Eugenics is the act of mating people with desirable traits to improve the human species and was first introduced by Francis Galton. Charles Darwin’s theory of the origin of species is what caught the attention of Galton who became interested in the work. In 1859, Galton embarked on research that aimed at determining the social implications of Darwin’s concept. According to Galton, the essential characteristics of living things are biologically influenced rather than shaped by the environment CrashCourse, 2018). In 1883, he published inquiries into human faculty and its development and called it Eugenics, the discipline of good breeding.
Such countries as the United States started passing Eugenical Laws driven by the fear that the birth of the supposedly inferior individuals would lead to weak or criminally degenerate adults. Many American states began implementing forcible sterilization in 1907. However, the actions taken by the states is not what Galton had argued for as it was negative Eugenics (CrashCourse, 2018). Many Galton-inspired scientists in the United States performed unconventional research on human differences and advocated for terrible ideas.
Some of the worst of such scientists are Lawyer, Zoologist Madison Grant, and Zoologist Charles Davenport, all of whom promoted scientific racism. By late 1920, biologists had discovered that Eugenics was bad science, but, as a source of policy by many lawmakers in the United States, it was still much present (CrashCourse, 2018). Compulsory disinfection was challenged in the United States Supreme Court, but the decision was in eugenicists’ favor and has never been technically overturned. Forced sterilization was still happening in California prisons until 2014 when it was finally banned.
In terms of the history of birth control in the United States, Margaret Sanger is recognized by most healthcare experts as a nurse who helped to advocate for its acceptance in society. Birth control is the use of contraceptives or other methods to prevent conceiving a child (TIME, 2015). After coining the term birth control, Sanger later decided to open the first-ever birth control clinic in 1926. She is credited for being the founder of the Birth Control League which focuses primarily on helping to teach people about safe abortion procedures and contraceptives. She also gave birth control lectures to many groups, including the Ku Klux Klan.
CrashCourse. (2018). Eugenics and Francis Galton: Crash course history of science #23 [Video]. Web.
TIME. (2015). The history of birth control [Video]. Web.
Child Abuse Or A Parental Discipline
Although children respond differently to discipline, physical contact towards a child should be considered as a parental discipline and not as an abuse. It is well known that some children need discipline, which absence can make a child disrespectful and arrogant.
According to the center of effective discipline, there is a variance between child mistreatment and reasonable parental discipline. Child abuse is the use of physical strength to harm a child. On the other hand, reasonable parental discipline is a situation when a parent uses a reasonable amount of force to discipline their child. According to the state laws within United States, physical discipline is recommended if it is solely for the purpose of discipline and does not lead to the injury of a child.
For instance, in Alaska section 13A-3-24 of the criminal child abuse law, there is stated that a Parent/guardian/person accountable for upkeep and control of a minor may use sensible and suitable physical force to the degree that he rationally believes is essential and suitable to uphold discipline or promote well-being of the child. Thus, child abuse is a nut shell of many other forms of abuse that lead to harm in a child’s welfare.
On the other hand, the federal law has defined the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), (42 U.S.C.A. §5106g) as amended by the Keeping Children and Families Safe Act of 2003 that states:
child abuse and neglect as, at minimum: Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation; or An act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm thus according to the federal law physical spanking or padding is not considered abuse as long as it’s reasonable and causes no bodily harm to the child (Donnelly, 2005).
Previous studies have been conducted on this topic in order to try to comprehensively and analytically give a clear demarcation between child abuse and child discipline. One good example is a research on non-abusive physical punishment and child behavior among African-American children: a systematic review. In all longitudinal studies that were conducted during this research, it was found out that there were possible benefits to non-abusive child punishment. There was the same result of a study case conducted at various states.
Some of the parents who have been convicted for child abuse did not think of it as abuse rather as physical punishment. For instance, there was a twenty five year old mother, who sat on her son in order to control his tantrums. But instead of pacifying the child, such action led to the collapse the boy’s lungs and he died. Yet the law clearly defines that physical punishment is reasonable. Among other case studies, this clearly shows that people have bent the rules and their interpretation in order to support their unlawful acts.
After carefully studying previous cases in the courtroom, it is clear that when physical punishment has any impact other than correction of discipline in a child’s life, it is regarded as a child abuse (Lansford, 2003).
From the book Theoretical Approaches, the phrase “pain and not injury” helps to differentiate corporal reprimand from bodily abuse. When physical punishment leads to injury, this amounts to child abuse. Ordinary language is also a major setback towards strategic implementation of physical discipline.
Poor communities commonly refer this as beating and do not have a clear definition on the extent of carrying out physical discipline. An educated scholar once has said that there is no gain without pain when a parent disciplines their child using physical methods of influence, the child will gain much more effectively as compared to when a child is given a simple time out.
Taking a snapshot into history, we realize that other serious forms of physical discipline were used in the olden days. Mostly the art of canning was used more frequently in comparison to the current methods of child discipline. We find that as a result of this strict regimes since the children then were very respectful to elders and the elderly in society (Gershoff, 2002).
The use of abusive language and retaliatory remarks towards parents was regarded as a taboo and was unheard off. This method of physical discipline was used globally in Africa, Europe and Asia. Currently, we have children adopting very low morals due to the ignorance that blankets the notions of child abuse (Donnelly, 2005).
Following the turbulent and the permissive error in the 1970s, Christian evangelist sought the return of a more conservative society and aimed to elevate biblical parenting (Lansford, 2003). Later, he wrote a book advocating for spanking since it was a more effective method of punishment. In agreement to these thoughts of a historical writer, it is wise for people to use physical discipline as it is rather efficient. At that particular moment, James Dobson felt that the society had become turbulent.
My big question is the following: if the nineteen seventies were turbulent, then what about the current times when high levels of moral decay have penetrated the society? Who will be broad enough to put a clear demarcation between physical discipline and child abuse? When will the society unmask physical discipline from child abuse?
The main advantage of physical punishment is that it is deterrent. Physical punishment is the most effective behavior deterrent. It increases short-term compliance. It occurs at no cost at all, hence, it is affordable to everyone. It is a quick method of punishment which saves time thus allowing both parties to go back to their previous tasks immediately and intrinsically it teaches the difference between right and wrong (Phil B, 2005).
I strongly recommend that physical discipline is implemented in bringing up of children especially because it is very effective compared to other methods of child discipline. It is necessary and essential for the society and parents to demarcate between physical discipline and physical abuse. The notion that physical discipline is a form of child abuse should be put into a halt and further studies should be conducted on this volatile subject.
In my view, child abuse encompasses all other forms of abuse and physical discipline when it leads to an injury. Otherwise, if it causes pain, then it should not be considered as abuse but growth. In addition, physical pain is much easier to heal as compared to emotional pain. A parent may avoid imparting physical discipline on their children but end up emotionally bruising their child as they try to impart some form of discipline. In the long run, this will cause mental distress and may lead to long term emotional unrest.
Donnelly, M. (2005). Theoretical approach to corporal punishments. London: Yale university press.
Gershoff, H. (2002). Ordinary physical punishment: Is it harmful? United Kingdom: Quorum books.
Lansford, J.E. (2003). Encouraging better behavior – A practical guide to positive parenting. Massachusetts: Boston publishers.
Phil, B. (2007). Advantages and disadvantages of corporal punishment. London: London publishers.
Evidence-Based Nursing: A Review Of Literature
The availability of a large volume of information about improving patient outcomes has increased the need to use the existing knowledge in practice. EBN practice involves the application of learned information and experience to enhance practice and patient outcomes. This new application has attempted to base practice on knowledge gained in class and published materials. There has been an emphasis on the continued acquisition of information from research work to improve outcomes. It has also emphasized peer education and analysis of information among nursing groups and interdisciplinary teams in healthcare.
What is EBN: Definition
Evident-based nursing is the process of developing and identifying concrete research outcomes and applying them to improve nursing practices. These findings are important in enhancing the quality of services given to the patients. This program aims at ensuring patients receive the best most reliable care. The main objective of Evidence-Based Nursing is to offer the best services to the patients in terms of cost, handling, and attention. Being a patient-oriented program, it was established based on collected and analyzed patient data. This is applied in raising the likelihood of making the right clinical judgment. For the process to succeed, knowledgeable personnel qualified to carry out the research are needed at the workplace. This research must be accurately and precisely carried out to realize reliable results, which can aid in continuous improvement.
Evolution of Evidence-Based Practice in healthcare
Over the last two decades, a massive volume of literature has emerged, elaborating various aspects of evidence-based nursing practice (EBNP). Various researchers and institutions have attempted to determine the worthiness of EBNP in various settings, conditions, countries, and regions. The primary aim is to determine the impact and applicability of EBNP. Melnyk and Fineout-Overhold (59) have shown that the nursing practice in various parts of the world has experienced a growing focus on quality improvement. There is a clear shift from the traditional intuition-based paradigms to a relatively modernized and effective Evidence-based Nursing Practice (Melnyk and Fineout-Overhold 62). According to Einzenberg (38), EBNP refers to the application of the best evidence in the nursing, clinical field, and medical research studies have shown that most healthcare systems and institutions seek to make decisions through the integration of clinical expertise using recent findings. They use research evidence in taking into consideration the preferences as well as values of patients and the expected outcomes. A study by Einzenberg (41) has shown that the practice has become an important part of improvement efforts in various fields within the healthcare system. Several fields such as medicine, mental health, nursing, and health research have experienced a profound impact of the movement towards evidence-based practice (Einzenberg, 2010)
The process of EBN
According to Eizenberg (34), EBNP has five major stages or phases.
- formulation of questions that will yield the most suitable or best answer.
- Information gathering through a systematic search of evidence from literature and/or clinical guidelines in various fields.
- Performance of critical evaluation of the evidence from the sources and determining its validity, feasibility as well as relevance to the practice in question.
- To integrate research evidence at the clinical level.
- An in-depth assessment of the outcomes obtained from treatments.
EBN: Sources of evidence
Information for use in evidence-based practice must be obtained from peer-reviewed and academically acceptable sources:
- Journals
- Peer-reviewed articles
- Internet-based databases
- Hospital-based studies
- Government agents
- Healthcare institutions
- Academic work
EBN: Importance in healthcare systems and nursing
A study by Melnyk and Fineout-Overhold (98) attempted to describe the importance of EBNP to the patients. In particular, the research found that EBNP is potentially beneficial to more than one party. For instance, the study found that nurses, patients, and healthcare systems benefitted significantly. Studies have shown that EBNP is beneficial to patients because it enhances their ability to access and obtain information about the most effective methods of treatment.
Importance in healthcare and nursing
On the other hand, EBNP was found to be effective in improving the healthcare system through the facilitation of confident decision-making as well as the advancement of cost-effectiveness. In this way, healthcare systems benefit from these methods. A study by Youngblut and Brooten (468) also found that nurses benefit from EBNP in that it helps in facilitating informed and evidence-based decision-making processes in a clinical setting. In addition, studies have shown that nurses use EBNP to keep updated with the modern dynamics of research, knowledge, and technological advancements (Hutchinson and Johnston 191).
EBNP: Limitations to development and Application
Despite its importance in healthcare systems and nursing, in particular, EBN has several limitations that affect its use and application. A number of studies have shown that nurses prefer to be informed by their workmates rather than seeking evidence from research. This is a major drawback to EBNP because most nurses find it difficult or are unwilling to look for information from the internet, journals, or other databases. that they like relying on the information they learn during their education as well as experience. In fact, studies have shown that few nurses tend to look for information from library services. other studies have shown that even when information is obtained from libraries, databases, or other peer-reviewed sources (Hutchinson and Johnston 194). Information obtained is rarely applied in a systematic manner. These aspects tend to reduce the applicability of EBNP in modern clinical fields.
How can we improve EBN practice to achieve the required outcomes?
In the conventional EBNP, qualified nurses are required to apply research evidence in their operations. Nurses should apply evidence obtained in class, peer learning, and experience when making a decision that affects their services to patients. Judgments should be made in a professional manner. Decisions should be based on the evidence obtained in the research. Nurses need to be fully involved in the problem identification, research findings, and development of collective action. Dedication and commitment to improving patient care are clearly defined by the American Association of Nurse and Anesthetists (AANA). In the past few years, the public has raised concern over the state of health care services and safety. This calls for better services. In addition, it is accelerated by economic challenges and the demand by the American Institute of Medicine to have evidence-based nursing in practice. The board of directors insisted that registered nurses must use EBN. In an effort to enforce evidence-based nursing, the board of directors formulated, and later in 2007, approved an objective. This happened after Wanda Wilson, the president of the Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA), required the committee members at AANA to develop a policy to govern evidence-based practices. The board of directors and the president of the Association of Nurse and Anesthetists ensured the availability of evidence, particularly when creating documents that are related to practice.
Obtaining solutions to important issues became easy because EBNP provides channels for analyzing and extracting solutions for arising problems. Solid efforts by the Association of Nurse and Anesthetists on evidence-based nursing have caused a reduction in the volume of individual bias and improvement in patient care quality. Applying evidence-based literature to projects eliminates trial and error methods in our health care centers. Research has provided information from where treatment modalities can be picked. This is in relation to the patient’s favorite and history shown by the records. Different individuals portray varying responses to interventions. There is a need for understanding, dedication, and strong commitment from all members of the concerned organization. Goals and objectives should be clear to all members before the commencement of the project. A meeting to discuss and explain the importance of the entire process should be conducted. Participation training is the best method of training to take practitioners through to improve their competency to face the challenges. They need to understand how frame questions are framed and the best methods of gathering information from patients. Databases’ sources of information need to be identified for application. This includes libraries such as internet sources, medical and scientific sources. Software programs can also be used as a source of information. The application of evidence-based literature to a project requires the formulation of good procedures and working manuals. These are rules and guidelines, which will aid the implementation of the evident-based program. The procedures can be made available as hard copies, electronic and modified software programs.
BNP: An analysis of current efforts
Analysis of the evidence-based literature incorporates research evidence about the fact that patients value and expertise in clinical issues. In order to achieve success in evidence-based practice, it is important to gather considerable information. To achieve the best effectiveness, the principle attempts to assess, ask, acquire and apply needs. In the Analysis of the literature, the evaluator needs to determine the achievement of the previously set goals and objectives. This aids in evaluating the outcome of the process. Patients who were taken through the evidence-based program can be a good source of information. Therefore, questionnaires made to extract information from patients can bear great advantages in measuring the effectiveness of the process. The obtained data should be evaluated against standard objectives. The result indicates the effectiveness of patient care and management practice. The results can be tabulated into a chart, tables, or graphs.
The analysis outcome communicates to the practitioners and managers the effectiveness of their operations and points out areas that need improvement. Although the cognitive application is important, the nursing process bears great merit over the standard medical approach. The dedication and commitment of nurses to work as a team with the patients rather than the aspect of working on them is the reason behind the phenomenon. In this process, patients’ assessment, identification of their condition, and evaluation is achieved. Existing literature formed the basis of my proposal. The available literature acted as my starting point from where I developed my project.
Works Cited
Eizenberg, Michal. “Implementation of evidence‐based nursing practice: nurses’ personal and professional factors?.” Journal of advanced nursing 67.1 (2011): 33-42. Print.
Hutchinson, Alison and Linda Johnston. “Beyond the BARRIERS Scale: commonly reported barriers to research use.” Journal of nursing administration 36.4 (2006): 189-199. Print.
Melnyk, Bernadette Mazurek and Ellen Fineout-Overholt. Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011. Print.
Milner, Margaret, Carole Estabrooks and Florence Myrick. “Research utilization and clinical nurse educators: a systematic review.” Journal of evaluation in clinical practice 12.6 (2006): 639-655. Print.
Youngblut, JoAnne and Dorothy Brooten. “Evidence-based nursing practice: Why is it important?.” AACN Advanced Critical Care 12.4 (2001): 468-476. Print.