“On Dumpster Diving” By Lars Eighner Review University Essay Example

The effect of Lars Eighner’s attention to language in the first five paragraphs acts to emphasize the idea that he is not like the other divers, but he is educated and smart instead of the stereotype that the homeless are uneducated or impaired which draws the attention of the readers. As a result, it establishes the ethos of the author. Eighner presents his intellect and his intelligence when he discusses about the process of accessing information as well as understanding the nature of the history of the word and of the scavenging to suggest that he is living off what has been left behind. He clearly establishes his qualifications as someone knowledgeable.

Especially, when he claims that he “began Dumpster diving about a year before [Eighner] became homeless” should suggest a moment of surprise, as this is not an exercise in word origin but a personal experience with the Dumpster and its contents. Also, by demonstrating his educated background when he discussed his passion of dumpster diving, his use of the diction like “scavenger” gave a “honorable niche” to describe his occupation instead of the dirty connotations a traditional “dumpster diver” would have used. For this reason, readers can trust in the information he presents about dumpster diving.

Verbal irony is adroitly used when Eighner describes “Dumpsters in this area are very rich” which shows the value of the items that are refused of college students and is ironic because garbage waste is compared to wealth in spite of the fact that dumpsters are meant for waste or trash and aren’t usually described as rich. Situational irony is employed when Eighner says the “typical disregard is a half jar of peanut butter” and then he explains how peanut butter is unlikely to spoil in a “reasonable time”. It is ironic because students should be wise about details like that. A lot of students campaign for the environment when in reality, they are wasting just as much as others. It is also clearly evident that it is ironic since Eighner, a homeless man, understands more about the chemical activities of certain foods than rich kids who are supposed to be intelligent.

Of course, some may note that the whole idea of frequenting an area near a university – where many students are working hard for an education in to get a good job – to get the best goods from the Dumpsters is also ironic. Students’ relationship to the economy at large may suggest that they are more consumer than producer as they are full of wasteful human beings who waste a lot of valuable and reliable items .

Psychosocial Aspects Of Coronavirus Disease

Corona virus disease which also called as COVID-19 is a new strain of influenza virus that emerged from Wuhan, the capital of city of Hubei, it’s the largest city in central of China, with a population more than 11 million. Coronavirus spreads easily and very quickly, until now we reach 2,293,644 million cases word wide and 6302 cases in United Arab Emeriti, the virus spread through direct contact with infected person, and indirect contact by touching infected surfaces and objects, however we can reduce or prevent the spreading of the virus by frequently washing our hands with soap and water for at least 20secondes, stay home when you feel sick, avoid touching your face and eyes without washing your hands and cover your mouth with tissue or by using the elbow technique while coughing or sneezing, this the main preventive measures that everyone can do to help preventing the spreading of the virus.

Corona virus cause infection in the respiratory tract, and it can lead to serious complications if it’s not been treated and even can lead to death. The complications of the virus don’t appear to any one, it’s become especially to the patients older than 65years and to those with chronic illness like diabetes, asthma, chronic lung disease, serious hears conditions, and also people with sever obesity [body mass index (BMI) 40 and higher].

The signs and symptoms of COVID-19 range from mild to severe and it include high fever, dry cough, dyspnea, fatigue, pain in the muscles and sometimes “anosmia” loss of the smell sensation, this symptoms if it’s not been treated it can lead to pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, kidney failure, sepsis and septic shock that can lead to the death of the patient, and until now the mortality number reached to 157,400, however there is no vaccine and specific treatment for the COVID-19 until now, only the patient can take some medications to relive the symptoms of the disease like pain, coughing, fever.

The huge increase in the number of cases, number of mortalities, the preventive measures “quarantine” and until now not founding a treatment for the COVID-19, all of these are causing a psychological impairment of people in general especially to the people who loss a someone that they now by this virus.

Attitudes, Beliefs, and Values

During this pandemic we must consider the psychological, attitude, beliefs, and values of individual, families, social and healthcare professionals related to COVID-19, and as we know the attitude is an expression of favor or disfavor toward a person, thing, place or event and it could be negative or positive attitude, in this situation the attitude that we are facing from the people is mostly negative attitude, because of this pandemic everyone is stressed and actually no one is feeling good, dead of someone they love because of coronavirus, and also some people staying at home for along time lead them to negative attitude, and also distance learning sometimes may be the reason, huge amount of assignments and very long material with short period of time to prepare it lead them to negative attitude.

If we talk about beliefs, beliefs are your map of reality, they are the lenses through which we perceive the world, there is a people that belief in someone family member, friend, extra, for those if someone they belief on him die from the coronavirus they will really be in a very bad situation and no one will can deal with them, we have to consider their situation, and for example the healthcare professionals they belief that they are working to save lives, and in this pandemic they are losing a lot of patients, also the families specially parents when there child get infected these can lead to psychological impairment.

Values, so what is value, value is a measure of the worth or impotence a person attaches to something, our value are often reflected in the way we live our lives, it’s like what a said in the beliefs part, but in my opinion I think that beliefs are more strong than values, like someone that I give a value this value can disappear in a one wrong word or another thing, for example the healthcare professionals they give a value to there patients but when the patient leave the hospital there is no value to him anymore like the other patients who will enter the hospital after him, but of course they care about them but not like before, that is why I think that the belief is more strong that the value.

Spirituality and Religious Aspects of COVID-19 Pandemic

Spirituality and religious are playing a big role during this pandemic, spirituality refers to a belief in higher power, an awareness of life and it’s meaning, the centering of a person with purpose in life, there three ways of response to the COVID-19 it affects us physically, mentally, and spirituality.

Physically affect is by the quarantine, and social distance since the people are all the time staying and home and no socialization, the other affect is on our mental health and the best way to avoid it is by relaxation and also by prying reading Quran, and as I think each religion has his on way for relaxation techniques, for Muslim people is as I said before, sometimes it seems very difficult relax because of this pressure but the person have to try his best so he will not be mentally affected which can lead to depression, the third and last affect is the spirituality, the spiritual effect of the outbreak, that is being neglected, even though the presence of death, whether we want it to or not, evokes concern about the state of our souls. Spiritual well-being is alien to many people’s daily lives, and with the decline of organized religion, millions of people experience a sick soul, however you want to define it — weariness of heart, existential dread, a sinking feeling that nothing really matters — without finding a way out, We don’t need to apply the words “religious” or “spiritual” to these modes of healing. They are based on long traditions, both East and West, that have examined and understood the human condition. More to the point, they are practical. They give you a sense of control over your life. By bringing you closer to your soul, spirit, higher awareness or deeper self (choose any term you prefer), these things reverse the most damaging spiritual trend in modern society: the desperate urge to flee from ourselves.

The COVID-19 has effected religion in many ways, by closing mosques, and for the other religions by closing the Sunday schools as well as the cancelation of festivals and pilgrimages surrounding observances, this this can affect the psychologic and become worse than how is it now, because the religion is primarily a set of beliefs.

Loss and Grief Among Families and Friends

An event like the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak and the loss it brings can shatter your sense of safety. As you do your part to stay home to stop the spread of COVID-19, you are likely experiencing loss related to work, finances, social interactions, and family obligations, among others. You may also experience the death of someone you know.

All of these losses can be significant and traumatic. The realities of physical distancing and isolation policies mean you may not be able to experience and cope with grief in ways you previously had, such as being with loved ones during their last days, physically spending time with friends and family, visiting your place of worship, or attending a funeral in person. These changes can be traumatic and may impact your grieving process. Recovery will take time and can be difficult. This document explains what to expect, how to cope with these losses, and where to go for help.

At the end as we now that the coronavirus is a very infectious disease and have many effects on the body, in the mental health, our attitude, beliefs, value, and also in our religion and spirituality, we have to support each other and prevent this virus together as much as we can by staying at home, at the last, stay home, stay safe, stay alive.

Coronavirus And The Effect On The Economy

Executive Summary

Since the start of the outbreak of the coronavirus in China in December 2019, businesses worldwide have been affected due to the shortage of supplies and goods. China has quarantined the city in which the virus originated from, and had extended the Lunar New Year holiday to February 10, 2020, in efforts to reduce the transmissions of the virus (Gurman). This has discouraged many factories from staying open even after the extended holiday (“Measuring the Economic Impact”). This has affected various multinational corporations, such as Apple Inc., General Motors, Hyundai Motors, Amazon, Tesla, and even Facebook (Ghaffary). Many economists are afraid of what the impact of the virus could cause to the world markets and are having difficulty gauging just how much impact the economy will receive from the halt of Chinese factories, and the reduction of production (“Measuring the Economic Impact”). The virus has already affected the financial sector, with Dow Jones Index falling 1,000 points on February 24, 2020 (Horsley). Now many companies are forming plans to ensure their supply chain does not falter due to the factory shutdowns in China (John). It is expected for the economy to bounce back if it is contained appropriately soon, but for now, many companies are preparing for the worst-case scenario.

Introduction to COVID-19

In December 2019, a new virus was detected in the central province of Hubei in China, more specifically in the city of Wuhan. The virus is a form of coronavirus, the World Health Organization has now named it COVID-19, and it is a respiratory disease that can be transmitted from person to person (“What Is Coronavirus?”). This virus is currently causing an economic problem, and we are now feeling the effects of the outbreak on the economy. Although the coronavirus is a new disease, it is already proving to not only affect the health and lives of many people, but also the health of the economy.

The Impact on the Economy

As of February 25, 2020, there have been 77,600 confirmed cases in China alone, and 2,663 deaths in total. While Italy is the second country with the most confirmed cases outside of Chine with a total of 283 cases, and seven deaths (NBC News). This information is important because it is a factor that will help us understand how serious this virus is, and predict what sectors in the market it will affect the most. The economy is being affected by the coronavirus due to the fact that China is the largest market in the world (Tenreiro). Companies that sell goods in China have taken substantial hits to their revenue since more and more Chinese citizens are being quarantined and are afraid to leave their homes (Tenreiro). Not only are there fewer consumers in China currently but China has also ordered the shutdown of factories to reduce the spread of the illness, thus reducing the supply of components or goods being produced by these factories (Tenreiro).

The stock market is also feeling the effects of the virus, it has been reported that the Dow Jones Index has plummeted by a 1,000 points, and all various other major indexes have also fallen by 3.5% (Horseley). Not only has the stock market been affected in the United States but also stock markets in Europe and Asia (Horseley). There has not been a formula to exactly measure the impact the economy will take due to the outbreak, there are various gauges that Economists are using to estimate, or get an idea as to what extent the impact will be (Curran). Torsten Slok the chief economist for Deutsche Bank believes to track the impact of the virus “is all about identifying the transmission channels… global tourism, supply chain disruptions, Chinese consumer spending, lower commodity prices, and wealth effects from global lower stock prices…” (Curran). While evaluating the impact on the economy is not exact, looking at the figures that Slok describes, will inform us of how these market sectors are being affected and therefore predict the overall effect on the economy.


Tech Companies Have Been Infected

Various tech companies have also felt the burden of the outbreak since the outburst of the virus many factories have been shutting down completely and production has slowed down. Usually, production slows down in January due to the Lunar New Year, in which many workers are granted a holiday off work, with the spread of the disease this has laid off workers longer than expected. Apple’s largest producer of iPhones, Hon Hai Precision Industry (Foxconn) resumed work on February 10, 2020, a week longer than usual (Gurman). Although Hon Hai commenced work, it is still isolating workers for another seven to fourteen days (Gurman). This has caused tension in Apple’s supply chain, now it is said that the Apple’s AirPods Pro and the new budget iPhone may be the most affected by this delay since Apple was planning to launch the new iPhone towards the end of March (Gurman).

Apple has cited that they will miss their projected sales forecast, due to the interruption of the production and demand (Davalos). The same constraints are being felt by other tech companies such as Amazon, Facebook, and Tesla (Ghaffary). Amazon has begun stockpiling “supplier items” from China to reduce the future impact of the virus on Chinese suppliers (Ghaffary). While Tesla is claiming that the virus is a risk to their business, while Alibaba a major tech company is calling the event volatile (Ghaffary). Facebook is also expecting less production for its upcoming product the Oculus Quest a virtual reality headset, also due to the slowdown in production from the Chinese factories caused by the virus (Ghaffary). Of course, the companies are taking steps to prevent further spread of the virus while also attempting to meet their financial targets.

Auto Making Industry hit by Virus

The automaking industry has also been affected by the coronavirus outbreak, General Motors (GM) is attempting to maintain the flow of parts to their more profitable factories undisrupted (Welch). In efforts to delay the effects of the coronavirus shutdowns in China from their own car factories in the United States (Welch). GM does not expect to shut down production in their plants located in Texas, Michigan and, Indiana (Welch). Although the Auto Workers union has commented that part shortages at the plants are growing, which produces GM’s more profitable models such as the Cadillac Escalade (Welch). IHS Markit expects an 11% decline in worldwide production of vehicles in the first quarter of 2020, while also estimating a 27% descent in China alone (Welch). Hyundai Motor Company has also been affected by the disease, by completely halting all manufacturing in South Korea (Park). Hyundai was hit by a shortage of wiring components that are produced in a plant in China after the Chinese plant halted production due to an employee being infected by COVID-19 (Park). Hyundai Motor, GM and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles are also searching for an alternative supplier for the meantime to increase supply, but this could be costly due to having to negotiate with the new suppliers (John). So far IHS Markit believes it will be difficult to assess “the effect of the production halts” due to “different components produced in China… as well as other factors such as buffer stock and the volume of inventory already in transit” (John). Not only is the coronavirus affecting production for tech companies, but also the automaking industry.


The COVID-19 outbreak has already proven to take a toll on not only the human body but also the world economy. Major corporations such as Apple, Amazon, Facebook, GM and, Hyundai have already shown signs of alarm due to the sharp decline of production in China, and they are feeling the effects on their supply chain and financial targets. To mitigate the effects of the virus on the world markets, governments should strictly follow guidelines that help reduce the spreading of the coronavirus, therefore ensuring that their population is safe, healthy and continue to be productive. The longer it takes to contain the virus, the longer it will take for the economy to recuperate and most importantly the more lives the virus will take. Therefore, the government should invest in the health of its citizens to mitigate the wave of consequences that the disease brings with it.


  1. NBC News. “Coronavirus Updates: Death Toll in China Hits 2,663 as Pandemic Fears Grow.” NBC News, NBC News, 25 Feb. 2020, www.nbcnews.com/news/world/coronavirus-updates-pandemic-risk-grows-if-countries-don-t-cooperate-n1142301. Accessed 25 Feb. 2020.
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  13. What Is Coronavirus? 2019, http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus. Accessed 26 Feb. 2020.

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