The Salem Witch Trials, which were depicted in Arthur Miller’s book “The Crucible,” were driven by corruption and gullibility, resulting in panic and fear in Salem. The story revolves around a group of girls led by Abigail, who engage in dancing in the woods. Their activities were discovered by Abigail’s uncle, Samuel Parris, who is a minister filled with terror at the prospect of being associated with witchcraft. This discovery causes the entire town to descend into hysteria and start accusing one another of practicing witchcraft.
The minister wields his power to earn the town’s respect while Abigail, as the unofficial leader of the group of girls affected by witchcraft, enjoys significant power which she exploits for her personal revenge. Meanwhile, Judge Danforth, the most influential figure in Salem because of the trials, is too obsessed with power to perceive the truth. As a result of the power struggle, many individuals become corrupt and narrow-minded. Initially, Samuel Parris refutes witchcraft but aligns himself with the notion when he realizes the advantageous impact on his power to testify against his supposed adversaries.
Samuel Parris can be credited for the mass hysteria that erupts in Salem as he calls in witchcraft experts to address his daughter’s illness. The presence of these witch hunters in Salem triggers chaos as trials ensue. Parris gives damning testimonies against each defendant, showing his corruption. When Francis Nurse presents a petition with 91 signatures to free Rebecca, Goody Proctor, and Martha Corey, Parris demands that everyone on the list be interrogated.
According to Miller (866), Parris declares that the individuals responsible for the alleged attack on the court should be called forth. As the trials persist, he continues to amass power, mainly fueled by the fear he instills in people within the courtroom. Furthermore, Parris directs strong criticism towards Mary Warren when she switches sides to support John Proctor in clearing his wife’s reputation. At the point when Mary contends that she can faint at will, Parris demands proof of her claim by stating, “Then see no spirits now, and prove to us that you can faint by your own will, as you claim” (Miller 871). Recognizing that Mary’s defense will crumble once he weakens it, Parris anticipates that she will eventually turn on Proctor, allowing him to wield ultimate power without any opposition.
Abigail gained an immense amount of power during the Salem witch trials that she exploited for her own advantage. She displayed traits of vengefulness, selfishness, manipulativeness, and a great talent for deception. Her justification for dancing in the forest was solely blaming Tituba for bewitching her. Moreover, once she was identified as a witness, she began accusing everyone in the town of practicing witchcraft. Taking on the role of a ringleader, she incited the other girls into a state of heightened emotions, thus enabling them to accuse others from the town as witches.
She stirs up the entire village’s animosity towards witches and uses her influence to condemn Elizabeth Proctor, the wife of John Proctor, whom she loves. Cheever informs Proctor, “She testifies that it was your wife’s familiar spirit that pushed it in” (Miller 860). Abigail seeks revenge on Elizabeth for expelling her from the house and separating her from her beloved. Her intention is to eliminate Elizabeth so she can freely pursue a relationship with Proctor. Abigail pushes her dominance to the limit, ultimately fleeing town with all of her uncle’s money.
Danforth’s obsession with gaining power during the Salem witch trials led to his becoming single-minded and oblivious as the judge. He ruled over the courtroom with a dictatorial approach, displaying an icy and firm belief in the innocence of Abigail Williams and the other girls. Even a mere mention of a name from these young women would cause Danforth to assume it belonged to a witch. His gullibility is surpassed only by his self-righteousness, as he accuses anyone from the town who dares to defend the accused of attempting to overthrow the court.
Danforth states, “But you must understand sir that a person is either with this court or he must be counted against it. There will be no road between” (Miller 867). Judge Danforth holds the belief that his perception is impeccable. He feels offended when his decision-making ability is doubted and asserts authority over all individuals in the courtroom. Despite the undeniable falsehood of the witchcraft accusations, Danforth stubbornly turns away from the truth and executes innocent individuals to protect his own reputation.
The witch trials empowered Danforth, Abigail, and Parris, but they chose to misuse this power for their personal interests rather than for the greater good. Similarly, many individuals in the real world attain significant power rapidly and succumb to selfishness. A prime example of this is the police force, which can become corrupted in its duty to uphold law and order, resulting in detrimental consequences for both the nation and its citizens. Sadly, combatting corruption and power abuse offers no straightforward solution; only someone with even greater power can halt such misconduct.
Marlee Matlin Biography
Marlee Matlin was born in Morton Grove, Illinois on August 24, 1965. At the age of 18 months, she lost all of the hearing in her right ear and 80 percent of the hearing in her left. Roseola Infantum caused her hearing loss. Marlee is Jewish and has two older brothers. She is a deaf American actress and has starred in many movies and television shows such as “Children of a Lesser God” in 1986, “My Name is Earl” (a television show on NBC) in 2007, and “Sweet Nothing in My Ear” in 2008. Marlee studied criminal justice at Harper College in Palatine, Illinois.
She had always had a passion for acting though and kept her passion all the way through college. Her first film debut was playing the role of Sarah Norman in the movie “Children of a Lesser God. ” After this movie was released, Marlee won an Academy Award for best actress and a Golden Globe award for best motion picture drama actress. Matlin enjoys visiting children of the deaf community. When she was in Nicaragua filming for a movie she visited many deaf children and has continued this tradition ever since.
She has traveled all around Europe to countries such as Germany, Italy, and England to visit deaf people and to give speeches. Marlee is also a spokeswoman for the National Captioning Institute. In 1995 she testified at a Congressional hearing and helped get a law passed that requires all TV sets 13 inches or larger to be manufactured with built-in chips to provide “Closed Captioning” on their screens. She also serves on the boards for many charitable organizations in the deaf community. Some of these organizations include Very special arts and the starlight foundation.
Most of the organizations she serves in have to do with benefiting children. On August 29, 1993, Marlee married a police officer by the name of Kevin Grandalski. To this day they have four children. They have two sons as well as two daughters. Their names are Sara born on January 19, 1996, Brandon born on September 12, 2000, Tyler born on July 18, 2002, and Isabelle born on December 26, 2003. On February 4, 2007, Matlin performed the “Star-Spangled Banner” in American Sign Language at Super Bowl XLI in Miami, Florida. She was also a competitor in the sixth season of dancing with the stars.
Her partner was Fabian Sanchez. They were eliminated in the Sixth week of the season. On April 14, 2009, Matlin released I’ll Scream Later, an autobiography that chronicles her life’s journey. In it, she speaks about her rocky, two-year relationship with actor William Hurt, whom she alleges was physically abusive to her and abused drugs during their two-year relationship. And she also addresses sexual abuse she suffered at the hands of a babysitter. I believe that Marlee Matlin serves as a spokesperson for the deaf society. She is a widely known actress with a vision for the future of society in general.
I think that she is the perfect example of showing the world that being deaf is not a handicap. I think that she is a very inspiring person whether you are deaf or hearing. I have learned many things in my research about Marlee Matlin. One thing is that anyone is capable of accomplishing anything. Marlee has received many awards for acting while being different than the hearing community. She has also helped the world by serving in countless charities and funds. I have learned that it does not matter whether you are hearing or deaf, you can always make a difference in the world.
SWOT Analysis Of United Parcel Service
UPS have been around in business for over a century and have had many changes and also experienced a lot in the years they have been in business. The united parcel service (UPS) which delivers more than 15 million package a day to about 6. 1 million customers in 200 countries around the world, making it the world’s largest package delivery company. The UPS headquarter is located in Atlanta, Georgia and operates primarily in the united states with about 428,000 employees.
The mission statement is “what can brown do for you’’ emphasize the company’s ability to provide services to almost any one in the world, at any address. Also before the $42 billion company grew into a worldwide name it was first started as a small messenger company in 1907 by two aspiring teenager Jim Casey and Claude Ryan in settle, Washigton with just $100 dollars. And the top competitors of UPS include federal express (fed ex), DHL International and the United States Postal Services.
Section II-Strengths and Weaknesses I would consider two strengths of UPS to be global Brand and a Strong distribution network. Two of UPS current weaknesses I would say would be perception of ground delivery instead of overnight and a heavy union presence. Strength #1- Global brand UPS is targeting a global market of producers and consumers, while making a move to become the supply chain integrator of choice in e-commerce.
UPS offer products and services that are state of the art in logistics, which I think is good because it include the use of bar codes and RFID, high speed package routing systems, and consulting services. UPS charges package prices that are in alignment with the industry and is willing to raise prices alongside FedEx. It has been able to charge fuel surcharges successfully. A sales force is maintained to reach business customers and producers crucial to UPS mission in expanding its role in logistics to become the supply chain integrator of choice.
There are 150,000 different places to access UPS, worldwide. Customers can reach them by phone, web, retail outlets, customer service centers, distribution centers and any of the drivers will pick up packages. This level of reach to customers is necessary if UPS expects to gain market share from FedEx. Strength #2- Strong distribution network The distribution network that UPS have they relied on the efficiency of its distribution system. Reliability and efficiency are the key issues in their establishment and management of freight distribution system leaning parcel.
The UPS distribution system involves three major function which are consolidation, distribution and fragmentation which I am going to break each one down with the consolidation with this it is based on the collection of parcels by the trucks that are assigned to specific routes. The distribution network function works on the hub basis it depending on the distance involved, the mode used between hubs will either be trucking or air. The trucks are used for distances less than 400 miles. The main air hub is Louisville, Kentucky which handles over 100 flights a day.