Introduction: The Advertisement
The “You Inspire Me to Be Better” advertisement appeared first on January 11, 2019, in the Times of India Newspaper (Mumbai Edition) and fascinated readers with its brevity, minimalism, and expressivity. “You Inspire Me to Be Better” promoted the TATA Marathon, which took place on January 20 (TATA 2). The advertisement stands out of the rest of the ads due to its realistic look and the inspirational idea that it carries, yet it also has a distinct intention of inviting people to buy tickets to the event.
Design Choices
First, the use of a minimalistic approach to conveying the visual message and using a triad of blue, black, and white as the key colors, the artist has managed to create a meaningful piece. By limiting the number of key colors to three, the artist made the viewer focus on the message and convey a specific mood of hope and optimism. On closer inspection of the advertisement, one will notice the elements of orange, red, pink, light blue, and violet, yet they constitute the logo and are barely visible in the ad. The specified logo is placed in the top right corner of the advertisement and attracts the minimum attention, allowing viewers to see the central picture first.
Second, the rest of the information about the event, including the logo of its sponsor, its mission, and other important data, is not simply shifted into the bottom of the advertisement. To ensure that the provided information does not distract the audience or distort the uplifting impression created by the advertisement, its creator incorporated the specified information into its design. Specifically, the described data is placed on a line of blue, black, and white colors, which constitute the elements of the frame (TATA 2). As a result, the additional information, while remaining visible, does not distract from the image and the mood that it creates.
Space and Mood
The use of space in the advertisement under analysis is also quite peculiar. Instead of covering every square inch of the paper, the designer has left quite a lot of empty spaces in the picture. The described approach allows the message to breathe and makes it easier for the audience to perceive the message. The use of pace described above is also justified by the combination of graphics and textual elements in the advertisement.
With a block of text on the left and an image of a woman on the right, the designer removed the elements that made the setting claustrophobic and, instead, made it possible for the advertisement to remind of open horizons and uninhibited opportunities.
Therefore, the described mood created by the advertisement aligns perfectly with the product that TATA aimed to sell, which was the parathion supposed to showcase the power of people’s physical abilities, motivation, and aspiration. The model whose picture is placed in the advertisement as one of the central elements of the piece establishes the mood as well, specifying some of the ideas that the event conveys, including multiculturalism, unity, and communication.
Rhetorical Appeal
The advertisement conveys its message directly and very clearly due to the choice of words and images incorporated into its design. The rhetorical appeal of the advertisement is incredibly strong since the concise message and the sparingly used elements contribute to the mood and the emotional response in the audience. The idea of open possibilities and the opportunity to discover one’s full potential is represented in the advertisement perfectly.
The textual part of the ad deserves particular attention as one of the tools for creating a proper atmosphere and making the message even more palatable. The fact that the text represents a letter from a daughter to a husband creates a sense of intimacy and appeals to the reader on a deeply emotional level, bypassing critical reasoning and resonating with the target audience immediately. For example, the following sentence has a particularly strong impact on its audience: “You helped me find my way in more ways than one” (TATA 2). Moreover, the picture of the woman smiling encouragingly makes the overall sense of the advertisement even more positive.
Additionally, the letter represented as the core message of the advertisement incorporates a range of rhetorical tools that emphasize the importance of its message. For example, the letter is filled with metaphors, some of which might seem rather commonplace: “You helped me find my way in more ways than one, from Manipur to Delhi” (TATA 2). However, the overall feeling of empathy that the specified advertisement creates makes the reader overlook the specified issue and receive a positive emotional charge.
The simplicity of the text and the lack of deliberate tools for attracting the audience’s attention make the discourse under analysis authentic and, thus appealing to a lot of readers. As a result, the advertisement has a huge effect on its audience, appealing to their emotions and their sense of familial unity. The author makes a connection between the idea of personal success and the concept of family ties, which imbues the advertisement with numerous meanings and, therefore presents it as relatable to virtually any reader.
Due to its original design, the advertisement has a very long staying power and conveys its key message successfully. The choice of color deserves particular attention due to the choice of medium. With the rise in the influence of electronic media, print resources have been experiencing a bit of a crisis, using advertisements as the means of returning the revenues. At the same time, with the introduction of new tools for using the print medium properly and conveying an original message, the print media has experienced a certain renaissance.
The opportunities for creating a unique and original image with strong staying power have increased, which a range of newspapers have hurried to use (TATA 2). Digital tools have introduced artistic opportunities that were only restricted by artists’ imagination, which was why creating a poster that would stand out from the rest of advertisements was an incredibly challenging idea.
Overall, the spatial characteristics of the advertisement and the color scheme are the key aspects that make it particularly noticeable among the rest of the ads and help readers to focus on its message immediately. The specified specimen of traditional marketing shows that even in the digital era, the ability to connect the design choice and the message that it is supposed to convey outweighs the number of available tools and the extent of their technological advancement. Thus, TATA’s “You Inspire Me to Be Better” represents a perfect example of how a message can be made even more powerful with an elaborate and tasteful design.
Work Cited
TATA. “You Inspire Me to Be Better!” Times of India Newspaper (Mumbai Edition), 1 Mar. 2019, p. 2.
Appendix A (TATA 2)
Abortion As A Woman’s Choice And Right
Certain scientists consider women a minority in the sense that their rights are often neglected. The problematic nature of choice in women is an issue that has been under debate since the emergence of the suffrage movement in the mid-19th century. If a few decades ago, childbearing was and still is, depending on the culture, considered a priority in patriarchic society. Still, the possibility of abortion, as well as the existence of modern means of contraception present opportunities for women to control the creation of a family. Yet, if a child is unwanted or cannot be raised normally, there arises a question of whether such a family should exist.
Since the family consists of both women and men, the decision to dispose of a baby should be split equally between parents because the responsibility for such a decision is also equal. Thus, women as mothers should have a substantial but fair share of a voice in this matter because of medical, social and political reasons.
Main body
Having a choice is essential for democracy to work properly which also substantiates the rationale for women to decide whether they want to become mothers. In a democratic society, and especially in the U.S., the freedom of choice and pursuit of one’s happiness is the innate elements of a human being that are protected by the state. If a woman decides that, her happiness is not connected to children at the moment or at all, her choice accords with the constitution, and society should not discourage her from selecting what is best for her.
In addition to that, the timing is rather crucial for having a child. Nowadays, career and education can offset childbirth to a later date because, in current society, these aspects of life became more paramount. Both work and studies could occupy a substantial portion of time, which does not support the adequate upbringing of a young individual. One may argue that with the support from a spouse, combining care for a child and other activities could be made possible. Young mothers working full-time or studying for a degree is a reality nowadays. Yet, psychologists tend to agree that mixing too many activities at once could become excessive and result in stress and health problems.
Thus, a study finds that mothers who combine a career with caring for children are faced with 40% more stress (Barr). One of the parents that is under continuous mental pressure may be less effective or even counterproductive in the task of raising a proper individual. Thus, it could be argued that choosing a suitable time when a woman is ready to give birth through abortion is a crucial element of her happiness. Conversely, a mother that can allocate more time to spend with kids could lead to a happier childhood for them.
One of the core reasons for having an abortion is to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. Every person can commit mistakes, and they should have the chance to erase them in order to lead happier lives. Bringing up a child is a serious undertaking and entering this endeavor unprepared could result in poor family relationships. Arguably, one cannot be fully prepared for such a complex and multifaceted issue but being able to provide adequate social, economic, and psychological security to a young individual is essential to the normal physical and mental development of a person. Thus, from the perspective of preparedness, women need to have an instrument that allows them to undo what happened by chance.
In addition to the argument about the unwanted nature of some pregnancies, abortion could serve as protection against having to raise children of rapists. According to Basile et al., 2.9 million women in the U.S. experienced rape-induced pregnancy which was associated with severe mental damage to the victims (770). Raising a product of rape may be as traumatizing as the event itself, the study reports. Therefore, to prevent further mental health issues in such cases, the right to abortion is critical for women to have.
On the other hand, there are certain considerations against abortion as being a choice for women. One might argue that abortion is a foul practice that should not be carried out at all. In accordance with Christian religious doctrine, abortion is considered a sin, and women should not be allowed to commit it. To some extent, it could be argued that such a stance was adopted due to the dangers of the procedure and the low chance of reproductive function recovery.
Also, given high mortality rates in the middle ages, bearing lots of children was essentially the means for the survival of the species. In modern society, the necessity for childbirth seems to subside due to overpopulation and increased safety of the abortion procedure. Therefore, the rationale for women having a choice in producing a baby is supported by the social, economic, and healthcare conditions. Another major argument in favor of this position is that the event of terminating pregnancy affects the long-term reproductive and mental health of a woman. Thus, a study suggests that post-abortion women were more likely to have pelvic inflammatory diseases and miscarriages (deVeber Institute).
Effects were significant also on psychological stability as women who underwent an abortion had a 34% increased chance of committing a suicide attempt (deVeber Institute). Thus, to prevent adverse occasions for the health and wellbeing of women, abortion should be considered inappropriate practice and withdrawn from being a free choice. Despite the seriousness of the consequences that might follow, women still need to have freedom in having an abortion because their body is their own property. In reproductive health facilities and clinics, staff often relays to pregnant women the consequences of both decisions.
A grown-up and mentally developed woman can consciously weigh the information and come to a conclusion of whether she needs to have an abortion. Devoid of choice in the matter, women who do not want to give birth are often at high risk of postpartum psychosis that in extreme cases could lead to violence, suicide attempts, or murder (Brockington 63). Thus, either option could have health and wellbeing as well as social and economic consequences, which suggests that women should decide for themselves, what chances they are going to take.
All in all, women are free to choose the way to pursue their own happiness, and this right should be irrevocable. The ability to make a decision is the foundation of democracy and abortion with all its negative consequences should stay a matter of choice. Modern society has changed significantly to develop instruments that help women to give birth when they are ready to do so, therefore, provided the decision is well-informed or at least advised there should be no limitations to enforcing it.
Works Cited
Barr, Sabrina. “Full-Time Working Mothers Are 40% More Stressed, Study Finds.” The Independent. 2019. Web.
Basile, Kathleen C., et al. “Rape-Related Pregnancy and Association with Reproductive Coercion in the U.S.” American Journal of Preventive Medicine, vol. 55, no. 6, 2018, pp. 770–776.
Brockington, Ian. “Suicide and Filicide in Postpartum Psychosis.” Archives of Women’s Mental Health, vol. 20, no. 1, 2017, pp. 63–69.
deVeber Institute. “Women’s Health After Abortion.” Web.
Otto Von Bismarck’s Unification Of Germany
Germany first became a nation on January 18, 1871, with the official ceremony taking place at the Palace of Versailles’ Hall of Mirrors. This became possible due to the efforts of Otto von Bismarck, a notable figure in the German and European affairs of the late nineteenth century as well as the first Chancellor of the German Empire. The militaristic orientation of Bismarck’s politics allowed the country to become a major player in Europe despite originally being a collection of territories that previously shared nothing more than a common language.
The unification of Germany is a crucial event in history because the systems of rules, customs, traditions, and even religions varied significantly across the states that were developed into one nation. At the start of the French Revolution, there were more than three hundred of such states, with the idea of combining them into one country being distant until Bismarck’s arrival to the global political sphere.
With the progression of the nineteenth century, especially after several German states participating in the defeat of Napoleon, the ideas of nationalism became genuinely popular across the territories. However, these ideologies were predominantly shared by liberal intellectuals of the middle class and students who had a positive outlook on states uniting into one country not only on the basis of language but also because of common history. However, the attempted Reichstag that resulted from the European revolutions of 1848 did not attain the needed level of political power to facilitate the formation of a unified state with its national parliament. In addition, the ruling parties of that time, including kings and princes, were also opposed to unification because of their possibility of losing political leverage.
As Otto von Bismarck was made Minister-President of Prussia in 1862, he became greatly involved in the revival of the state as an important political player in Europe (Bew 48). The military forces of Prussia were greatly improved, with Italy assisting in the fight of Prussia against its historic oppressor, Austria. With the defeat of the latter in the Seven Weeks’ War in 1866 allowed von Bismarck to form other states in the North of Germany into a coalition that represented the start of the Prussian Empire.
The role that the Minister-President played was defining in the formation of a state with emerging nationalistic views as well as the potential to develop a fully united Germany that would be ruled by Prussian leaders. However, as southern states were not conquered, it would take Prussia a war against a common history enemy to unite all territories into one country.
Through a number of unique diplomatic methods implemented by Otto vas Bismarck, it was possible to provoke Napoleon III into proclaiming war on Prussia. Such an aggressive move, from the perspective of other European countries such as Britain, was enough for ensuring that no other party would join France in the war against Prussia (Howard 89). The aggressive proclamation of war by France sparked anti-French sentiment across the states, and when Otto von Bismarck moved his armies in the position to attack France, they were joined by men from other German territories.
Therefore, despite the general opposition of Europe to emerging nationalistic ideologies, the unification of the population was detrimental to both winning the war against France and establishing an indivisible German state. The defeat of the French at Sedan in September 1870 let to Napoleon III resigning from his position and fleeing the country to spend the rest of his life in England. Despite the fact that the war continued without his participation, the French lost to Prussia.
The triumph von Bismarck over the French encouraged him to take control of the situation and prepare for the unification of Germany. He gathered German senior military commanders and princes in Versailles to proclaim Wilhelm I German Emperor. The significance of this event should not be overlooked as the victory of Germany in the Franco-Prussian War proved to be a defining step toward accepting nationalist ideologies of the states (Wawro 78).
Previously, both Austria and Prussia competed to support the German interests both abroad and domestically. However, the victory over Austria, which was opposed to Germany’s unification, allowed Prussia to assert its authority internally and defend the nation’s interests. Also, the victory over France strengthened the power of Prussia as a potential reinforcer of unification and brought the issue to the international level. The proclamation of Wilhelm as Kaiser allowed Prussia to assume leadership of the newly-formed empire while the southern states becoming officially included in unified Germany through the Treaty of Versailles that officially ended the war.
Otto von Bismarck was behind the transformation of Germany from a loose confederation into a federal nation-state despite the opposition from other European political players. The unification became possible because of his building upon the tradition of legal and economic collaboration. Although, nationalistic ideologies played a defining role in the formation of Germany as the formerly independent territories with their own traditions and systems of rule realized their commonalities and started acting together against mutual external enemies.
Works Cited
Bew, John. Realpolitik: A History. Oxford University Press, 2016.
Howard, Michael. The Franco-Prussian War: The German Invasion of France 1870-1871. Routledge, 2006.
Wawro, Geoffrey. The Franco-Prussian War: The German Conquest of France in 1870-1871. Cambridge University Press, 2003.