The students background information is extremely important. What the child knows will give them a better chance to develop understanding of the vocabulary and of their concepts. A teacher can find out how much background information each student has by using the K-W-L approach. This approach will not only let the teacher know what they already know, but also what they want to learn about the subject and finally what they have learned though their reading. A child that does not have a wide variety of background experiences to draw from can learn from what the others are saying, though pictures, discussion, film, filmstrips and if at all possible a field trip or a guest speaker to bring more meaning to the subject. For example, if the class was beginning a unit on Farm Animals, the teacher could ask what kind of animals live on a farm. They could read stories, look at pictures, make a farm by choosing which animals they would want on their farm, bring in different farm animals, bring in hay to use in the quiet area, have a farmer come and talk to the class and take a trip to a farm. This way the students can see first hand what a farm is, the animals that live their and how they live. Even though some students will have been to a farm or have a knowledge on what a farm is, they can also learn more from these experiences as well as those without first hand knowledge. The more information that is given, the more print rich the environment is, the better off the students will be.
Essay – Anglo-Saxon Literature
In Anglo-Saxon literature and most likely in Anglo-Saxon times, men were measured by many of the same aspects of life that men are measured by today’s standards. Men of that time period were godless, fearless, fame seeking and most of all, courageous.
Everyone was in search of these qualities and they achieved them by completing daring deeds, withstanding harsh conditions and they loved beating the odds. These qualities still live on in us. Beowulf not only killed a terrifying monster, the monster’s mother and also killed a huge dragon too, achieving fame and showing kingdoms how much strength, courage and fearlessness he had. It also seemed that heros of that time had to boast about their deeds to other kingdoms and villages.
Acquiring such qualities lead to boasting. People love to boast when they have beat the odds and have shown the world their will-power. Boasting when drunk is still very existent is every part of the world like it was part of the Anglo-Saxons culture. In Beowulf, when Beowulf greets Hrothgar, he says, “Hail, Hrothgar! I am kinsman and thane of Hygelac.
In my youth I have set about many brave deeds (*)How many times have you introduced yourself to someone and say, “When I was younger, I accomplished many great things?” It wasn’t enough for a man to show just his people of his accomplishments, he had to make it know for everybody to see. The same can be said about our us today. If someone has acquired lots of money through his accomplishments; he/she lets everyone know by buying expensive cars, houses, jewelry etc to state their success. In the Wanderer, the author says, “Men eager for honor bury sorrow deep in their breast.
” (Wanderer, lines 16 & 17) In most Anglo Saxon literaure, this macho is present. The wanderer also states, “No man is living….to whom I fully unlock my heart.” (Wanderer, lines 10 & 11) The wanderer is sprinkled with small lines like these to show that a real man can take anything that the world throws at him.
Beowolf is similar to the wanderer in that they both have the same “voice”. In Beowulf, Beowulf says, You will not need to hide my head if death takes me, for he will have me blood smeared; he will bear away my bloodyt
The Obesity Epidemic: Our Kids Are At Risk
Childhood fleshiness is more prevailing today than of all time before. Our kids for the hereafter are being failed. Healthy life demands to be taken more earnestly. More and more families have both parents working full-time occupations to supply shelter, nutrient, and vesture for their households. Supplying the basic necessities is non plenty for a healthy household. Parents need to go more involved with their kid’s life. Child fleshiness has been medically proven to increase the hazard of long-run life changing unwellness. A more positive function by our states parents should be taken to take our kids to a healthier hereafter.
“Typically kids who are about 25 pounds. above their ideal organic structure weight are considered fleshy, and those 40-50 pound. above their ideal organic structure weight are considered obese.” . To find if a kid is considered corpulent or over weight a household physician factors in the kid’s age, sex, and organic structure physique.
The entire figure of fat cells in the organic structure is the major factor in doing fleshiness. Each single individual has a alone figure of fat cells in their organic structure. Fat cells reproduce during early childhood and pubescence of 1s life rhythm. Once fat cells have been created there is no manner to cut down them. Eating unhealthy sums and types of nutrient during reproduction of these fat cells along with low physical activity will do more cells to reproduce. Therefore, it is critical that a individual is eating the right types and sums of nutrient and acquiring the right sum of physical activity during these phases of his/her life.
Food provides the major beginning of energy the organic structure needs to map. If the input ( consumption of nutrient ) is greater than the end product ( physical activity ) surplus organic structure fat will be stored in the fat cells, which causes fleshiness. Energy that is non used by the organic structure will be stored as fat. The instability of energy can be caused by familial and environmental factors. “Genetic differences account for 25-40 per centum fleshiness. Changes in cistrons take many coevals to hold consequence, so while fleshiness relates to both familial and to environment, recent additions in fleshiness must be due to alterations in environment.” A parent can non alter his/her kid’s cistrons, but it is possible to alter the environment the kid lives in to assist cut down the opportunities of their kid going corpulent.
Lifestyle alterations over the past decennary can account for an unhealthy paediatric population. Today’s parents are working longer hours and passing less clip with their kids. Working parents by and large prefer their kids to remain inside the place when there is no grownup supervising for safety grounds. This leads to kids passing less clip playing outside and making physical activities and more clip remaining indoors. Staying indoors leads to sedentary activities such as playing picture games and watching telecasting. Indoor activities by and large do non fire every bit much energy as out-of-door activities ensuing in more energy being retained in the fat cells as fat or more fat cells being reproduced in a kid’s organic structure.
Poor eating wonts developed at a immature age can besides do fleshiness. The fast paced life style of today’s parents seldom allows kids to acquire a well-balanced repast even one time a twenty-four hours. Due to an addition in work agendas, many parents are excessively tired when they get place from work to fix a healthy repast for their household. Therefore, fast nutrient, canned, and processed nutrients are a speedy and easy hole to this job. It is much easier to halt by the local McDonalds or Burger King and pick up dinner on the manner place from work than cook a healthy balanced repast. Another job with the eating wonts of today’s kids is the addition in the sum of soft drinks and bite nutrients kids are devouring. Some bite nutrients are healthy, but most kids prefer bite nutrients which are high in fat and Calories and low in foods. Parents should get down taking a more positive function in watching what their kids are eating and imbibing.
High-fat eating wonts of an corpulence and corpulent kid can develop into certain life changing wellness jobs in their hereafter, such as bosom disease, high blood force per unit area, malignant neoplastic disease, and diabetes. These wellness jobs can shorten a kid’s life and will most surely lead to an altered life manner. Fleshiness can non merely do physical wellness jobs but may besides do mental wellness jobs. An corpulent kid may hold self esteem jobs. Corpulent kids are more prone to hold lower ego regard than kids of normal weight. Children, which are corpulent by and large have less athletic ability and may be more likely to be made merriment of by the other kids. This maltreatment at a immature age may do lasting ego regard jobs throughout a individuals life.
Supplying a positive function theoretical account for a kid is one of import measure to diminishing fleshiness in kids. Most kids will pattern their parent’s lifestyle and behaviour. Parents need to take a more positive function in their kid’s life by turning off the telecasting and picture games and making more physical activities with their kids. “Parents can affect child in be aftering household hikings, motorcycle drives, athletics or excursions to the park.” ( Collins, MSN ) . Sending clip making physical activities with kids will non merely assist the kids but will besides be good exercising for the parents.
Another of import measure in diminishing fleshiness in kids is to learn them good eating wonts. Eating the right sorts and sums of nutrient is really of import to cut down the sum of kid fleshiness in today’s society. Parents should recognize that it is possible to fix speedy and healthy nutrients about every bit easiness as halting off on their manner place from work and picking up fast nutrient. Cuting back on unhealthy bite nutrients and soft drinks is another of import feeding wont which will assist to cut down fleshiness. Children will ever desire to eat snack nutrient during the twenty-four hours. Parents need to supply alimentary bites for kids to eat between repasts such as fruits and veggies alternatively of confect and murphy french fries. Consumption of soft drinks by kids should besides be cut back. One manner to carry through this is by supplying alternate drinks such as H2O, juice, or athletics drinks and maintaining the sum of soft drinks in the house to a lower limit. Taking a positive involvement in a kid’s life is besides of import. Having a healthy sit down dinner with the whole household is a good clip for household engagement. It can supply an chance for parents to speak with their kids.
More positive parental functions will assist to cut down the figure of corpulent kids in today’s society. “Childhood fleshiness is a household issue, and we shouldn’t merely aim the kid. Bettering the feeding wonts and activity degrees of the full household is necessary.” Obesity entirely can non be life endangering, but research has proven that an corpulent individual is more likely to develop a life endangering disease than a individual of normal weight. Children should be taught good feeding wonts and physical activities at an early age to assist them populate a long healthy life.
Plants Cited
- “American Kids and Obesity.” Webseed 2001. ( 19 June 2001 ) .
- Collins, Karen. “Combat Child Obesity with Family Fun. ” ;MSNBC. 16 March 2001.( 18 June 2001 ) .
- Del Tredici, Ann M. Low-Fat Eating San Bruno: The StaywellCompany, 1998.
- Edward gibbons, Kay. “Childhood Eating and Activity Patterns and Obesity,” Nutridate September 98 4pp. 18 June 2001
- If Heartss Could Talk. United states: SmithKline Beecham Consumer Health-Care, 1994.
- Mozes, Alan. “To Get Corpulent Childs to Exercise, Turn Off the TV. ” ;Reuters Health Information. 16 March 2000. ( 19 June 2001 ) .
- Smith, J. Clinton. Understanding Childhood Obesity.Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1999.
- Strauss, Richard. “Weighty Problem.” Peoples February2001: 65-67. MasterFILE Premier Database. Online EBSCOhost.( 18 June 2001 ) .