The small businesses are normally faced with a lot of issues; taxation, labor, government regulators and unions, management and issues of environmental concern. Operation costs are increasing due to taxation while labor laws are always enforced by the government and unions into which they belong; these unions and government regulators sometimes make too many demands from the small business owners. Some of these demands could be a possible cause of collapse for certain business enterprises. Some of the regulations set by the government to safeguard the operations of the small businesses are quite costly for the small businesses. Some of the small companies use traditional techniques in their operations; this makes their goods seem substandard and as a result they experience a challenge of market competition. Waste disposal is a problem facing various businesses. It is important that the small businesses too take the responsibility of waste management through such means like recycling and so on (Lucy, 2009).
Issues Affecting Small Businesses
The ongoing economic slowdown has had a lot of negative effects on business enterprise across the globe. Small businesses have been the hardest hit by the economic crisis and some of them have been forced to close down or cut down their working capital. Others have had to limit their operations through downsizing and restructuring, sending home millions of people. Some of these issues are high taxes, health care management, government regulations, labor, legal reform and international issues.
The healthcare insurance cover is becoming too expensive to afford due to an annual increase in the amount of premiums to be paid. This makes it very expensive for the small business owners to provide the medical cover for their employees. According to the American health care system regulations, the employer is normally expected to pay the lion’s share of the total cost of the insurance cover while the employee is expected just to pay a small portion of the total cost. This has made the employees to make demands for unnecessary cover and as a result the health cost cover has gone up.
Even though there has been a reduction on the amount of taxes paid, the tax code is still very complicated for the small businesses to comprehend making the payment process a tall order for them (U.S government printing, 2006, p. 43). The profit made by the small businesses is normally minimal and the cost of operation is also higher in comparison to the large business enterprises. This is because big companies can easily get most of the inputs such as raw materials, electricity and water and so on, in large scale, making them to operate at a relatively low cost. Therefore in a situation where the taxes paid are high, then it means that the small businesses will not be in a position to operate efficiently and make enough profit. When a business is spending most of its earnings on operational costs and taxes, then it implies that the business will not be in a position to expand its operations and increase its production due to financial constraint. Such companies are normally made vulnerable to unfavorable economic situations like the current economic downturn (Hendy, 2009).
Government regulations such as the environmental laws require the businesses to spend some of their earnings on social activities and environmental preservation. Such costs may be prohibitive for a small business which may mean giving most of its profit earnings for the sake of these regulations. Such charges limit a business’ financial base hence making it almost impossible for such enterprises to increase production or even to employ experienced personnel to enhance efficiency (U.Schamber.com 2009).
The government regulators and the employee unions normally put a lot of pressure on the employers. They normally make the employers appear like enemies of the employees who are out to take advantage of them. As much as such regulators and unions fight for the rights of the employees; some of the demands they make only harm instead of building the. Some of these demands could be very high wages or demands for a medical cover which the business may not manage to pay.
As a result of globalization, the world has become a global market. Businesses compete for the market of their commodities at an international level and a lot of investment is needed to enable one’s goods and services compete favorably. It may be important that the small businesses are helped to take their services beyond the borders in order to increase their consumer base. This will help the small business to increase its production and as a result maximize on its profits. It also helps in advertising businesses services and commodities to the outside world.
Small businesses normally experience higher costs of operation. They also have a limited access to the market than the larger businesses due to the high cost of promotion that they are often unable to cater for. Larger businesses also tend to dominate the market making it difficult for the small businesses to compete effectively. This high competition and monopoly enjoyed by the bigger companies sometimes, is a great threat to the survival of the smaller companies. For instance, high competition has led to the collapse of some smaller businesses. Lack of financial endowment also makes small businesses to lose ground to cheap imports.
As a result of the economic crisis, most companies require financial aid to boost working capital. However, due to lack of collateral, small businesses are unable to access finances from lending institutions. The United States government through the Recovery Act has provided quite a number of loans to the small businesses to boost them during this time of economic crisis (Agency Group 09, 2009). The president of the United States also asked the treasury to disburse some financial support to the small community banks and the credit unions as they are normally the major lenders to the small businesses (Dugas, 2009). The government hopes that such initiatives will help in creating more jobs to the jobless and as a result help in pulling the country out of the economic crisis. Though it research has shown that the small business owners feel that this is not going to change much and that the economy is getting worse (Small Business Owners Confidence Dips, 2009).
In Italy, the traditional small companies have been adversely affected by the economic crisis. Suggestions are being made that the cluster should transform themselves into districts, implement new innovations, design and introduce new goods. But they can also consider manufacturing most of the goods abroad where they will be able to take advantage of the cheap labor and lower cost of production (Sinking together, 2009).
Another issue affecting the small businesses is the environmental issue. Some small companies are involved in production and manufacturing activities and as a result have a lot of impact on the environment. Companies and businesses need to take responsibility of their activities; they need to properly manage their wastes, avoid the unnecessary release of harmful gases into the atmosphere and if possible recycle the resources such as water (Lucy, 2009). When the environment is well taken care of, it favorably promotes life future sustainability. There are a lot of calls from various professions and stakeholders in the economy to preserve the environment. Release of wastes into the environment has resulted into a lot of pollution causing various social problems and global warming. It will therefore be a collective responsibility of all the business owners that they take responsibility of their wastes and preserve the environment.
Small businesses usually operate at smaller capacity, have fewer employees and manufacture fewer products. They are normally faced with various issues that may interfere with their operations. Some of these issues include high taxes and complicated tax codes, a lot of regulations set in place by the government, and the unions and environmental; challenges. The small businesses are the major employers; it is therefore important that these issues affecting them are addressed taking note that they can significantly contribute to the economic growth and development.
Agency Group 09. (2009). Recovery through Small Businesses. FDCH regulatory intelligence databaseю Business Source Premier.
Dugas, C. (2009). Obama announces plan to boost small businesses. USA Today. Academic Search Premier.
Hendy, P. Budget 2009 – The key issues affecting small businesses. Web.
.Lucy, H. (2009). Greening your small business: How to improve your bottom line, grow your brand, satisfy your customers-and save the planet. Library journal volume 134, issue 17, page 87. Business Source Premier.
Sinking together. (2009). Italian Manufacturing Hubs have not withstood the recession as Hoped. Economist; 10/17/2009, Vol. 392 Issue 8653, p76-76, 2/3p. Academic Search Premier.
Small Business Owners Confidence Dips. (2009). Small Business Owners Confidence Dips. CardLine; 10/2/2009, Vol. 9 Issue 40, p36-36, 1p. Associates Programs Source Plus.
Small Business Issues. (2000). Small Business Issues. The US chamber of Commerce Small Business Center. Web.
U.S. Government Printing Office. (2006). reforming the tax code to assist small businesses: hearing before the Committee of Small Businesses. Washington, U.S. government printing office.
Big Five Factors Of Personality
Personality is the mortal of an individual in character, thoughts or feelings. It is a person’s public image. The big five factors of personality is a theory that explains the personal traits of an individual that are summarized into five as was published by Fiske in 1949. These traits are consistent especially in adults, which are used to refer to the personality of most of them.
The big five factors
The five factors include “Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness” whose acronym is OCEAN (Engler, 2009, p. 290). Each factor has other facets included in it which describe fully the personality of each individual. All the big five factors have a special meaning to each individual. Neuroticism is the emotional stability, extraversion and introversion, openness to experience or closeness to experiences, agreeableness and disagreeableness while conscientiousness to lack of conscientiousness. Each of the five traits is referred to as the super trait and is measured by six (6) subordinate traits or facets (Engler, 2009 p. 292). Neuroticism is measured by anxiety, angry hostility, depression, self consciousness, impulsiveness and vulnerability. Extraversion is measured with warmth, gregariousness, assertiveness, activity, excitement seeking and positive emotions. Openness is measured within fantasy, aesthetics, feelings, actions, ideas and values. Agreeableness is measured within trust, straightforwardness, altruism, compliance, modesty and tender mindedness. While Conscientiousness is measured within competence, order, dutifulness, achievement striving, self discipline and deliberation.
The explanation involved in the big five factors suit every personality, and is supported by other theories developed. Each trait has its low scores and high scores (Ewen, 1998 p. 140). Openness is the appreciation for art, emotion adventure, unusual ideas, curiosity and a variety of experience. This is the trait that distinguishes imaginative, humble and conventional people. Openness to experience means that one is intellectually curious in aspects of nature and the like, and on the lower score people are conservative and resistant to change. Conscientiousness is the showing of discipline, responsibility and an aim for achievement. Individuals on the higher score achieve high levels of success through planning and are reliable, while on the lower score they are lazy, unreliable and careless.
Extraversion is the positive emotions and tendency to seek stimulation and accompaniment of other individuals. They are known as extraverts who enjoy being with people, are enthusiastic and talkative. People on the lower scale called introverts are quiet, less social (shy) and like to spend time on their own. Agreeableness is the compassionate and cooperative nature of individuals; they are considerate, generous and mindful of the interest of others. Disagreeable people are selfish, suspicious and uncooperative. Neuroticism is the ability to experience unpleasant emotions which include anger, anxiety or depression which is also referred to as emotional instability (Ewen, 1998 p. 140). The high scorers are emotionally reactive nervous, insecure and worried at most times, while the low scorers are calm, secure and self satisfied.
My personality
My personality is described by openness, extraversion and conscientiousness on the high score agreeableness and neuroticism on the lower score. I tend to be a non conformist, creative and imaginative; I am also social, talkative, outgoing and fun-loving. My hard working limits goes beyond words; I am also reliable and organized. I trust no one and self satisfied in all I do. I am highly disciplined, emotional and ever happy.
Personality creation and change
Kahneman, Diener, & Schwarz (1999, p.227) says “factors such as early home environment may influence personality”, hence personality can be altered in the early days of a child by influencing the environment the child is in. Changing of the adults’ personality which has been developed over the years will be an upper hill task which may never be realized. Adults have a very well developed personality and thus even as psychologist tend to manipulate the minds of adults through counseling and guidance. They are faced with a mind full of principles adopted from childhood. Moreover, many people have been seen to start taking drugs at adolescents although some begin taking drugs when they are adults. The change of principles may be the cause, although initially the personality of the individual will always remain unchanged.
Personality can be subject to change but only at specified period of ones life and only to some extent. Personality according to Engler (2009 p. 290) is the work of genetics; hence the ‘person in you’ depends on the formation genes from the parents. The genotype (genetic make up of an individual) and the phenotype (which influences ones appearance and behavior) are influenced after the interactions with the environment. This is explained by the conditions in twins having the same personality but are two different individuals. Inheritance of similar traits among family members who may be all quick to anger, or social and outgoing is common in all areas.
Personality is internally entrenched in a person as reflected to the outside world, and therefore, changing it will often be a tall order when it comes to adults. The personality of any individual is unique and one should be proud of it since it shows diversity in the talents and mode of performing things among different people. In reality, there is no superior personality and it only takes the moral authority to make judgment as to whether the results of ones personality are ethical or not.
Engler, B. (2009). Personality Theories. NY, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt publishing Company. Web.
Ewen, R. B. (1998). Personality, a topical approach: theories, research, major controversies. New Jersey, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. Web.
Kahneman, D. et al. (1999). Well-being: the foundations of hedonic psychology. NY, Russell Sage Foundation. Web.
The Difference In The Islamic Terms
The world of Islam impresses with its historical and mythological background according to the religious approach toward the disciples of Islamic prophet Mohamed and his followers. In this respect the idea about Islam should designated in its unique and rather significant coloring in characters and people who provide the growth of this religion in its particular explanation. Moreover, the ability to show the difference in the Islamic terms is greatly characterized and outlined in the works by two eminent authors, namely: Farid Al-Din ‘Attar and Ismail R. Al-Faruqi. Their books are represented in the paper, as the main sources for the provision of rational discussion according to the role of doctrine, worldview, morality, and lifestyle of Muslims within other religions and in their communities. In this respect the idea of Sufism is the central one for the estimation of both books.
Main body
The physical world for the Sufi disciple should contemplate the reality of human life in terms of worldly wisdom and postulates of the Islam. Sufi is the branch of the Islamic religion in which the role of mysticism is rather high. Thereupon, the reliability of Sufism is quite controversial among the believers. The thing is that this branch of Islamic beliefs and cultural achievements includes the experience and particular practices from other close to the Islam geographically religions. Some among them are: Buddhism, Hinduism, and Persian Zoroastrianism (Guiley 580). Thus, the main polemic is concentrated on the idea that Sufi grounds go apart from the traditional Islam in its division into Sunni and Shiite branches.
In fact, disciples follow their leader owing to his mastership and devotion to the main idea. Same approach can be represented in terms of Sufism. However, it makes strong emphasis on being self-aware in life and following Allah according to Koran. In this respect disciples should be aware of their personal destination in the world. They need to be led by themselves. Again, there is a controversy with the religious teaching in Sufi and its practical implementation. The thing is that in real life Sufi disciples follow their teacher or sheikh, in particular, because they believe that he was obliged by the Higher Power to stand within them and preach or bring the love and wisdom from the Beloved (Guiley 581). According to different authors the Sufi disciple should clean his heart from filth and sins and be eager to devote all efforts for the search of the God and his power maintained in the Scriptures of Koran. This assertion makes the life of the disciple in Sufi sub-religion concerned with the mystery of the unknown in the spiritual world. Attar contemplates this statement in the way of multiple essays which represent situations. With regards to them the author provides a direct line of how a disciple should be related to the physical world. Prayers and definite deeds which show the reliance of the disciple toward what he does promotes the so-called feedback from God. In this case God will raise the disciple. On the other hand, if there are some drawbacks or mistakes which were done by a follower in Sufi, then he should know the following statement: “If one who would be bold in the court should say something unbecoming, he must humbly ask for forgiveness” (Attar 82).
One more touch should be imposed to the Attar’s explanation of he disciple’s attitude toward physical life. It is seen on the example of one story with Sufi when he met a man weeping because of the death of his friend. Sufism opposes to the life sorrow the joy of changes and opportunities available in life. In this respect Sufism is rather rational in accordance to life prospects of its disciple and the sharpness and distinctiveness of the Sufi ideals makes the direction of the disciples righteous and supported by God.
Sufi’s spiritual development presupposes the urge for higher values which are enclosed in the souls and spirits of men. The desire of a disciple is significant in this approach. Furthermore, Sufi radically treats its followers giving no tolerance to the mismatch of the ideals maintained in the religion. God’s power is above all, and one who tends to follow the pathway of a Sufi’s disciple should not forget about the reasonable background of how it is dangerous for him. In other words, the postulates of Sufi are straightforward as for the reasoning of life:
The spiritual way is not for those wrapped up in exterior life. Set your foot in this Way if you are a man who can act, and do not indulge in feminine shifts. Know surely, that even if this quest were impious, it would still be necessary to undertake it (Attar 50).
Besides, the contemplation of the realm of this world should be positioned by the followers of Sufi in rather separated way. It is so because of the risks to be the same with the rest of people. Thus, one of the deepest assertion and persuasion of Sufism is that one should definitely live “in the world, but not of it” (Guiley 581).
Ismail R. Al-Faruqi is one of the opponents to the Sufism in contrast with the Islam. In this respect his book provides a discussion of the contradictions in which Islam and Sufism meet different evaluation about common things for every Muslim. Al-Faruqi represents, in fact, the doctrinal explanation of his thoughts being composed and represented in the gradual performance, so that to make his arguments strong. Thus, it is known that Sufi disciples should be out of this world without any attempts to assimilations with it. Such observation by Attar is grounded on the assumption that everything in the ordinary and material world is perishable, but not the spirit which should be devoted to the search of God. Al-Faruqi criticizes the idea of Sufi, first of all, for its ideas common with other religions. In this respect the genuine nature and points of Islam implemented in Koran lose their notions and provide a space for simple assumptions.
One more objection made by Al-Faruqi is reckoned with the Sufi’s outlook on life and its desire and deep intentions to be designated from the world and life full of condemnation and filth. Such assumption grew on the field of religious mystification which presupposes the highest role of Sufism in comparison with traditional Islam. Thus, the delay of the Muslim culture can be predicted. Muslims should provide capitalist relationships and follow the way of changes which are needed in terms of contemporary society: “Men and woman ought to be free to live and produce wealth wherever they wish without checks and hindrances” (Al-Faruqi 58). Hence, the statement of “natural fool” by Attar who just prays and does nothing useful is considered to be false for the Islam by the opponents of Sufism.
The relationships between the Murshid (teacher) and Murid (disciple) encountered the idea of their transcendental nature and the realization of Sufi, as the framework for their uniqueness in the universe (Ishaq para. 32). In this respect one of the major points which cause outrageous spirits within Muslims contemplates the fact that Sufism in its teaching makes itself even more emphasized than the Islam. In other words, the reliability of this assumption and provision of such tactics in terms of Islam may lead to the destruction of religious ideals and postulates fixed in Koran since the seventh century A. D. In fact, such destructive intentions by Sufism do not bear positive estimation for the universe spread of the Islam: “Ethnocentrism can also be purely separatist and isolationist, by negating the relevance of the outsider to anything pertinent” (Al-Faruqi 59). Thus, the religion can be broken due to such “agents” as Sufi in its domain. Al-Faruqi stresses that the rational approach of Muslims in their everyday lives should be prerogative. The spiritual fullness can be reached rationally due to following the traditional standards presupposed in Koran without any attempts of misinterpretation. This motive is underlined by all opponents of Sufism in their urge for saving Islamic religion, traditions and manners which people possess in initial genuine coloring.
According to the everyday requirements based in Sufi, Murid should follow the instructions maintained according to somehow ascetic way of how to obey. In this point a Murid should come to the place where a Murshid sits. There he gets specific knowledge and practical remarks according to the spiritual experience. A follower is constantly trying to fill the needs of spiritual hunger, and because of that he seeks for a piece of advice from the sheik. However, the atmosphere in the relationships between Murid and Murshid seems to be really free from any obligatory actions (Ishaq para. 37). This point concerns the fact that suchlike Muslims spend their time in vain and without adequate consideration of how the trend of the Islam should be exceeded throughout the community, society, country, and world on the whole. However, Al-Faruqi objects toward such spending of time provided by Sufi’s followers. The author states the following definition of a Muslim in his relation toward religion and God: “…every adult male and female who consciously and solemnly witnesses that “there is no God but God and Muhammad is the Prophet of God” (Al-Faruqi 4). Thus, the membership ion the Islamic community should be arranged according to the straightforward dedication of a believer to this simple but too significant requirement.
The wholeness of Sufi is equivocal in its structural peculiarities. On the one hand, a Murid should follow the prescriptions of a Murshid in the spiritual dimension with all details to be done during a day. On the other hand, this branch of religion disregards anyone being a disciple of some sheik. This confusion in the body of theoretical approaches makes Sufi even more outrageous for Muslims due to their devotion to Allah and His representatives, meaning imams. This point is sacred among Muslims and cannot be destructed or changed anyhow by means of ethnocentric trends inside the unified religion. Such passive and seemingly uninteresting and dull reality of Sufi Muslims calls less attention from the side of traditional Muslims who are intended to provide the Islamic world order owing to their huge efforts in political, economical, social, religious, and other domains: “Entrusted to carry out this world plan, the Islamic state cannot rest until it succeeds in establishing this world order” (Al-Faruqi 65).
Nevertheless, Sufi opposes the relationships between men and women in their intimate evaluation thinking that it can interrupt a man’s communication with God and his relation to Him. In this respect Attar makes even more emphasis when examining one of the proverbs in his book: “You will lose what you considered to be valuable, but you will soon hear the sacramental word “Enter” (Attar 106). This approach seems to be similar to the Islam, but if only there were no points on esoteric and exoteric. In fact, theses practices are widely used by Sufi. When looking deeply at the grounding of such theoretical and practical use of such practices, one can simply highlight that Koran for Sufi is not merely the source for Islamic pathway of a believer, but a mystical ground for spiritual ceremonies with features of cult. On the other hand, everything – doctrine, worldview, morality, and lifestyle – should be implied in a Muslim with a particular objectivities having adhered previously by ancestors from time of Prophet Muhammad. This is why Sufi is too radical branch for the Islam and provides the line of actions which contradict global approaches of traditional Muslims.
Works cited
Al-Faruqi, Ismail R. Islam. Ed. 3. Amana Publications, 1994.
Attar, Farid Al-Din. The conference of the birds. London: Routledge, 1974.
Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. Harper’s Encyclopedia of Mystical and Paranormal Experience. New York: HarperCollins, 1991, 580-583.
Ishaq, Zakariyya. The Science of Sufism. Web.