Mahsa Amini Protests In Iran Essay Example

The Mahsa Amini protests in Iran relate to feminism and global women’s movements because they are a form of resistance that challenges the status quo. The protests began as a response to increasing gender-based violence, which was being ignored by authorities. The protesters have also been able to draw attention to other issues, such as the lack of women’s rights and freedom in Iran. They have also called attention to the lack of female representation in government positions and other areas where women have traditionally been underrepresented. These protests are part of a more significant movement called the Green Movement, which was started by young people who wanted change in Iran after years of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s policies. Moreover, the protests have been sparked by the Iranian government’s recent crackdown on women’s rights, resulting in the imprisonment of over 50 women protesting against the new law. Many of these women have been arrested for participating in anti-government protests, but others have been arrested for posting videos on social media criticizing their government’s actions. The protests directly respond to the government’s recent efforts to limit women’s freedoms and rights in Iran. In 2018, the Iranian government passed a new law that banned any clothing considered immodest or inappropriate. This legislation was intended to cover all forms of gender-based discrimination and inequality, including female genital mutilation (FGM), forced marriage, domestic violence, and sexual harassment. However, many people believe this legislation was actually written to restrict women’s freedom of movement and speech by making it illegal for any woman to walk around without a headscarf or male guardian (husband or father).

In the past few years, there has been a surge of protests in Iran related to the country’s treatment of women. The protests are known as the “Mahsa Amini” protests after a young woman was shot and killed by police during one of the demonstrations. These protests are significant because they relate directly to the feminist movement and its goals. One goal of feminism is to achieve equality between men and women, so people must show support for these goals by participating in these protests. The second reason these protests are important relates to global women’s movements. These movements aim to encourage women worldwide to stand up for their rights, which can be achieved through political action like a protest — but also through more traditional means like voting or lobbying politicians. In this case, Iranian women have shown themselves willing to take action for their rights through protest — but many other countries do not have such a history of activism from women.

The protests began as a response to a ban on women in Iran being able to attend men’s sporting events. This caused many Iranian women to become angry and frustrated with their government. As such, they decided to protest against it by wearing headscarves and other clothing that would make them stand out from other people around them. The protesters said they would continue their fight until all women have equal rights under Iranian law. They feel this is important because it will improve their lives and those of other people around them. The Mahsa Amini protests in Iran are an example of a movement attempting to gain more rights for women in Iran. The movement has been a long time coming, as it started in 2011 and has continued to this day. Many different groups, including feminists and women’s rights advocates who are fighting for more rights for women, are leading the protests. Some of these groups include the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), which is a group that seeks to overthrow the current regime in Iran; The Alliance of Iranian Students; The Iranian Students’ Movement Organization (ISMO); and the Women’s Rights Activists. The goal of these groups is to bring about change in Iran as well as other countries where there are similar issues with women’s rights. As part of this goal, they attempt to gain more rights for Iranian women through peaceful protest methods such as marches and rallies. They hope their efforts will lead to better treatment of women throughout Iran and other countries where similar issues exist.

The movement of women in Iran protesting against their country’s government is unique. The hijab, or headscarf, sparked it, which is mandatory for women under Iranian law. Women began protesting in February of 2018 and have continued to do so daily since then. Their demands include the removal of the hijab requirement, better access to education and health care, and ending sexual violence against women in Iran. While some of these demands are similar to those made by other movements worldwide, such as those seeking better treatment for prisoners and more rights for immigrants, others are unique to this specific context. For example: In Iran, protests have been organized by both men and women. Three women arrested for removing their hijabs organized the first protest; they were given a sentence of six months in prison for their actions. However, later protests were organized by men as well; one such protest was organized by a man named Mohammad Amini, who had been arrested for removing his hijab. Many people believe that Amini’s protest was inspiration.

Mahsa Amini’s protests in Iran relate to other movements because they are all about protesting the government. While this may seem like a small detail, it is very important. This is because it shows that the people involved in these protests want to change, and they know how they want it to happen. In addition, Mahsa Amini’s protest relates to other movements because she is trying to get her voice heard by the people who have control over her country. She wants them to listen to what she has to say, so she goes out on the streets with signs and slogans written on them. Most importantly, though, she wants them to know that what she has to say matters—and they should listen. Finally, Mahsa Amini’s protest also relates to other movements because it highlights how much power one can have if one is willing to stand up for what one believes in. Mahsa Amini has been able to bring attention to her cause through social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram, where people can follow along with what is happening in Iran at any given time throughout their day or night, depending on when they open those apps up on their phones.


Young Iranians are rising up against decades of repression – arguably bolder than ever:

Here’s What Has Happened in Iran Since the Death of Mahsa Amini:

Mahsa Amini: What we know after 11 days of protests in Iran:

The economic backdrop of Iran’s protests:

In conversation, scholars discuss the global significance of protests in Iran:

Analysis of protests in Iran. Democracy Now. Interview with Shirin Ebadi, Nobel Peace Prize laureate who served as the first first female judge in Iran. Video Clip.

Managing Diversity At Organization Sample Essay

Diversity is mainly that which makes us different and unique from each other. It may include a person’s personality, beliefs, background, and life experiences that mold us into who we are today. It includes a combination of several differences that bring up the differences contributing to a person’s perspectives, approach, and view of the world. Diversity also involves respect, recognition, and valuing differences based on gender, race, ethnicity, age, religion, sexual orientation, and disability.

Diversity has grown to become that which has been greatly discussed around the world. However, most organizations that barely look at diversity as a trend miss big time on the benefits of truly diverse and inclusive organizations. Inherently, diverse organizations are happier, more competitive, and more productive. There are four main types of diversity: worldview, organizational, and external and internal diversity. Internal diversity refers to those traits that a person might have been born with. These include race, sex, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, or physical disability. In most cases, you will realize that a person cannot choose to be born of a given nationality or gender since it is a natural happening.

External diversity, on the other hand, includes most people’s experiences, attributes, and circumstances that help define a person’s identity. These may include appearance, marital status, religion, or even location. A person has a choice to choose over the above respect. It relies solely on a person’s own decision. World view diversity surrounds travel experiences, beliefs, cultures, and political affiliations. It mainly involves a person’s interpretation of something based on previous experience and the world’s view. Organizational diversity refers to differences in work experiences, department, seniority, management level, and job functions.

Managing diversity refers to acknowledging the existing differences in people and recognizing these differences as valuable. When all these are taken care of, it helps enhance good management practices by avoiding discrimination and promoting inclusiveness. Good management will help in effective work and considering a diverse workforce. Research shows that diversifying your team boosts business productivity by making almost 35%.when a diverse workforce is diverse, it becomes easier to understand your customers’ needs and come up with various ideas to help fulfill needs. A diverse workforce also helps boost employee morale and ignites the desire to stay more effective and do efficient work.

To begin with, the first key to a successful workforce that HR experts use includes making diversity part of the hiring process. It usually takes a lot of time to build diversity from scratch. Whenever an interview is to be conducted, you should try auditing your hiring process to ensure that you are interviewing a slate of diverse candidates. Also, prioritizing good communication contributes greatly to managing a diverse group. For example, an organization or any other setup that includes diverse individuals needs to ensure effective communication with employees at any given time. In a working setup, procedures, policies, and safety rules are some aspects that need to be communicated clearly.

Also, some other important information should be designed properly to overcome problems related to language and cultural barriers by using symbols, translating materials, and using pictures whenever applicable. It is so beneficial in ensuring that all employees are well recognized and involved. Furthermore, treating each person individually contributes much more to managing diversity. For instance, in a workplace setup, the top management should avoid making void assumptions about employees based on their backgrounds. Instead, they should look at every employee as an individual because people are different; they have different backgrounds, experiences, and exposure, and people are also raised differently and differ in so many aspects. Therefore it would be very wrong if someone would judge a person’s successes and failures based on just a single aspect rather than attributing actions to their background.

In addition, it is very important to encourage individuals to carry out duties in diverse groups; this is important in that people get to know each other, value one another, and also take them for who they are as individuals. It is important because people will get the opportunity to interact and break down preconceived notions and cultural misunderstandings as people have had different knowledge, belief, and perceptions about other individuals for the longest time. Therefore, it will encourage a proper understanding of every individual and everything about them.

For the case of a workplace setup, the top management should at times carry out sensitive training to its employees, for example, employees to be aware of how to coexist with other members from a diverse range. It allows employees to learn the art of appreciating the views of other members. It also teaches them how to communicate calmly with co-workers and resolve conflicts without challenges. It helps the employees to examine and adjust to their long-perceived beliefs and perspectives about people from different backgrounds. All employees should be present in the sensitive training also having to mention what exactly to be trained about makes it more impactful, some companies offer such training online which is good still.

In managing diversity, a business should stay abreast of diversity laws. Employees related rules and regulations should be changed regularly, more so diversity-related rules. Organizations should regularly review these laws and internal policies, especially those that revolve around equal opportunity and harassment, and ensure that these laws reflect the most current laws and regulations.

Finally, the zero-tolerance policy also works towards helping manage diversity. For example, having a diverse individual in the workplace means that there is a total o off-color jokes about sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or religion that are to be met with zero tolerance enforcement. Bullying, slurs, or calling each other funny names for apparent reason has been done away with in today’s workplaces. Policies that state every detail should be implemented to handle any misconduct, and effective communication should be passed to employees to state the repercussions of going against the laws.

In conclusion, encouraging diversity is the way forward for all organizations. all businesses with a global talent capable of managing diversity in the workplace will enjoy a definite competitive advantage compared to others in terms of differentiation, employer branding, and innovation. A diverse workforce reflects how well the world and marketplace are changing. Diverse work teams bring high value to organizations. Respecting the existing differences in individuals helps benefit the workplace by creating a competitive edge and increasing work productivity.


Fry, R., Kennedy, B., & Funk, C. (2021). STEM jobs see uneven progress in increasing gender, racial and ethnic diversity. Pew Research Center.

Hunt, V., Layton, D., & Prince, S. (2015). Diversity matters. McKinsey & Company, 1(1), 15-29.

Kossek, E. E., & Lobel, A. (1996). Managing diversity. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers.

Poushter, J., Fetterolf, J., & Tamir, C. (2019). A Changing World: Global views on diversity, gender equality, family life, and religion’s importance. Pew Research Center, 44.

Managing Workplace Psychological Health Essay Example For College

Part 1: Reflection on Key Learning

A healthy psychological environment in the workplace is crucial for maintaining overall employee wellbeing and productivity. By understanding how to create and sustain a psychologically healthy workplace, employers develop strategies to support the mental health of their staff. It includes initiatives such as providing opportunities for psychological support, such as counseling and mindfulness programs, and promoting positive work-life balance. It involves creating an environment that encourages open conversations about mental health and provides access to resources for those facing mental health issues. By understanding how to develop and maintain a psychologically healthy workplace, employers can make sure their employees feel supported, respected, and safe in their working environment. It helps to foster a better working environment, reduce stress and burnout, and improve morale and productivity. It, in turn, benefits the overall success of the company.

Theories and Perspectives

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs proposes that employees have needs to be psychologically healthy, such as safety, security, and respect. Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory suggests that employees need both motivators and hygiene factors to be psychologically healthy. Motivators include recognition and achievement, while hygiene factors include a safe working environment and job security. The Job Characteristics Model posits that job design is key to creating a psychologically healthy workplace. According to this model, jobs should be meaningful, have autonomy and variety, and have the potential for growth and development. Creating a psychologically healthy workplace is an essential factor in achieving overall success. By providing support for mental health issues, employers can ensure that employees can maintain a healthy work-life balance and remain productive. By promoting open conversations about mental health, employers can create an environment of trust and understanding that can help to reduce stress and burnout. Ultimately, these benefits can lead to increased employee satisfaction, improved morale, and better performance, leading to a more successful business.

A benefit to Future Work

This topic will benefit my future work because I will be better equipped to create and maintain a psychologically healthy workplace. I will be able to use the theories discussed to ensure that employees can fulfil their needs and remain productive. I will be able to identify and address any mental health issues that may arise. I can guarantee that employees remain satisfied and effective by being proactive in creating a psychologically healthy workplace. I will be able to develop strategies to promote work-life balance and create an environment that is conducive to better mental health. These strategies can help to foster a more productive and successful workplace.

Topic relevance to future work

The topic may not be particularly relevant for my future work if an established system exists to create and maintain a psychologically healthy workplace. In this case, I would need to ensure that the existing system is appropriately implemented and that any issues are addressed promptly. Critics of the theories discussed may argue that they do not address the underlying causes of psychological health issues. However, the ideas still provide a framework for creating a healthier workplace and for identifying any potential problems that may arise. The theories provide a starting point for further research into psychological health issues in the workplace.

Part 2: Amazon Organization

The critical theories

The critical theories relevant to the Amazon organization include Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory, and the Job Characteristics Model. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs proposes that employees have needs they must fulfil to be psychologically healthy, such as safety, security, and respect. Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory suggests that employees need both motivators and hygiene factors to be psychologically healthy. Motivators include recognition and achievement, while hygiene factors include a safe working environment and job security. The Job Characteristics Model posits that job design is key to creating a psychologically healthy workplace. According to this model, jobs should be meaningful, have autonomy and variety, and have the potential for growth and development.

Amazon DO and DO NOT

Amazon has implemented initiatives to create a psychologically healthy workplace. For example, Amazon has established an Employee Assistance Program to provide counseling and other support services for employees facing mental health issues. This initiative is explained by Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory, as it provides employees with the safety, security, and respect they need to be psychologically healthy. Amazon offers career development programs and career coaching services, explained by the Job Characteristics Model, as it provides employees with meaningful work and potential for growth and development. There are some aspects of Amazon that do not fit the model. For example, Amazon has been criticized for its long hours and intense working environment, which can lead to burnout and decreased productivity. The theories do not explain what we discussed, as it does not provide employees with a safe working environment or job security. Amazon has faced criticism for its lack of transparency and respect for workers’ rights, which is also not explained by the theories we discussed.

The context for Amazon’s organization

Amazon is an American technology company based in Seattle, Washington. It is the world’s largest online retailer and cloud computing, provider. Amazon was founded in 1994 and has grown to become a multinational corporation with more than 750,000 employees and operations in more than 190 countries. Amazon’s services include e-commerce, cloud computing, digital streaming, artificial intelligence, and more.

Theory fits (aligns)

The theories discussed align with the Amazon organization in providing a framework for creating a psychologically healthy workplace. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory explain how employees need safety, security, and respect to be psychologically healthy. Amazon’s Employee Assistance Program provides employees with counseling and other support services that fulfil these needs. The Job Characteristics Model explains how meaningful work and potential for growth and development can foster psychological health. Amazon’s career development program and career coaching services provide employees with these opportunities. Overall, the theories discussed to provide a framework that Amazon can use to create and maintain a psychologically healthy workplace.

Critics of the theory

Critics of the theories discussed may argue that they do not address the underlying causes of psychological health issues. These theories provide a framework for creating a psychologically healthy workplace but do not address the root causes of mental health issues, such as discrimination or workplace bias. Some critics may argue that the theories do not consider the complexities of the modern workplace, such as the prevalence of technology and the potential for digital distraction (Querstret et al. 394). Critics may also argue that the theories are outdated and do not consider current workplace trends, such as remote work and flexible hours. Ultimately, the ideas provide a starting point for further research into psychological health issues in the workplace, but they may not explain all aspects of the modern workplace. The challenges of the theories should be further explored to create a comprehensive understanding of psychological health in the workplace.

Amazon Description

Amazon is the world’s largest online retailer and cloud computing, provider. As of 2018, it has a market capitalization of more than $800 billion. According to The New York Times reports, in 2017, Amazon had more than 566,000 employees worldwide. Amazon is based in Seattle, Washington. Amazon is known for its intense working environment and the long hours required by its employees. Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory explains the elements that create this cultural climate. Amazon has been criticized for its lack of transparency and respect for workers’ rights. As a former employee, I have first-hand experience with the Amazon culture. I was encouraged to work hard, but my feedback was never solicited during performance evaluations. Some employees who worked in a warehouse without air conditioning experienced heat injuries and had to be taken away by ambulance. There were also reports of employees being disciplined for taking sick days and having their security badges taken away if they were suspected of taking many sick days.

Amazon Relevance to topic

Workplace psychological health is employees’ mental health on a day-to-day basis in the workplace. It is influenced by the organizational values of a company and describes how well employees feel psychologically during their workday. Workplace psychological health has been described as normal if it meets or exceeds a certain threshold. There is debate about whether workplace psychological health can be assessed objectively or if it has to be assessed subjectively. The theories discussed have provided a framework for creating a psychologically healthy workplace but do not objectively measure workplace psychological health. To explore this further, there would need to be some new theory or framework that could provide such an objective measurement.


Amazon’s culture has been described as intense and is said to foster psychological health above a certain threshold. According to Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory, Amazon can create a culture of psychological health by providing safety, respect, and challenging work environments. These workplace elements help create psychological health because they fulfil employees’ need for security and self-respect. I experienced this while working at an Amazon fulfilment centre in Kentucky. Although the conditions were difficult, the workers got along well and supported each other. It was challenging work, but it made me feel like I could achieve whatever I wanted professionally if I put in enough hard work.

Information source

This information was acquired from various online sources, including research papers and reports from organizations such as the International Labor Organization and the World Economic Forum. Data was obtained from news articles and reviews from employees who have worked at Amazon.

Personal Experience

During my time at Amazon, I have seen great attention given to workplace psychological health, with various initiatives designed to help employees maintain their mental health and wellbeing. Amazon offers regular mental health check-ins with managers and team members where employees can discuss their feelings and concerns in an open and supportive environment. It has been immensely helpful in supporting my colleagues and me and recognizing any signs of distress or anxiety. Additionally, Amazon offers free cognitive behavioral therapy sessions to employees, which have been instrumental in helping me stay focused and productive. The company also promotes physical health and wellbeing through subsidized gym memberships, on-site medical care, and fitness classes. It has been invaluable in helping me take care of my body and mind. Amazon also provides employees access to mental health resources, including self-help tools and a network of mental health professionals. It has been incredibly helpful in giving me the support I need when feeling overwhelmed or anxious. Amazon also has an open and supportive culture where employees are encouraged to discuss their mental health.

Emotions and EQ

Regarding emotional intelligence, Amazon takes a proactive approach by providing employees with tools and resources to increase their EQ. Amazon offers regular training sessions and workshops on emotional intelligence, which have been helpful in teaching me how better to understand my own emotions and those of others. Amazon encourages employees to practice empathy and respect in all interactions, which has been invaluable in helping me develop better relationships with colleagues. Amazon also provides employees access to online resources and books on emotional intelligence to help them further their understanding. It has been vital in helping me become more aware of my emotions and those of others.

Managing Emotions

Amazon also provides employees with resources and support to help them manage their emotions. The company offers regular check-ins with managers and team members to discuss concerns or issues impacting their mental health and wellbeing. Amazon also provides employees access to mental health professionals and counselors to provide support if needed. The company offers wellness programs and activities, such as yoga classes and guided meditation, to help employees relax and destress. It has been extremely helpful in helping me manage my emotions and stay focused.

Managing Motivations

Amazon offers employees a range of motivational tools and resources to help them stay focused and productive. The company provides employees with access to online courses and books on productivity and motivation, which have helped help me stay motivated and on track. Amazon also offers regular rewards and recognition programs to recognize employees for their hard work and dedication. Additionally, Amazon provides employees access to mentors and coaches to help them stay focused and motivated. It has been invaluable in helping me stay on track and achieve my goals.

Managing Power Politics

Amazon takes a proactive approach to managing power politics in the workplace. The company encourages employees to practice respect and empathy in all interactions, which has been instrumental in helping me understand the importance of treating others with respect (Wolff, e145-e152). Amazon also provides employees with access to resources on power politics and conflict resolution, which have been helpful in helping me better manage any conflicts that arise. Additionally, Amazon offers regular training sessions on power politics to help employees understand how to manage any power struggles in the workplace effectively. It has been invaluable in helping me recognize when power politics may be at play and how to handle it respectfully and effectively.

Managing Teams and Groups

Amazon takes a proactive approach to manage teams and groups in the workplace. The company encourages employees to practice open and honest communication to ensure that each team member is heard and respected. Amazon provides employees with access to resources on team dynamics and group dynamics, which have helped help me better understand how to manage teams and groups effectively. Amazon also offers regular training sessions on team dynamics and group dynamics, which have been invaluable in helping me build stronger relationships with my team members and colleagues.

Managing Work Psychology Health

Amazon takes a proactive approach to manage workplace psychological health. The company offers regular mental health check-ins with managers and team members to discuss any concerns or issues impacting their mental health and wellbeing. Additionally, Amazon provides employees access to mental health resources, including self-help tools and a network of mental health professionals. It has been incredibly helpful in giving me the support I need when feeling overwhelmed or anxious. Amazon also promotes physical health and wellbeing through subsidized gym memberships, on-site medical care, and fitness classes. It has been invaluable in helping me take care of my body and mind.

Managing Leadership

Amazon takes a proactive approach to manage leadership in the workplace. The company provides employees with leadership resources, such as books and online courses. It has been helpful in helping me better understand how to be an effective leader. Amazon also offers regular training sessions and leadership workshops that have been invaluable in teaching me how to be a better leader. Amazon encourages employees to practice empathy and respect in all interactions, which has been instrumental in helping me understand the importance of treating others with respect.

Psychological Contrast

Amazon has taken a proactive approach to manage workplace psychological health, offering employees a range of resources and support to help them maintain their mental health and wellbeing. Amazon has been far more proactive in addressing workplace mental health issues than other companies I have worked for in the past. The company offers regular mental health check-ins, free cognitive behavioral therapy sessions, subsidized gym memberships, access to mental health resources, and even fitness classes. These initiatives have been immensely helpful in keeping me, and my colleagues supported and productive. Additionally, Amazon has an open and supportive culture where employees are encouraged to talk about their mental health, which has been invaluable in providing me with the support I need when I am feeling overwhelmed or anxious.

Personality Diversity

Amazon encourages personality diversity in the workplace, recognizing that different personalities bring different strengths and perspectives. The company offers regular training sessions and workshops on personality diversity, which have been helpful in teaching me how to understand better and appreciate different personalities. Additionally, Amazon provides employees with access to resources on personality diversity, such as books and online courses, that have been invaluable in helping me better understand and appreciate different personalities. The company also encourages employees to practice empathy and respect in all interactions, which has been vital in helping me develop better relationships with colleagues.

Organizational Culture

Amazon has an open and supportive organizational culture where employees are encouraged to openly discuss their mental health and wellbeing. The company offers regular mental health check-ins with managers and team members and access to mental health resources, such as self-help tools and a network of mental health professionals. Amazon promotes physical health and wellbeingwellbeing through subsidized gym memberships, on-site medical care, and fitness classes. It has been invaluable in helping me take care of my body and mind. Amazon also encourages employees to practice empathy and respect in all interactions, which has been instrumental in helping me develop better relationships with colleagues.

Workplace Aggression

Amazon takes a proactive approach to manage workplace aggression. The company offers regular training sessions and workshops on workplace aggression, which have helped teach me how to recognize and address any aggressive behavior in the workplace. Amazon provides employees with access to resources on workplace aggression, such as books and online courses, that have been invaluable in helping me better understand how to manage aggression effectively. The company also encourages employees to practice empathy and respect in all interactions, which has been essential in helping develop better relationships with colleagues.


This paper has discussed the importance of workplace psychological health and the theories used to create and maintain a psychologically healthy workplace. Amazon is a multinational corporation that has implemented initiatives to create a psychologically healthy workplace, such as an Employee Assistance Program and career development programs. The theories discussed to provide a framework for understanding how to create a psychologically healthy workplace but do not provide an objective measurement of workplace psychological health. Further research is needed to explore this topic in more depth. Ultimately, understanding how to create and maintain a psychologically healthy workplace can benefit employees and employers, leading to increased employee satisfaction, improved morale, and better performance.

Work Cited

Quartet, Dawn, et al. “Mindfulness-based stress reduction and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for psychological health and wellbeingwellbeing in nonclinical samples: A systematic review and meta-analysis.” International Journal of Stress Management 27.4 (2020): 394.

Wolff, Marilyn B., et al. “Differences in work and non-work support associations with job stress, burnout, and wellbeingwellbeing between types of healthcare workers.” Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 63.3 (2021): e145-e152.

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