a function that forces you to develop a strong personal perspective in the areas of your expertise.
Learn From others: Observing what’s similar to my work is what I like observing from other people and making changes that have gone wrong. All I want is to become the best in my career by keeping an eye on other people’s struggles and experiences to reach the level they’re in (Fareri et al., 2020). I can use the skills I have learned from them and tackle my situation alone.
Be Open to Change: The results talk more about your past—these changes from time to time through practice. Today’s peak of your work may not be the same tomorrow (Faheem et al., 2018). However, this could be achieved through your hard work, which has led to keep at that level you are in. keep the changes and let your mind open. As you grow, you keep learning more from people (Abbasi et al., 2018).
Focus on the Positive: In today’s world, we focus on improving our strengths, eliminating our weaknesses in our work, and leaving behind what we have achieved (Faheem et al., 2018). Having a tutor to help you spot your weaknesses and strengths is essential to remaining focused on your work. Concentrate on the positive side and put fewer struggles on the negative side and build your work well (Fareri et al., 2020).
Read Frequently: Thanks to the content writing marketer, the SEO, for his advice to the people in this sector. He has advised his people to build more strength and acquire more related books (Abbasi et al., 2018). This will impact one’s mind by thinking more and having better results. Have all the requirements like a notebook to write down the useful points (Chen et al., 2018).
Devote 80 Percent of Your Time to Them: Focus on your strengths by making them more efficient and stronger (Abbasi et al., 2018). This comes out by spending more of your fruitful time doing some work to improve your strengths and spending less doing other things to build your mind. The more time you spend working on the practical side, the more you gain opportunities from other people (Fareri et al., 2020).
An employer who needs to create a job description for an IT asset staff can use the job description provided in this paper. After reading this paper, you are sure that you can create an effective IT asset staff. This is because the paper offers important insights into how IT asset staff can improve their strengths for their job description.
Abbasi, F. K., Ali, A., & Bibi, N. (2018). Analysis of skill gap for business graduates: managerial perspective from banking industry. Education+ Training.
Chen, G., Xu, B., Lu, M., & Chen, N. S. (2018). Exploring blockchain technology and its potential applications for education. Smart Learning Environments, 5(1), 1-10.
Faheem, M., Shah, S. B. H., Butt, R. A., Raza, B., Anwar, M., Ashraf, M. W., … & Gungor, V. C. (2018). Smart grid communication and information technologies in the perspective of Industry 4.0: Opportunities and challenges. Computer Science Review, 30, 1-30.
Fareri, S., Fantoni, G., Chiarello, F., Coli, E., & Binda, A. (2020). Estimating Industry 4.0 impact on job profiles and skills using text mining. Computers in industry, 118, 103222.
Financial Accounting And Reporting Essay Example
Today, financial accounting and reporting play an important role in every company. For instance, financial accounting and reporting provide useful information for the major stakeholders to make informed decisions. The important stakeholders that need the financial information include creditors and investors. In addition, financial reporting also helps in solving problems that may arise as a result of separating control and power in a company. Apart from the creditors and investors who play a major role in a company, the financial reporting must follow the accounting standards and principles (GAAP) established by FASB. Hence, financial reporting and accounting are important in every company because it provides useful information for major stakeholders.
Roles of Financial Accounting and Financial Reporting
Financial accounting and reporting provide important information for external stakeholders to help them evaluate the company’s profitability, growth, and risks. Most of the time, this is the information they need to value the shares of the company (Wahlen et al., 2020). For instance, evaluating the company’s profitability, risks and growth provide useful information for decisions by the stakeholders, and these decisions depend on the returns they expect for their investment. In addition, financial reporting provides useful information for decisions by the investors about selling, buying, and settling loans.
Financial reporting also plays the role of communicating the financial accounting information to the external decision-makers, creditors, and investors. This is because it provides useful information that helps the stakeholders assess the timing, amount, and uncertainty in future cash flows (Wahlen et al., 2020). The useful information provided maybe about a company’s resources and changes in the company’s economic resources to provide in-depth financial information for the stakeholders.
Additionally, the relationship between financial accounting and reporting is linked with the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). For instance, financial accounting has standards needed for financial reporting in a company.
Categories of Stakeholders that Need Financial Information
One of the major stakeholders that need financial information is the investors. The investors are the ones who enjoy the profits in cases where the company is successful (Wahlen et al., 2020). Thus, investors would always want to know more about the company’s financial information to make better decisions. For instance, the investors may want to know about the price and the number of stock shares to purchase.
The other category of stakeholders that need financial information is the creditors. This is because they always risk losing their investment since they have more claims in case of bankruptcy (Wahlen et al., 2020). For instance, if one wants to invest in a company, they would probably want to know more about the company’s equity capital to make more informed decisions. In addition, the creditors are also interested in knowing more about the company’s resources and loans to conduct any business.
Distinguishing Between Investors and Creditors as Users of Information of Financial Statements
Both the investors and creditors use the information of financial statements for different purposes (Wahlen et al., 2020). For instance, the investors tend to be more interested in profits, such as the source of future dividends plus the share value appreciation. However, creditors are more interested in the principal payment and source of interest (cash flows) in the financial statements.
How Financial Reporting Helps to Solve Problems.
Financial accounting and reporting helps to avoid potential problems that arise from the separation of control and ownership of a company’s resources. For instance, in most corporations, the most common shareholders (creditors and investors) provide financial resources by lending and investing in the company. This implies that the executives, managers, and employees are hired to run the company’s daily activities on behalf of the creditors and investors (Wahlen et al., 2020). Thus, the creditors and the investors are different from the employees and managers because they provide financial capital. Financial reporting helps to solve problems that arise in such cases due to separating the power and control between creditors plus investors and employees and managers etc.
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
The GAAP entails a common set of accounting standards, procedures, and principles established by the FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) that US companies are needed to use while reporting financial information for use by an external shareholder (Wahlen et al., 2020). In the US, these methods and practices establish authoritative guidance for companies on how they should report events, transactions, etc.
Financial reporting and accounting provide useful information for major stakeholders such as creditors and investors in a company. For instance, it provides important information for stakeholders to help them evaluate the company’s profitability, growth, and risks. Financial reporting also plays the role of communicating the financial accounting information to the major stakeholders to help them assess the future’s timing, amount, and uncertainty. In addition, it helps to solve problems linked with the separation of control and ownership of a company’s resources. In addition to the various importance, the accounting standards and principles (GAAP) improve the financial reporting of most companies through a clear and consistent method.
Wahlen, J. M., Jones, J. P. & Pagach, D. P. (2020). Intermediate Accounting: Reporting and analysis (3rd ed.). Cengage Learning.