Max Max: Fury Road. Scene Analysis Essay Example

The scene that is going to be reviewed within the framework of the current paper is the “I am the scales of justice” that starts approximately around 01:09:15. The scene is mostly focused on background music and plenty of footsteps and gunshots that vary in order to create a more sound-rich picture of the movie’s world (Miller, 2015). The musical background starts as majorly non-diegetic yet intense.

The contents of the composition, though, do not coincide with what is currently happening in the scene. The car was stuck in the sand, and the main characters were trying to move it, while the background music was supporting the dramatic nature of the moment. For Miller (2015), it was a great opportunity to display the emotional struggle and the need to escape while also ensuring that the physical struggle (moving the car out of the sand) would also be visible.

As the main characters are starting to move faster to get the car out of the trap, the tempo of the background music also speeds up, while the audience may witness diegetic gunshots, as all the characters shooting guns are visible at the moment. The problem arises during some of the moments when the music is getting even faster, and it becomes harder to spot if gunshots are diegetic or not.

The static noise that appears after Furiosa’s sniper shot is a diegetic one because the loud sound from the sniper rifle is noticeable through the ringing in one’s ears. Nevertheless, Miller (2015) approaches this scene less realistically, making the rifle sound non-diegetic, as none of the characters react to it as expected. Another reason why this sound is important is the fact that it creates a sound bridge when the camera focuses on a different vehicle with the Doppler effect still active.

There are also several examples of parallel sounds in the scene that are supported by the background music and numerous diegetic sounds. The music is in line with what is happening on-screen, making it a great fit for the action scene. The sound design does not actually focus on any gunshots or footsteps in order to bring the action itself to the forefront. The majority of diegetic sounds, nevertheless, come from the vehicles, as the audience hears engines constantly and sees the cars struggling on-screen. Accordingly, there is a specific mix of non-diegetic and diegetic sounds that makes this scene so outstanding.

These tricks allowed Miller (2015) to make the scene practical and believable without resorting to visual effects and computer graphics. For the most part, the film score makes it completely different and emphasizes certain points. A large number of diegetic sounds is another crucial element.

As for sound continuity, the most evident examples may be the points in the scene where engines are revving, but it is not clear if it is the main characters’ trucks or the enemies’ vehicles. This uncertainty adds to the excitement that the scene brings to the movie in general, as it is one of the scenes where the action is not visual but audial. It also allowed the director to strengthen the effect of the film score when the engines started revving in the background with an enemy who has just been blinded by a sniper rifle shot. It is a memorable sound effect because the audience hears the anger in the man’s voice and how it is paired with the incredibly loud engine sounds symbolizing his spite.


Miller, G. (2015). Mad Max: Fury Road [Film]. Australia; Warner Bros. Pictures.

Newton’s Third Law With An Example

According to Newton’s Third Law of Motion, a body exerting force on another body experiences a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. As bodies experience acceleration proportional to the magnitude of the force and inversely proportional to their mass, lighter objects exerting force on heavier ones accelerate away faster (Urone & Hinrichs, 2020). This force, however, may not be enough to give the heavier body sufficient acceleration to move it. Demonstrations of this law are ubiquitous in nature, and examples are common: most motion relies on this principle, be it walking, swimming, or flying.

Newton’s Third Law With an Example

One particular example of a Third Law force pair can be seen in a cat pushing a small object, such as a pen, off a table. The cat applies force to the pen, causing it to roll rightward. At the same time, the cat experiences the same amount of force in the direction opposite to the push. However, as the cat’s mass is significantly less than that of the pen, it does not move. At the same time, both the cat and the pen experience the downward force of their weights and the upward normal force from the table. These forces are also equal, hence, neither the cat nor the pen have any vertical acceleration.


Urone, P. P., & Hinrichs, R. (2020). College physics. OpenStax.

Nursing Staffing Ratio And Patient Safety & Care

Description of Nursing Staffing Ratio

The nurse staffing ratio in the health facility emergency department has been a global concern. According to Strachan-Hall (2017), the patient’s safety is directly proportional to the number of nursing staff; the lesser the nurse-to-patient ratio, the higher death instances. In most global states, individual facilities can mend their own staffing rules. Conventionally, more than 14 states in the United States of America have amended some safe staffing laws.

However, most of those states’ laws require a general plan to manage the ratio other than regulating it (Gutsan et al., 2020). The standard nurse staffing ratio is averagely one nurse for every five patients, which is not adequate. Generally, when nurses have fewer patients to attend to, they will give a more satisfactory job with minimal work pressure. Therefore, a well-balanced nurse to patient ratio can result in substantial success.

How Nursing Staffing Ratio Affects the Quality of Care and Patient’s Safety

Nurse staffing is directly proportional to the clinical outcome. Studies have revealed nurse staffing as an essential variable worth considering in promoting safety and patient recovery. According to research done by Strachan-Hall (2017), a lower level of nurse staffing is associated with accentuated risk of poor patient’s results. Besides, adequate nurse staffing increases the performance of the health facility and promotes patient’s outcomes. Staffing ratios also differ within the facility, depending on the department. For instance, the emergency room can require a maximum of a one-to-three nurse-to-patient ratio, while the intensive care unit will require a one-to-one ratio.

By extension, adequate nurse staffing enhances practical nurse communication skills and strategies. Many nurses complain regarding inadequate time to provide recommended emotional support and comfort to their patients since they have to divide their limited time to many patients (Lee, 2019). Furthermore, nurse staffing is a determinant to improved patient care quality and patient safety. Most nurses believe the nurse staffing ratio is a concern of care quality (Lee, 2019). In summary, the nurse staffing is an actual act which will help minimize patients’ death when taken into account.

Application of Professional Standards in Addressing Nurse Staffing Ratio

Healthcare facilities all over the world face enormous challenges pertaining to the staffing of nurses. Clinical staff shortage brought about by growing population, cost-cutting decisions, increased patient complexity, and other essential factors instill stress on the nurses working conditions and affect their productivity. Evidence shows that appropriate nurse staffing improves patients’ outcomes and enhances both patient and staff’s satisfaction (Strachan-Hall, 2017).

For the past decades, American Nurses Association has been working to address unsafe nurse staffing levels to improve nurses working conditions and favorable patients’ aftermath. The association is committed to delivering the best in evidence-based policy, advocacy, products, practice, and professional growth to enhance safe staffing and transition health departments. For instance, the association is working to ensure that all nurses have a role in nurse staffing decisions, and all health facilities have well-structured staffing guidelines (Strachan-Hall, 2017). Health care services can be elevated by improving nurse staffing policies and practices for both the private and public health sectors.

Roles of Nursing Leaders and Managers and Approaches to Addressing the Issue

Leaders focus on motivating, inspiring, influencing, and empowering others. Additionally, nursing managers are those bearing additional responsibility for others. Consequently, they are commissioned to fulfill the organization’s vision, mission, and strategic plans (Fernandes et al., 2018). Nursing leaders are responsible for policy-making and control quality measures. However, medical managers administrate all the organization’s activities, such as ensuring the staff perform their duties and are held accountable in case of a failure. Both health managers and leaders complement each other and have an expansive administrative role (Fernandes et al., 2018).

Nursing leaders and managers are the overseers of all health care progress. Therefore, they are responsible and capable of improving the nursing staffing ratio either by employing more nurses and workers or enhancing healthcare triple aim framework. These frameworks or goals are described as better health, better care, and better value. Additionally, the healthcare leaders are the mouthpiece to the healthcare workers; thus, through appropriate representation, the respective governments can consider achieving a nursing staff-to-patient ratio.

Leadership Style Addressing Nurse Staffing Ratio

Medicine is a broad society and a crucial construct for patients’ safety and care. Leadership in the health industry is essential for enhancing innovations and adapting to current health industry trends. Nursing is a human-centered profession; thus, leadership skills are crucial requirements for all nurses. Nursing constitutes several leadership styles, categorized into four types: transformational, leissez-faire, autocratic, democratic, and servant leadership (Lee, 2019). Leadership styles that embrace inclusivity and accept the patients’ and nursing staffs’ mutual benefits are considered the more effective.

The leadership styles mentioned above are all instrumental; however, due to population increase, technological advancements, and evolutions in nursing, transformational leadership has proved to be the most commonly applied (Lee, 2019). Generally, transformation leaders are inclined towards relationship building and team motivation. They are always enthusiastic, captivating, and forecast successful outcomes. Enhancing the nursing staffing ratio requires the leadership styles mentioned above. Therefore, transformation leadership should be embraced in addressing the issue of nurse staffing in the healthcare industry.


Fernandes, R., Araújo, B., & Pereira, F. (2018). Nursing management and leadership approaches from the perspective of registered nurses in Portugal. Journal of Hospital Administration, 7(3), 1–8. Web.

Gutsan, E., Patton, J., & Willis, W. K. (2020). Nurse burnout: The effect of the gap between personal values and their implementation in the workplace. Journal of Nursing & Healthcare, 5(3), 1–21. Web.

Lee, H. S. (2019). Staffing and care quality of nursing homes in Korea. Innovation in Aging, 3(1), 702. Web.

Strachan-Hall, E. (2017). California has won case for nurse-patient ratios. Nursing Management, 23(9), 15. Web.

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