If modern Hollywood critics came back to the 1930s, when the Production Code was accepted and required to analyze a recent movie, they would probably face a number of problems. Such movies, like Christopher Nolan’s work “The Dark Knight Rises” of 2012, would hardly pass through the very first lines of the Code.
It is not just because of its violent nature and the necessity to prove that good should win evil. In regards to the Code, the movie “The Dark Knight Rises” introduces the three main problems like its ability to prove that it is possible and even necessary to break the law to achieve the necessary goals, deviate from the social norms that define the quality of a good life, and promote chaos as one of the possible forms of control over people.
One of the general principles supported by the Production Code is the necessity to support natural and human laws and never promote sympathy to its violation, but “The Dark Knight Rises” shows not only how the law may be broken but underlines how to succeed from the violations demonstrated by the characters. Any movie presents a story that may influence human life, and its effect should change the lives for the better as well as improve mankind in general. The movie’s producers do not prove the trust and confidence that were placed on them and create a work that shows how beneficial the violation of the law can be.
Another important problem raised in “The Dark Knight Rises” is the deviation of the social norms and the consequences people have to cope with. For example, when Selina Kyle betrays Batman, she shows how the moral standards may be lower than they are expected to be.
And even her regrets about her decisions should not make the audience sympathize with her. However, within a short period of time, several good actions turn this character from a bad and mercenary person into a good and helpful friend. On the one hand, this return teaches and proves that it is always possible to be changed and improved. On the other hand, her behavior does not become an example that has to be followed.
Finally, the promotion of chaos as a possibility to control many people at the same time is one more serious problem mentioned in “The Dark Knight Rises.” According to the Code, it is wrong to describe brutal killings, revenge, or other murder techniques in a movie. “The Dark Knight Rises” is not an example of how to avoid all these mistakes and promote peace and kindness as the only possible solution. Chaos turns out to be the measure according to which all actions of the characters are justified. Such an attitude to a wrong understanding of human actions should not be supported by the Code as well as by any person who watches the movie.
In general, “The Dark Knight Rises” should not be regarded as a bad movie only. Though a number of morally unacceptable ideas and suggestions are given, the movie teaches how a person can correct the mistakes, change the nature, and believe that justice may be found even during the darkest times. Of course, the Code under consideration would hardly allow such movie like “The Dark Knight Rises” be available to the audience, the success of the picture proves that the times and requirements could be changed because a society undergoes certain changes all the time.
Water Scarcity Issue And Environment
The concept of the hydrologic cycle is, perhaps, known by everyone over the age of eight. The fact that the three states of H2O, i.e., the solid (an ice cube), the liquid (water) and the gaseous ones (vapor) can be observed daily in the everyday environment makes the hydrologic cycle concept even more intelligible. However, a misunderstanding of the nature of the hydrogen cycle may lead to major misconceptions. The inability to understand the importance of preserving drinking water is one of these misconceptions.
True, the surface of the Earth is about 70% water, which is, in fact, a renewable resource – it does not disappear, but shift from one state of aggregation to another. Nevertheless, the amount of drinking water is shrinking slowly due to the excessive use of tap water. According to recent research, even a dripping tap may lead to wasting around 20,000 liters of water annually (Lutgens and Tarbuck “Geologic Time” 288).
The key to understanding the problem is learning that the amount of water will remain the same, yet drinking water will shrink. In other words, the percentage of drinking water will be reduced. With the current rates of drinking water consumption, the moment when the entire amount of water will become unsuitable for drinking. Though this prognosis is rather sad, it can be averted with more careful and reasonable use of water. As soon as the rates of drinking water usage are brought down, the solution for the problem will be found (Lutgens and Tarbuck “Geologic Time” 291).
Works Cited
Lutgens, Frederick K. and Edward J.Tarbuck. “Geologic Time.” Foundations of Earth Science (7th Edition). Prentice Hall. 2014. 285–310. Print.
—. “Volcanoes and Other Igneous Activity.” Foundations of Earth Science (7th Edition). Prentice Hall. 2014. 243–284. Print.
Literature Studies: “Never Mind” By Rachael Vail
The book, Never Mind, by Avi Rachel Vail, describes the lives of fraternal twins, Meg and Edward. The main theme in the book is a family rivalry. Edward and Meg do not like each other. They are in the seventh grade but in different schools. Edward hates Meg because of her determination to join the High Achievers Club. He plans to destroy his sister’s social life.
The story is set at home and in school. It gives clear descriptions of the children’s schools and home. The narrator follows these two characters wherever they go.
Main Characters
Edward and Meg are the main characters in the book. Meg is a bright girl. She attends a very competitive private school, Fischer, and is very neat and great at sports. Edward, on the other hand, likes skateboarding and attends a different school. He is messy, and his room is very disorganized. The two are twins, yet they have very many contrasting traits.
The book is based on the lives of the twins. Meg shows extensive determination to join a popular group in her new school, but her brother Edwards is on a mission to kill her dream. He thinks that Meg would make him feel inferior. He responds to Meg’s announcement to join the high achievers’ club by saying that he would start a low achievers club, whose main goal would be to prevent his sister from joining the High Achievers’ Club.
The story’s climax is when Edward eavesdrops on Meg’s conversation with her friend, who is the most popular in school. Meg says that she has a brother called Ted who is the lead singer in a famous rock band. She describes him as tall and handsome. In his efforts to destroy Meg’s social life, he calls Kimberly and says that his band, which does not exist, would perform at her party on Saturday.
This lie excites Kimberly, and the rumor spreads in the whole school. Many people are eager to know about Meg’s “cool” twin brother. However, the twins become victims of their lies when Edward’s scheme fails during Kimberly’s party. However, he does not embarrass her sister. He admits that he had fun while performing at the party. Meg, on the other hand, praises her brother saying that he is the bravest and the coolest person on earth.
Edward is confused; he does not know whether he should embarrass Meg at the party or not. However, he thinks that Meg wants to humiliate him during the party. Meg says that they are friends. Edward shows concern about Meg’s boyfriend. He does not approve of him.
This action displays his love for his sister. Their experience at the party changes Edward’s interpretation of “smart” and “cool.” He now considers himself “cool” and “smart.” The experience also improves the relationship between the twins. They become more comfortable together than before.
My Review
In my opinion, the author has done a good job in showing sibling rivalry amongst twins. Edward and Meg do not like each other. She shows the differences that the twins have. These disparities are the major causes of rivalry. However, the twins have several similarities that reconcile them after Kimberly’s party.
They both love each other. Edward decides not to embarrass his sister, and Meg praises him in the presence of her schoolmates. They then come up with the same name for Edward’s band, Never Mind. In the book, they have similar thoughts in different instances. The development of the plot is about modern society. It is a well-written book.