Speech On Important Of Television Sample Essay

Good morning fellow classmates, I am here today to talk about the importance of television in our lives. With the ever growing world of mass media becoming more accessible to us, we must realize the effect television has on the youth of today. This shows just how significant television is to us, but we can see that its importance is far greater than just being an object we own if we look at the variety of programmes and valuable content it offers and the purposes it serves in daily life.

Firstly, there are many different types of programmes on television that are useful for our daily life. The viewers can watch a weather report to prepare for the rest of the day. Cartoons and sport provide relaxation and fun for the kids. School programmes, documentaries and the news tell us about the world. And advertisements inform us about products that we should use. Secondly, the content is relevant because it is realistic and up to date.

As television is a medium that combines moving, colour images and sound, it resembles real life, so the viewers can identify with what they see. Moreover, modern technology means that the content is up to date, for example, news reports can be broadcast live and from all over the world. This ensures that information is available almost anywhere at any time. Finally, television can be used to enhance many important aspects of everyday life. People seek entertainments and distractions, and television can give us that in the form of films or cartoons.

People want education, information and instruction because they are curious and like to learn. Television gives us these in documentaries or educational programmes, in reports or cultural magazines. People enjoy creativity, and television gives us that in the work of all the people involved in creating clever film scripts, effective scenery, witty dialogues or magnificent camera shots. Television gives us the world, other cultures, other people, languages and ideas. It introduces us to a new kind of knowledge.

As we have seen, television offers us a wide range of valuable programmes and content and serves many purposes in our daily lives. Furthermore, television not only provides many types of programmes with interesting and broad content, but also serves to fulfill our needs in terms of entertainment and knowledge. It has become far more than just an object we own which can contribute positively to the education of society and to people’s awareness of others. Thank you for your kind attention

The Company Could Establish A Rule That No Petty Cash Cane Be Accessed

This should be the only person responsible for the process it would be hard to determine who was to blame if the petty cash came up short. The company COUld establish a rule that no petty cash cane be accessed during Jeff lunch break. I do realize that employees have to have a lunch break in that case Jose should be trained in this position as well he could manage the petty cash fund but their needs to be some form of internal control such as vouchers or tickets to determine who is responsible for what.

The company COUld also use technological controls such as scanner to record who performs what transaction. 3. Principle violated-Divide responsibilities for related transaction. The clinic needs to have a different person trained to either only enter charges or only enter payments in the system duties need to be separated to prevent fraud. A manager or some other personnel need to have access to her backed up files in case of an emergency. They also need to do independent reviews of the accounting system used to maintain these records.

Principle violated-Perform regular and independent reviews. Mr.. Sales immediately need to have regular and independent review done of the work being performed by his staff they could be robbing him blind. There are no internal controls in place and people are human and they do make mistakes. I would also think he needs to establish responsibilities for the employees it appears as if the company needs to do a complete overhaul. 5. Principle violated-Insure assets and bond key employees. It does not matter how much money Ms.

West would be saving by not having bonding insurance in place for the employees, if there were theft or fraud by the employees it could be costing the company much more than the cost on the insurance. Ms. West needs to look for another way to cut costs without this insurance they are unprotected from fraud and theft. The insurance policy needs to be put back into place. Problem 6-AAA May 1 Petty Cash Cataracts establish a petty cash fund.

Grade 6 Writing Assignment

Such as being organized, without this skill the functions are sure to fail because this plays a key part in ensuring there is a smooth running recess when going through each individual function. For instance in the planning function if one was not organized the planning process would not be completed in detail or to a sufficient standard. Also it’s so much easier meeting deadlines when you know exactly when they are, what has to be done, and by whom. People with strong organizational skills have an updated calendar and to- do list on them at all times.

I know I couldn’t function without all of my task lists and calendar reminders! They’re a life saver for hitting deadlines and staying on top of multiple projects. These are the things that make an event successful. A secondary similarity between the functions would be the need to be social. If one is social they can benefit from brining other peoples advice on board. This could be used in each separate function such as one might speak to people with a marketing background to get advice on how best to market an event. 50 words Studying the event planning process, identify two major considerations for each step that an event manager would keep in mind while planning. Whilst looking through the planning processes which are; organization, human relations, catering and food services, marketing and fundraising, we can identify two major incinerations which are relevant to each step. The first consideration I would state as being to unsure you are open minded. If one is open minded they can benefit from taking on board information which can help each of any the stages of the event planning process.

If you can stay open minded then fresh ideas and practical thinking will be available and you can get people opinions on the stages to check the event will be run to its full potential. Letting go of control when you open your mind, you free yourself from having to be in complete control of your thoughts. You allow yourself to experience new ideas and thoughts and you halogen the beliefs you currently have. It can be very liberating to look at the world through an open mind. Experiencing changes, opening up your mind to new ideas allows you to the opportunity to change what you think and how you view the world.

Now, this doesn’t mean you necessarily will change your beliefs, but you have the option to when you think with an open mind. Making yourself vulnerable is one of the scariest (and greatest) things about seeing the world through an open mind is making yourself vulnerable. In agreeing to have an open-minded view of the world, you’re admitting you don’t know everything and hat there are possibilities you may not have considered. This vulnerability can be both terrifying and exhilarating. Making mistakes doesn’t seem like it would be much of a benefit, but it truly is.

When you open your mind and allow yourself to see things from others’ perspectives, you allow yourself not only to recognize potential mistakes you’ve made, but also to make new mistakes. Doesn’t sound like much fun, but it’s a great thing to fall and get back up again. Strengthening yourself open-mindedness provides a platform on which you can build, piling one idea on top of another. With an open mind you can learn about new wings and you can use the new ideas to build on the old ideas. Everything you experience can add up, strengthening who you are and what you believe in.

It’s very hard to build on experiences without an open mind. Gaining confidence when you live with an open mind, you have a strong sense of self. You are not confined by your own beliefs, nor are you confined by the beliefs of others. For that reason, you are able to have and gain confidence as you learn more and more about the world around you. Open-mindedness helps you to learn and grow, strengthening your belief in yourself. Being honest there is an honesty hat comes with an open mind because being open-minded means admitting that you aren’t all-knowing.

It means believing that whatever truth you find might always have more to it than you realize. This understanding creates an underlying sense of honesty that permeates the character of anyone who lives with an open mind. The second consideration would be to have good communications with staff and people attained with the event throughout. If we keep up this crucial skill then everyone will understand what is going on. The skill is important for increased success. Successful people communicate effectively. This includes interpersonal and organizational communication.

Interpersonal communication skills connect you with another person so your messages are understood. These include listening skills, making eye contact and maintaining agreement between your verbal and nonverbal communication. Effective organizational skills provide clear and defined policies, procedures and expectations for people within an organization. 614 Words Describe why you feel that the career of event management would be either ‘for you’ or ‘not for you’. Personally I believe the career of event management is for me and there are many reasons why this is. Firstly I like a job which I can put my own stamp on to it.

This is because it gives me a rewarding sense of achievement when I see the work I have done. When I put my own stamp on work it also gives me a feel of I’m doing the job the way I wanted to and this can also be rewarding. Secondly it is important to me to keep myself challenged. A job such as event management means thinking on your feet all the time at this challenges’ me. If you challenge yourself I tend to believe you better yourself and this is what I strive for as I want to aim high and continue to aim high. Thirdly I like this job cause it comes with a great social aspect.

This is important to me as I enjoy networking and meeting new individuals all the time. You can create life friends through this and these are parts of a job you keep with you even after it has finished. Also in my opinion the more people you know in an industry the better as these said people can also help you and your event. 217 Words Identify and describe five personal characteristics that YOU possess, that would help you in an event management career. I would state that the five personal characteristics I possess are the following; Attentive – Giving care or attention.

This is an important skill to have in event management. During the planning process it is important to be attentive so that we give care to any work we do. Would use this in anything from writing emergency produces to booking a stall. It is crucial to not overlook any jobs and quickly pass them off because if they are done correctly and attentively there is little or no risk to mistakes to be made. Hard working – habitually working diligently and for long hours. Event management tends to be a hard job. The job normally would mean unsociable hours, long hours and working flat out.

All this are reasons why it is important to be hard working. One will typically meet deadlines and be successful if they are a hardworking individual and the event is more likely to be successful if they are too. Flexible – adaptable or variable: flexible working hours. Like the above characteristic being flexible is important for a job because of, unsociable hours, long hours and working flat out. Again one will find it easier to meet deadlines if they are flexible. Organized – to arrange methodically or in order. This is important because without it the whole planning process will be hard to complete.

This skill is needed all the time throughout the event as deadlines require organization and these are always coming up throughout the planning process and all need to be met in time. Without this skill also important paperwork could be overlooked and this could have effects on the event. Lastly would say was people skills. This skill goes hand in hand with any event as events require meeting new people all the time. This helps build relationships with people. However its not just new people this may be used for the skill will also come into effect when directing your own staff.

This helps keep moral and titivation within your staff. 342 Words Describe YOUR REACTION to two of the letters that were provided from practitioners in the field of event management Initially my reaction to letter one was one of surprise. This was because in my opinion marketing doesn’t play the most important part in event management. Through my experiences of running events I would say the combination of all aspects of planning, play the most important part of event management. I would state hereby that not anyone is more important than the other. It is just as crucial to insure the venue is safe as it is to market for instance.

I was also left wondering what a marketing approach was and how I would use this in all aspects of event management planning. Having reviewed the second letter I have discovered that agree that the profile laid out in the letter is correct. Each point is important in its own right such as the point that a highly motivated individual is important. This is true as any event will be better off if the individual running it is motivated. Enthusiasm is also a must. This is just as important because if you are enthusiastic about an event you are more likely to want it to succeed.

Being organized is crucial as ell this is because without this skill an event may fall apart, bits might be missed or shortfalls may occur. The next point is interpersonal skills this is also important, this skill allows you to network with people and bring fresh ideas and challenges you to keep rethinking about what you are doing. The other points are just as important, and this is why all of these points together are important for a complete profile. I also agree that the career of event management is a rewarding one. I have seen this for myself when running events and have definitely felt like this.

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