Purple Hibiscus: Character Profiles Sample Essay Sample For College

Eugene is a complex and absorbing character. whose shadow falls strongly on his married woman and kids. Born during the colonial period in Nigeria. he was raised by priests and left his state to analyze in England. He is praised for his brave base against the military government in Nigeria and admired for his success in the concern universe. Privately. nevertheless. he is revealed to be a spiritual fiend who regulations his family with his fists. Eugene is tormented by an on-going sense of cultural lower status.

The adult male of honor in society “Papa deserved congratulations for non taking to hold more boies with another adult female. of class. for non taking to take a 2nd married woman. . ” ( p. 20 ) Man of rule. refuses to pay payoffs to police officers ( p. 111 ) Won a human rights award but modestly did non desire to be featured in newspaper After his decease. Kambili discovers Papa anonymously donated to “children’s infirmaries and motherless babes places and handicapped veterans from the civil war. ”

The Colonial Product In denial of his cultural roots: “He barely spoke Igbo. and although Jaja and I spoke it with Mama at place. he did non like us to talk it in public. We had to sound civilized in public. he told us ; we had to talk English. Papa’s sister. Aunty Ifeoma. said one time that Papa was excessively much of a colonial merchandise. ” P. 13  “Papa changed his speech pattern when he spoke. sounding British… . He was gracious in the eager-to-please manner he ever assumed with the spiritual. particularly the white spiritual. ” His feelings of shame/cultural lower status: “I didn’t have a male parent who sent me to the best schools. My male parent spent his clip idolizing Gods of wood and rock. I would be nil today but for the priests and sisters at the mission. ” P. 47 While Eugene rejects his ain male parent on the evidences of his “godlessness” he is proud of Grandfather ( the children’s maternal gramps ) . “Grandfather was really light skinned. about albino. . he unfalteringly spoke English… He knew Latin too…” P. 67

The devout truster He is used as an illustration to others: “Father Benedict normally referred to the Catholic Pope. Papa and Jesus — in that order. ” When he kneels to have Communion. and shuts his eyes “so hard his face tightened into a face. ” When he says grace. “for 20 proceedingss he asked God to bless the food… he intoned the Blessed Virgin in several different rubrics. ” He is overly ardent. He is revered in church scenes about like a life saint or “god” . On Christmas twenty-four hours. “He led the manner out of the hall. smiling and beckoning at the many custodies that reached out to hold on his white adventitia as if touching him would mend them of an unwellness. ” p. 90

…and the spiritual overzealous Eugene is a spiritual fundamentalist who can non digest any little divergence from the regulations. He lashes out with his belt when he discovers Kambili eating cornflakes before Mass. shouting “Has the Satan built a collapsible shelter in my house? ” . He shows no humanity. But afterwards he seems ashamed although he can’t admit it. inquiring alternatively “why do you like wickedness? ” P 102 Ifeoma says “ Eugene has to halt making God’s occupation. God is large plenty to make his ain occupation. If God will judge our male parent for taking to follow the manner of our ascendants. so allow God make the judgment. non Eugene. ” p. 95 His ain sense of ineptitude seems to drive his behavior. Following confession with Father Benedict. Papa says “I am spotless. we are all spotless. If God calls us. we are traveling directly to Heaven. ” …His eyes were bright. ” 107

After being caught masturbating at St Gregory’s – a priest made him soak his custodies in hot H2O. After the decease of Ade and he catches K and J looking at the picture of Papa Nnukwu – he beats her to a mush. go forthing her with a broken rib. He is perchance taking out his sense of guilt about his relationship with his male parent / Ade’s decease on them p211 He does flog out during nerve-racking periods of his life. As Amaka observes: “Uncle Eugene is non a bad adult male. truly. Peoples have jobs. people make mistakes… . I mean some people can’t trade with emphasis. ” p 251

Man of contradictions – reformer against unfairness but inhibitory towards household “He could hold chosen to be like other Big Work force in this state. he could hold decided to sit at place and make nil after the putsch. to do certain the govt did non endanger his concern. But no. he used The Standard to talk the truth even though it meant the paper lost advertisement. Brother Eugene spoke out for freedom. ” He champions human rights yet there is no freedom of address or thought in his place. After The Standard exposes corruptness and the government-sponsored violent death of an pro-democracy militant. his editor Ade Coker is arrested and later killed through a letter-bomb He says Nigeria needs a renewed democracy ( p25 ) yet he regulations his ain household as a dictator. Nwankiti Ogechi. the militant his paper supports. is killed after a gun shooting and acerb bath ( p. 200 ) . Ironically. Papa will subsequently “torture” his ain girl Kambili by pouring hot H2O over her pess in the bath for a relatively minor evildoing. He feels guilty about Ade’s decease: “I should hold protected him. ” He organises his funeral. sets up a trust for his married woman and kids. paid immense staff fillips and gave them leave. Ironically. he seems less cognizant of his ongoing opprobrious inclinations towards his household and his function as defender of his kids.

The broken “god” When the kids see Eugene once more after their clip in Nsukka – he has rashes on his face. it “looked conceited. oily. discoloured. ” He had lost weight. P. 252 His voice was different. tired. When Ade Coker is killed by a bomb. Papa calls. “He seemed so small” ( symbolic of his decreasing power ) . He falls into a semi-depression. “He took longer to answer when spoken to. to masticate his nutrient. even to happen the right Bible transitions to read. ” p 206 The soldiers begin to undermine his mills by seting dead rats in cartons so the mill is closed down. After this he seems to give up ( it could be partially the consequence of the toxicant? ) . When challenged. he gives into Jaja and lets them travel to Nsukka P 262 When Kambili hears that her male parent has died. she is shocked. “He had seemed immortal” . He is like one of her “gods”- and now he is broken. Her love for him seems like devotion to the reader.

Segmentation, Targeting And Positioning

Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning; This essay will illustrate the extent to which effective marketing must incorporate Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning. Marketing effectively differs from one organization to another as each has their own separate goals, which they pursue. To answer how important each of the afore mentioned marketing tools are, one must define what Marketing is and then take into account how each is applied and why if not applied in an organizations approach to selling could mean abrupt failure, or maybe that they do not matter at all.

It begs the question; why segment the market instead of mass marketing the same product? The best-known example of Mass Marketing or Undifferentiated Marketing is told by Kettle and Armstrong (2001). They go on to use the example of Henry Ford’s marketing strategy of the Model T Ford. When he put the car into production, he told the consumers, they could have the car “in any color as long as it is black”. This though was many years ago; Ford has progressed and produces many different models today.

An example of a company who still uses the Mass Marketing technique is outlined by Wilson and Gilligan (1997). Black & Decker faced a drop in its worldwide share of the power tool market from 20% to 15% as more Japanese firms began to compete by marketing in a more ‘aggressive’ manner than Black & Decker. As a result of this Black & Decker moved away from a policy of customized products for each market and instead focused making a smaller amount of products that could be sold everywhere which the same basic marketing approach.

From this example it can be seen that not breaking down the market in terms of product, works for some companies whilst also satisfying customers, hence the increase in market share for Black & Decker. Ultimately segmenting the market is the first step to giving the firm the ability to better match the customer needs, enhance profits, enhance opportunities for growth, retain customers and target communications (Doyle 1994). Being able to satisfy more customers with your brand or brands, brings one back to the definition offered by the JIM.

More customers satisfied equals marketing more effectively. An example of a company, which uses segmentation within the USA, is Proctor & Gamble. They manufacture many products including washing detergent. ‘To some people, cleaning and bleaching power are most important; to others, fabric feting matters most; still others want mild, fresh-scented detergent’ (Kettle & Armstrong 2001 , p. 244) Hence there are different groups or segments of the washing detergent buyers and each of these seek a different combination of benefits.

Proctor & Gamble have recognized this and have gone on to produce eight different brands of detergent to satisfy these markets (Kettle & Armstrong 2001). Lesser and Hughes (1986, The Generalization tot Cryptographic Market Segments Across Geographic Locations. Journal of Marketing. Unwary) 18-27) study summarizes that segmentation plays a ITIL role in contributing to corporate planning, but there has not enough research into it to make enough generalizations to contribute to the advancement of ‘Segmentation Theory.

Having segmented the market the strategist is faced with a series of decisions on the amount of and which segments to approach. The Strategists main concern is choosing a target would be profitable (Wilson & Gilligan 1997). Three factors which the strategist will have to consider are the size and growth potential of each segment, their structural attractiveness and the organization’s objectives and sources’ in coming to a final decision on which segments to target (Wilson & Gilligan 1997, p. 297). Referring back to the AMA definition of marketing, they say that marketing involves satisfying organization objectives.

The importance of targeting is so choose the correct segment(s), which fulfill the company objectives. Effective marketing would be achieved if the strategist chose the right segment or segments to target, which would reach the company objectives. However each company has different objectives, and to demonstrate a company objective which each company, excluding non-profit organizations have, one can use Profit. The strategist would then assess the profit potential of the segments, for instance using Porter’s Five Forces Model (McDonald 1999).

The company would now have to decide which and how many segments to serve, which is the problem of target market selection (Kettle & Armstrong 2001). The firm can adopt one of three market coverage strategies, ‘Undifferentiated Marketing, Differentiated Marketing or Concentrated Marketing (Kettle & Armstrong 2001 , p. 266). Choosing the correct marketing strategy will depend on the type of product you have to supply. Undifferentiated marketing has already been explained. Differentiated racketing is when the company adopts several segments to market to and provides separate offers for each.

The example of Proctor & Gamble was used before, another example of a company marketing effectively to many segments is Nikkei, who supply training shoes to many different market segments including Soccer, Basketball, Aerobics, Martial Arts and many more (Nikkei. Available at [Accessed 16 November 2002]). By offering these product variations, these companies hope for increased sales and a stronger position within each market segment. For instance ‘Proctor and Gamble obtain a higher market share with eight brands than they would if they only dad one.

Nevertheless operating differentiated marketing usually increases costs to the business, for example it would cost more to produce 10 units of 10 different products rather than 100 of the same product’ (Kettle & Armstrong 2001, p. 266). Thus to market effectively the company must weight the increased costs against increased sales to market effectively. (Kettle & Armstrong 2001) Concentrated Marketing is when the company focuses on one or a few segments or niches rather than going for a small share of a large segment. This type of marketing is especially appealing when there are limited company resources (Kettle &

Armstrong 2001). An example of this is ‘Steve Workstation’s business which sells ‘everything ostrich’ and generated in excess of $4 million revenue in 2000. Today the low cost of setting up an Internet company makes it increasingly possible to serve seemingly minute niches’ (Kettle & Armstrong 2001, p. 267). It is important to locate the correct segment for your product and company to move into, it can lead to being able to move in quickly to dominate a niche or that you can dramatically increase your market share by offering many products to many segments.

On the other hand o may realism that your product is what everyone wants, for example Petrol, Whether your car is a Lad or a Rolls Royce petrol will make it go’ and you don’t need to segment and offer different products (Broadcastings & Pettiest 2000, p. 198). Finally once the market has been segmented and a segment or segments targeted by the company, they have to identify the positioning concept within each target segment and select and develop the appropriate positioning concepts for each (Wilson & Gilligan 1997).

This will relate to task of ensuring the company’s products operate a planned-for place in the chosen segments appropriate to its competition. This notion of positioning is applicable to both consumer and organization markets and each share the same assumptions which are that all products and brands have subjective and objective attributes and potential customers may think about one of these attributes when deliberating whether to buy the respective brand or product.

The potential customers will also have predetermined views on the attributes of the various competing products, which they will assess the new product by (Lancaster & Reynolds 1998). The company would build a position for itself by following the three steps outlines by Kettle & Armstrong (2001, p. 70) and acting upon their results. ‘Identification of a set of possible competitive advantages upon which to build a position, choosing the right competitive advantages, an selecting and overall positioning strategy.

The company must then effectively communicate and deliver the chosen position to the market. ‘ It is important that the company’s positioning plan is not flawed, as this is the final stage before putting the product actually on the ‘market shelf. Creating a product image not suited to the target segment could mean absolute failure due to the product itself not being properly thought through (Broadcastings & Pettiest 2000). For example the work of Bring (see Broadcastings & Pettiest 2000, p. 364) gives an example of a failed product from MD Foods.

He explained that the results gained from test marketing are not the same as what may happen in the real consumer environment. The company had to withdraw its cultured dairy product GAO as consumer groups disputed its claims that to have lower cholesterol levels. Not enough outside factors were taken into consideration prior to the launch of the product, and it led to its failure. The way in which a company positions its product is vital, it must be done erectly or the whole marketing process beforehand, segmenting the market and choosing the target segments can be a waste tot time. Recalls the problem IBM faced when the personal computer prices began to decline in the early ass’s. Instead of threatening their own high price brand image they instead, created a new company under IBM called Umbra, effectively cloning the IBM machine but selling it at a much lower price to satisfy the booming ‘mass’ and ‘economy markets. To summaries, a well- developed strategy of market segmentation, targeting and positioning together would enable the company to market effectively, in the way in which its customers needs and wants are satisfied and the organizational goals are realized.

A wide variety of processes have developed to segment the market, target the most long-term profit potential customers and to enable the product to be positioned so it will be a success. Although as there is no definite product, which always needs these strategies, one can realize that it is important to use them because it will allow increased potential for the company’s objectives to be realized as well as ensuring your potential customers will be satisfied, thus your marketing will be effective.

Arab Spring’s Affect On Tourism Sample

This study will briefly raise consciousness of what the Arab Spring therefore to be able to hold a much better understanding on how it affected touristry and still has a large consequence. A country’s touristry can besides be affected by neighbour states modern-day issues. so it is indispensable to be cognizant of what states were affected by the Arab Spring so all the impacts on Egypt’s touristry is clearer. The study will cover the current state of affairs of touristry in Egypt and anticipations for the hereafter.

What is the Arab Spring?The Arab universe which is located in North Africa and the Middle East has few states which are international touristry finishs such as Egypt. Morroco. Tunisia. Oman and the United Arab Emirates. The Arab Spring is a series of revolutions against absolutism governments that have been governing the states for many old ages without any democracy or justness for the country’s people. this political issue has monolithic impacts on the people of the state. As touristry is such a immense income for many states. the people ne’er got benefited from it. All income used to travel the corrupted authoritiess. So the people in the Arab World revolted against their authoritiess to acquire their basic rights in better life and acquire their freedom of address.

What states did it impact?The Arab spring has affected some of the mentioned tourer finishs. it started off with Tunisia in January 2011 so followed by Egypt in February 2011. and so in March 2011 ; “as Libya erupted into civil war. and anti-government protests in Syria continue to be violently put down Europe’s tourists have. possibly intelligibly. been less willing to see the wider part. ” BBC ( 2011 ) The touristry in the Arab universe was chiefly affected by these revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia ; they are really popular finishs the British tourers excessively. It affected Tunisia as it was the first state to revolt against its government. even though the Tunisian revolution was non every bit bloody as other neighbouring states as “At least 219 people died during the protests” BBC ( 2011 ) . Tunisia’s alteration of government procedure was successful in a short clip and it has recovered from losingss and gained many tourers back. The instance was somewhat different Egypt as its touristry was the most affected by the revolutions.

Egypt is a strategic state in the country and it has such a high importance to neighbouring states that is because of its strategic location and size of the state. Throughout history Egypt is known as the strength of the Arab universe. So due to Egypt’s magnificent importance is had so much political relations involved in its revolution from foreign states. This led Egypt’s revolution to go even bloodier but the government was taken down within 18 yearss merely ; over 800 people were killed by Egyptian government forces in the 18 yearss. This affected touristry as “popular beach resorts such as Egypt’s Sharm el-Sheikh were left deserted in the early portion of the twelvemonth. as vacation companies evacuated European tourers. ” BBC 2011 Libya’s civil war that besides started as a revolution had a monolithic impact on touristry in Egypt as it portions the western boundary lines of Egypt. And the north West of Egypt on the Mediterranean Sea has tourist attractive forces such as Marsa Matrouh. Wahat and the White sweets.

Morocco and Oman have been somewhat affected by the revolutions. with Morocco it is because of Tunisia’s revolution as they portion boundary lines and besides bombing that took topographic point in April 2011 in Marrakesh. one of the major metropoliss in Morocco ; 15 people died in the bombardments. and the bombardment were subsequently announced that they were besides against the government. Omar merely got affected as its adjacent state Yemen had a revolution that was rather bloody excessively. The United Arab Emirates is one of the most of import tourer finishs in the part. The Arab spring had a really minor consequence on the country’s touristry as it did non hold a revolution but tourers in states such as the Americas and Eastern Asia and some European states were still somewhat worried to see any Arab state as it could be hit by the Domino consequence of the Arab Spring. UAE is non a adjacent state of any of the states that had revolutions but it is in the same part.

Tourism in EgyptEgypt is known to be the figure one tourer finish in the Middle East and North Africa. It has been for old ages and evidently this is because of its ancient Pharos history. and pyramids in Giza and other historical sites and Luxor and all over the state has attracted tourers from around the universe and for many old ages to see these attractive forces that were built around 7000 old ages ago. Egypt’s touristry now is non merely about cultural about heritage but it besides has Sun. sea and sand touristry on its beautiful beaches on both seas. the Mediterranean and the ruddy sea. Egypt’s touristry is besides really popular with its Nile sails from Alexandria to the Upper Egypt of Luxur and Aswan via the capital Cairo.

Revolution’s impacts on Egypt’s touristry“Egypt’s revolution has scared away 1000000s of foreign tourers. the lifeblood of the nation’s economic system. and now this ancient land of tombs resembles a shade town. ” These were some of the first words in an article in The Washington Post ( 2011 ) . A statement that describes the revolution’s impacts on touristry in Egypt. even though the existent revolution yearss were merely 18 but that was non the terminal as many incidents happened in the undermentioned months that led to more violent deaths where. “Visitor Numberss declined by some 37 % to make near to 9 million compared to over 14 million in 2010” Euromonitor ( 2012 ) This monolithic lessening in the figure of visitants affected Egypt’s touristry in all its sectors. adjustments. auto leases. transits and all its attractive forces. This led all circuit operators to present monolithic price reductions on its merchandises and services and offer inexpensive vacations. The outward touristry in Egypt was non affected every bit much as the inbound as the figure of outward foreign trips merely falling by 13 % in the twelvemonth or 2012.

This is caused by two grounds ; the first is the pilgrim’s journey ( Hajj ) in Saudi Arabia for Muslims so 1000s of Egyptians travelled to Egypt towards 2011. The 2nd ground is that many affluent Egyptians travelled out of Egypt to seek to acquire off from the agitation and the insecure state of affairs that was taken topographic point in Egypt. So the outbound trips helped some of the circuit operators to last and besides were a batch of aid to the Egyptian airlines. Egypt air menus rose during the revolution times and throughout the twelvemonth of 2011 and that are because the lessening in the sum of visitant Numberss to and out of Egypt. The ground for this is that Egypt Air’s flights were traveling to Egypt and were non full at all so they were non acquiring adequate clients to do money so the ticket monetary values were increased. Egypt Air’s lost $ 170m during the revolution. Bikya Masr ( 2011 ) After deep research figures of Egypt’s touristry money loss from the revolution over all was non found. But few figures of losingss were found such as the loss in the 18 yearss of the revolution when the crowds and protests took over Tahrir square. was ?1. 7 billion. So losingss were in one million millions.

Post revolutionIn the intelligence bureau of Al-Shofra ( 2012 ) it was mentioned that harmonizing to Tourism Minister Mounir Fakhry Abdel Nour. “more than 5. 2 million tourers entered Egypt during the first six months of 2012. an addition of around 27 % over the same period last twelvemonth. ” On the same web site of the touristry bureau. The Middle East News Agency quoted the Mister as stating that the figure of Russian tourers sing the state this twelvemonth rose by 80 % . Polish tourers by 66 % . German tourers by 30 % . Danish tourers by 71 % and Norse tourers by 101 % . while the figure of tourers from the Middle East rose by 36 % .

The revolution of Egypt has given Egypt the repute of a hero for being able to tumble the government after 60 old ages of dictator ship. Egypt being all over the intelligence for few months has besides raised consciousness about the state and its touristry. Therefor many people liked to see the state after the legendary revolution. The Tahrir Square has become a tourer attractive force is it became the symbol of the revolution. Besides many people were banned to travel to Egypt because of the old regime’s political relations have now got their rights to travel back to the state and see it at all clip so that has changed grounds for why people visit Egypt.

DecisionThe points that were covered on the study have been put into an order for the reader to be able to hold a full apprehension of the Arab Spring. the cause of it. where it took topographic point. the advantages and the disadvantages of it. The study covered it these series of revolutions were a Domino consequence and what states it hit and what states got affected by it. From this study it was understood that the most country’s touristry affected by the Arab Spring was Egypt. and how it started retrieving from it already and how it still has a long hereafter of success and how the revolution was for the better for the country’s touristry.


Al- Shorfa ( 2012 ) hypertext transfer protocol: //al-shorfa. com/en_GB/articles/meii/features/2012/07/25/feature-02 2012 BBC. Arab states aim to win back tourers ( 2011 ) hypertext transfer protocol: //www. bbc. co. uk/news/business-15651730 2011 BBC. Tunisia protests against Ben Ali left 200 dead. says UN ( 2011 ) hypertext transfer protocol: //www. bbc. co. uk/news/world-africa-12335692 2011 Bikya Masr ( 2011 ) hypertext transfer protocol: //www. bikyamasr. com/30709/egypts-airline-industry-lost-170m-during-revolution/ 2011 Euromonitor ( 2012 ) hypertext transfer protocol: //www. euromonitor. com/travel-and-tourism-in-egypt/report 2012 The Washington Post. Tourists stay home after Egypt’s revolution in blow to nation’s economic system ( 2012 ) hypertext transfer protocol: //articles. washingtonpost. com/2011-04-16/world/35231815_1_tourists-egyptians-qena 2012

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