What issues are most important to you ?The two most important issues are damage to the environment of Seaborne and destruction of the basic Banksedge River Ecology. Obstructing or opposing the deep port projectForming coalitions with other parties who might oppose the project Being included in the project ( Not being excluded )Fighting for their causeWhat is your BATNA ? Reservation Price ? Target ?My main objective is to block Harborco from obtaining a license to build the deepwater port. If unable to block the deal, ensure that environmental concessions are made within the deal to protect and to rebuild the environmental and ecological integrity of the port area.
My target would be to get 100 points and reservation price would be 50 -60 points. This will allows us to compare the potential gains and losses associated with different issues.What issues are important to your opponent ?Securing financial funding from the Federal DCRLimiting union presenceObtaining approval from the FLA to build the deep water port. Introducing new modern technology and limiting union presence Avoiding costs of paying compensation to competitorsGenerating profitAvoiding costs of environment improvements.
What is your opponents BATNA ? Reservation Price ? Target ?Harborco , which is a newly formed national consortium , consortium members are from variety of enterprises and are diversified among a number of commercial activities, they want to diversify into operation of the port. Ifthat does not go through , they’re already well established in their respective fields. They also can form a coalition with other states to build the port in their states. Their primary motto is to generate as much as profit as they can at the expense of environment degradation, not compensating other ports, taking Max loan as they can and giving no special preference to union workers.
Apply for a license further down the coast in a different state. Take the issue to court on grounds of economic developmentFind more financial investors , apply later.Make side deals with parties of the negotiation who did not vote for the project and reapply for licensing.What is your opening move / first strategy ? Other important information ?My initial move would be not to agree with the proposal which Harboroco has already submitted, Both of my important issues are not been addressed by the submitted proposal.
Industry Mix:The first opening move would be to vouch for “clean” industries such as high-tech production industries and exclude “dirty” plants which are harmful to the environment. My reservation price in this case would be to exclude the “most dirty” industries and allow a limited number of moderately dirty plants.Ecological Impact:The first move would be to stress on improving the ecological setting of the area by, bypassing the delicate areas during construction and dredging and proposing on-going fishery management and wildlife protection, creating a larger wetland areas and constructing and operating a waste treatment facility to treat effluents flowing into the estuary from the Banksedge River. My reservation price in this case would involve taking special precautions to divert construction and dredging activity from most ecologically delicate or important areas and relocation of habitats destroyed by unavoidable dredging and construction.
Other important information :Opposed to any “development” of coastal areas, especially development which threatens the fragile ecosystems, Adds to air and water pollution, increases waste disposal problems. Strict limits should be placed on the industry mix allowed in the area; Clean industries such as high-tech production plants be allowed in the area. All industries would conform to existing federal and state pollution regulations.
Globalization As The Inexorable Integration Of Markets
Globalization is essential for global development as it encompasses the integration of markets, capital, nation-states, and technologies. This integration enables individuals, groups, corporations, and countries to access any part of the world more extensively, rapidly, profoundly, and economically than ever before (Thomas, 2000). As a result of this integration, there has been an increase in communication between people from diverse cultural backgrounds.
With the growing cross-domain, inter-ethnic, and inter-cultural interactions among economies and societies, Chinese individuals have more chances to connect and communicate with Westerners. This brings us benefits. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that countries possess distinct cultures. For instance, in China, a “full moon” symbolizes celebration and unity whereas “a bright moon in the sky” signifies tranquility and relaxation. Cultural distinctions vary greatly across nations.
In this essay, the influence of cultural differences on my interactions with others will be discussed, specifically regarding my classmates and friends from diverse cultural backgrounds. The challenges of communicating with individuals from different cultures will also be addressed.
Upon arriving in Singapore, difficulties arose due to my limited proficiency in English. This hindered the establishment of relationships with both classmates and roommates. However, I viewed communication with foreigners as an opportunity to practice and improve English skills. Additionally, friendships were sought among international students residing in my student hostel—a diverse mix hailing from Thailand, China, the U.S., Indonesia, France, and South Korea.
Learning effective communication methods with students from diverse cultural backgrounds and different languages is vital. Based on my personal experience, communicating with individuals from other cultures includes the following aspects:
1. It is essential to clearly express your thoughts and minimize any accent you have as people from different cultures may have limited proficiency in your native language.
2. Being patient when someone from another culture struggles to understand what you’re saying is important. You might need to repeat your message and present it differently for better comprehension.
Enhance your active listening skills and grasp of spoken words by allowing individuals the opportunity to express their ideas before offering a response. Focus on understanding their intended message without passing judgment on their character or qualities.
Take note of nonverbal cues such as hand movements, facial expressions, body posture, and personal boundaries since they may carry distinct meanings in various cultures. Invest time in familiarizing yourself with the cultural background of the person you are engaging with so that you can effectively adapt your nonverbal communication.
The notion of “time is money” is deeply embedded in Western culture, often associating time with its monetary worth.
Their strong emphasis on time management is evident in their careful planning and organization prior to taking action, as well as their punctuality. During my diploma, I was fortunate to have a mentor from the UK who exemplified this cultural trait. One particular incident stands out when I spontaneously decided to pay him a visit at his residence after shopping at Vivo City. Much to my surprise, instead of being pleased by my arrival, he expressed anger. It was then that he explained the importance of adhering to Western customs: before visiting someone, it is customary to call or send an advance notice, specifying the purpose, time, and location.
Visiting someone after they accept your request is a reminder of the importance of acknowledging and respecting cultural differences when interacting with individuals from diverse cultures. It is crucial to recognize that people come from distinct cultural backgrounds, which means certain subjects like political matters or personal remarks about their country should be avoided in conversation. Additionally, being mindful of potential conflicts arising from different religions or beliefs is necessary. Before making assumptions based on our own values and attitudes, it is vital to remember this when interacting with someone from a different culture.
Our group had differing opinions on the Power Point background, particularly on the use of color. We attribute different meanings to colors, which affects our perception of them. Consequently, when selecting colors for clothing, decorations, and other items, people often have preferences. It is evident that the symbolism of red is nearly opposite in the Eastern and Western cultures. In the East, red symbolizes luck and fortune. In Chinese festivals, red is frequently used for decoration, such as red lanterns, red Chinese knots, and red firecrackers. However, in Western culture, red represents blood and revolutions.
Chinese people do not consider personal matters such as name, year, marital status, wages, personal life, belief, and political points to be private. They ask these questions to demonstrate their care, although Westerners may view it as an invasion of privacy. For instance, in Chinese culture, expressing concern by saying “Dear”, you have lost weight. From now on, you should pay more attention to your health” or “My friend”, you have gained weight is common. Similarly, asking “Hi”, have you eaten?”, “Where are you going?”, and “What are you going to do?” is a way to show enthusiasm.
Contrary to western countries, inquiring about someone’s meals is not seen as a greeting. Instead, it might be taken as an invitation for dinner. I have friends from foreign countries such as Vietnam, Singapore, and Thailand. One noteworthy individual is a girl from Thailand who spoke English proficiently but faced challenges in expressing herself due to it being her second language. 5) Did any interactions with individuals from diverse cultures within your study groups affect the team dynamics?
During my time in diploma, each course typically involved a group assignment or presentation. In my initial group, our member from Singapore expressed the desire for us to communicate and write in proper English. The objective was to enhance the quality of our assignments while also saving time. The language barrier presented a challenge for effective teamwork, as it impeded communication speed. However, being a Chinese student, I usually handled the simpler and more fundamental tasks. Personally, I hold the belief that a multinational group possesses greater energy and enthusiasm compared to a conventional group.
It is important to read literature, newspapers, magazines, and engage in discussions about current affairs due to diverse education and varied cultural backgrounds. This allows us to gain a comprehensive understanding of other countries’ cultural background, broaden our perspective, enhance communication skills, and prevent potential embarrassments and misunderstandings. The lesson aims to provide valuable information for effectively building working relationships with individuals from significantly different cultures.
Recognizing and accepting cultural disparities is vital for individual and corporate triumph, whether these variances arise within a single nation or among multiple nations. It is imperative to efficiently cooperate with people from various cultures, both at home and abroad. Furthermore, establishing rapport with a culturally diverse clientele is crucial for attaining success. Allocating time and creating chances to establish significant connections and acquire knowledge about other cultures are necessary.
1. Edgar Schein, (2004), Organizational Cultural and Leadership. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
2. The Impact of Study Abroad Educational Travel as a Model for Responsible Tourism By Shoshanna Sumka
3. Thomas Freidman, (2000), The Lexus and the Olive Tree. New York, NY: Anchor Books.
4. feng guofeng impact of cultural differences 2008
Boyz N The Hood Deviance Analysis
Throughout the 1992 film, “Boyz in the Hood,” John Singleton takes a closer look at urban black America in South Central Los Angeles. Doughboy, Ricky and Trey, along with their parents are chronicled from childhood to adulthood. Each person, though living in the same neighborhood chooses different paths in life. These characters were raised in a very deviant community, however there were many causes as to why they did not all become deviant. Deviance is defined as behavior that goes against what is socially acceptable. It is when a person disregards what is normal in a specific society and acts upon it.
Throughout the movie these characters had many chances to engage in deviant behavior, as some did while others did not. Their behavior and personality was determined by many factors and theories which sociologist study. The four main theories which explain why these characters did or did not become deviant are differential association, labeling, social control, and structural strain theory. As this deviant society is exposed to these theories, a normal society can better understand why and how this deviance originated.
One of the most compelling theories of how deviance is instigated is the theory of differential association. Differential association is defined as behavior that is learned through the interaction of others. People pass these deviant behaviors onto others whom they have relations with. Throughout the film there are many instances in which deviant behavior is passed on to others through leading example. One instance comprises of the way Tre’ and his father Furious answer the phone. When Tre’ answers the phone he says, “Who dis? ”(Singleton) His mother replies back. This is your mother. That is no way to answer the phone. Let me speak to your father. ” (Singleton) Furious answers the phone and says, “Who dis? ”(Singleton) As tranquil as this scenario is, it is still considered deviant behavior as the way our society typically answers the phone is much more polite and mannerly. It is clear that trey acquired this deviance through example of Furious. Consequently this shows that Tre’ is heavily influenced through his father’s actions, words, and mannerisms. However, not always does Furious influence Trey in a negative, deviant way.
In the beginning of the film when Furious and Trey were fishing, Furious said, “Any fool with a dick can make a baby. But only a true man can raise his children. ”(Singleton) This idea stuck with Tre’ as he grew to be a man as he feared the idea of becoming a father. Although he did not respect women, he feared the result of having sexual relations, and becoming a father. Furious’s influence in this instance was a positive concept and led Tre’ away from the deviant idea of becoming a father as a teen. In South Central Los Angeles, violence was a constant and seen as completely normal in that society.
When Tre’ was a boy walking home from school he saw a group of young men beating another black male screaming, “I’m going to fuck you up! ”(Singleton) Tre’ walked past the scenario nonchalantly and acted as if nothing was wrong. This scenario was an everyday occurrence and Tre’ became numb to the fact that violence was oppressing society. Consequently he took the same role and acted in violence when he felt threatened. He was confronted in school by one of his classmates and the only way he knew how to react was through violence and struck his colleague with his fist.
Society and the constant violence his friends portrayed caused Tre’ to become deviant and act in violence. This theory of differential association plays a vital role in describing how deviance originates. Another significant theory of how deviance occurs is the labeling theory. The labeling theory is the idea that people begin to take on the roles in which others label them. A prime example is when Doughboy is talking to the woman on Crenshaw. The woman says, “Why is it whenever you refer to a woman you say, bitch, or hoe? ”(Singleton)
Doughboy replies, “Cause that’s what you are. ”(Singleton) This shows that males in this society have no respect for women. As the men constantly degrade the women, and label them as worthless, the women begin to loose self-esteem and defer to deviant behavior. These women deal with the pain through drugs and alcohol. They then become deviant as they will do anything to obtain drugs, such as prostitution in return for a “high” to suppress the pain they feel from the label or degradation. They actually become what the men say they will become.
Another instance is in the beginning of the film, when doughboy was a child, Brenda, Doughboy’s mother, says to doughboy, “You ain’t shit, you will never amount to nothing. ”(Singleton) Doughboy is labeled by his mother as insignificant and worthless as a child. He then takes the role of the statistical South Central African American as he grows older. He is in and out of jail even as an adolescent. This clearly shows the severity of a label and the deviant behavior it can cause. On the opposing side Brenda encourages her son Ricky and he becomes successful.
When Tre asked Ricky why he was always playing football Ricky replied, “Cause that’s what I’m going to do. ”(Singleton) Brenda smiled and said with enthusiasm, “That’s right! ”(Singleton) Ricky then became a successful football player through high school and was offered a scholarship to USC. Through the label his mother gave him, Ricky was able to conquer the ever so present gangs and violence Los Angeles offered. He overcame the deviant behavior society was taking part in because of a label that was given to him. This shows the power of influence a label can have on a person individually to become deviant or not.
Another important theory of deviance is the structural strain theory. The structural strain theory is defined as when the goals in which society sets for an individual are not met, that individual will defer to deviance. A perfect example is throughout the entire movie of the images of the streets, the hopelessness in each frame express what the strain theory is based upon. It is the idea that crime and violence are an immediate result between people’s goals and the means to accessibly achieve them. They cannot overcome their deviant behavior because it is necessary to survive.
Another example is in the beginning of the film Doughboy had said he was going to store. Ricky asked him why, as he did not have any money. Doughboy yelled, “aww I don’t care. “(Singleton) Instead of conforming to how Middle American youths obtain money, such as chores, Doughboy has to find alternate methods of achieving. Doughboy robs a store and is arrested. In a society where economic status is held on a pedestal, change is very difficult. This shows there is an unequal distribution of wealth which is a major cause of violence and robbery. A common theory among Americans is that society wants what it cannot have.
It there was an equal distribution of wealth the strain theory would not exist as people would be satisfied with what society gave them, there would not be selfish ambition to obtain all you can. Another great example is the scene when Furious brings Tre and Ricky to Compton. Behind Furious is a sign that says, “Seoul to Seoul Reality. “(Singleton) The company takes land in desolate areas from the “ghetto” and transforms it into sellable property. They then ship the community out to areas just as desolate as before. Furious at stands in front of the sign and asks Tre and Ricky why it is there, as they do not know.
He speculates that the sign is there because white people are, “trying to kill us. That is why we have a liquor store on every corner. They want us to kill ourselves. “(Singleton) He theorizes the idea that there is a gap between the ethnocentrism of the “ghetto,” and what the dominant culture expects. There is a means for some African Americans to overcome the truth and not conform to what the dominant culture expects of them. While others are still trapped in the ethnocentrism way of thinking and participating in deviance which is actually conforming to what the dominant culture set up for them.
As you can see there is a gap in which only through education can this idea become immobile. Another significant theory which explains the root of deviance is the social control theory. Social control is when a person’s bond with society is weakened or broken, deviance will occur. In the book, “Understanding a Diverse Society,” it explains social control as, “people probably fell some impulse toward deviance at some times, but that the attachment to social norms prevents them from participating in deviant behavior. When conditions arise that break those attachments, deviance occurs. (Anderson 4th edition) This ideology is very true in the film as the video games they play influence and break the bond they have with society. A perfect example the way Monster interacts with the video game. He says, “Watch me shoot this mothafucka. ” As he says this the audience assumes that the gun is real as it is not revealed that he was playing a video game unlit after he pulls the trigger. The way he interacts with the video game shows that the video game has weakened his bind with society. It has caused him to participate in deviant violence.
An example of how deviance was defeated was the strong bond that Tre had with his father at a young age. He constantly interacted with his dad and had a functional family life. This helped him overcome the temptation to fall into deviant behavior as he knew his father would disapprove of those actions. An example of how deviance was created is looking at doughboys family life. He was constantly criticized and was looked down upon as a child. His mother had no respect for him and the bond with his family weakened overtime.
Eventually he partook in deviant behavior as he could care less as to his mother’s opinion of him. This theory of social control clearly shows that deviance can originate through the bonds which a person has in society. Throughout the film deviance is clearly seen and is understandable given the circumstances and situations these people faced. Often people shun this society as a menace but do not understand the core reasons how or why this deviant behavior originated. As it is clearly shown, more than often these people see no alternative and are shaped and molded to become deviant to society overtime.