Zinc: Aspects Of The Chemical Element Homework Essay Sample


Zinc is a chemical element, a micronutrient vital to life, and is one of the most widely used metals. Zinc is of considerable commercial and health-related significance. It is an essential and irreplaceable trace element in the human body, which helps cure and prevent some diseases. However, the issue of choosing a perfect dosage of this micronutrient depending on different conditions is more complex than it seems.

The Impact on an Organism

Irreplaceable for the human body, zinc has some specific characteristics. Zinc’s atomic symbol is Zn, atomic number is 30, and atomic weight is 65.39 (NCIT, n.d.). According to Wojtunik-Kulesza et al., zinc is substantial because it is a significant component of such enzymes as “phospholipase C, alcohol dehydrogenase, carbonic anhydrase, Zn-Cu superoxide dismutase, carboxypeptidase,” more than 300 total (2019, p. 1284). Blood pressure as a heart-related process depends on the concentration of zinc and the protein synthesis in the body; hence muscle growth is not possible without zinc (Wojtunik-Kulesza et al., 2019). In addition, the part of zinc in the removal of heavy metals from the body cannot be left unnoticed.

There are particular organs, tissues, and liquids in the human body where minor amounts of zinc can be stored. High zinc concentrations can be found in the erythrocytes as a substantial part of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase. They provide the maintenance of many reactions connected to carbon dioxide metabolism (Britannica, 2020). Zinc is a component of enzymes digesting protein in the gastrointestinal tract, contributing to insulin storage in the pancreas, and more (Britannica, 2020). Thus, it influences various processes in the body and has an impact on its general condition.

No doubt, there are more effects of zinc, including positive and negative ones. For instance, it has exceptional qualities related to boosting the immunity system and healing wounds and is involved in numerous processes of cellular metabolism (NIH, n.d.). The catalytic activity of more than a hundred enzymes is drastically affected by zinc, which in addition contributes to “immune function, protein synthesis, DNA synthesis, and cell division” (NIH, n.d.). What is more, healthy pregnancy requires maintaining an appropriate zinc concentration in the body’s tissues and organs. Also, people would not feel taste and smell without zinc because they would not have these senses (NIH, n.d.). This micronutrient is of extreme importance for maintaining the healthy condition of an organism.

Sources of Zinc

Due to the fact that the human body does not have any systems for zinc storage, people should get the appropriate amount of this micronutrient daily. Many foods contain zinc, with high levels found in beef, shellfish, spinach, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains (NIH, n.d.). Interestingly, more zinc is served in oysters than in any other dish (Saito et al., 2017). In addition to the sources of zinc mentioned above, it is also contained in “certain types of seafood, such as crab and lobster, and dairy products” (NIH, n.d.). Moreover, pork is rich in zinc and can provide the needed amount for the human body (Harvard School of Public Health, n.d.). The range of zinc products is vast, so it is already included in even intuitively healthy diets.

However, some issues may intervene the zinc absorption and affect the concentration of the element in the human body. For example, recent studies have shown that following a not nutritious enough diet and eating large amounts of phytates found in nuts, grains, cereals, and other plants, can cause problems with zinc absorption (NIH, n.d.). In this regard, a 2009 study revealed that vegetarians might be at risk for zinc deficiency (NIH, n.d.). The blood zinc levels of vegetarians in the study were low due to the high intake of phytates in their diet. Thus, choosing a vegetarian diet should always be based on a nutritionist’s decision.

Dietary Supplements

As it may be challenging to get the required concentration using the food sources only, dietary supplements contain this mineral. Zinc concentration in supplements differs drastically and can be explained by the aim of intaking each of them – the disease predetermines the dose. Such variation is possible because no differences have been revealed concerning the element’s absorption concerning its form (Britannica, 2020). Thus, it can be used and applied differently depending on the form of its content.


Although zinc is not naturally toxic and is considered to bring benefits to living organisms, it can be toxic if it is dosed incorrectly. Zinc supplements are far more likely to lead to the appearance of this negative side if intaking zinc in comparison with food sources because of the element’s concentration. Signs of toxicity may include nausea and vomiting, poor appetite, abdominal pain or cramping, headaches, and diarrhea (Harvard School of Public Health, n.d.). Zinc is contained in denture adhesive creams, leading to neurological diseases and copper deficiency if used too frequently, and the concentrations exceed the appropriate values (NIH, n.d.). Therefore, in some cases, zinc can become toxic if it is misused or used in higher concentrations than required.

Zinc Deficiency: Overview

Due to the importance of zinc for the organism, its deficiency leads to severe consequences. Zinc deficiency can be associated with a wide range of symptoms, including “weight loss, delayed healing of wounds, and taste abnormalities” (Harvard School of Public Health, n.d.). Other probable effects of this micronutrient deficiency are “delayed sexual maturation, hair loss, hypogonadism in males, diarrhea, impotence, and eye and skin lesions” (NIH, n.d.). Considering the lack of zinc, the human body may face “growth retardation, loss of appetite, taste or smell, mental lethargy, and impaired immune function” (Wessels & Rink, 2019). According to this list of possible consequences of the lack of zinc, it affects most of a body’s vital systems and maintains its coherent work.

Autoimmune Diseases

All cells require zinc and need to maintain balanced intracellular zinc homeostasis to ensure proper function. The balance is created by the cooperative action of 24 zinc transport proteins and several zinc-binding proteins such as metallothionein, albumin, transferrin, and calprotectin (Wessels & Rink, 2019). All cells suffer from zinc deficiency, but cells of the immune system are susceptible and strongly affected. Thus, the organism is at a considerably more potential risk of having autoimmune diseases. Wessels and Rink, in their study, have proved that the concentration of zinc in plasma and serum there was “lower… in autoimmune patients compared to healthy controls” (2019). As far as this fact is concerned, zinc deficiency can affect the ability of an organism to confront all the existing diseases; thus, it can be referred to as a cause of them.

Brain Diseases

Considering brain diseases, which development the zinc deficiency stimulates, there are several of them. Firstly, the most common progressive dementia affecting the elderly, Alzheimer’s disease, is partly caused by zinc. If the concentration of the micronutrient is too high, it may result in the aggregation of amyloid-β into senile plaques, one of the major pathological hallmarks of the disease (Portbury & Adlard, 2017). What is more, the study has also revealed that “the synaptic release of zinc from presynaptic boutons can additionally cause injury and death to postsynaptic neurons under excitotoxic conditions” (Portbury & Adlard, 2017, p. 5). Both minor and large amounts of the micronutrient may have negative repercussions on the body and brain.

Another disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, is a fatal neurodegenerative disease of the human motor system. The most common cause of this disease is a mutation to the copper, zinc superoxide dismutase gene (Portbury & Adlard, 2017). The mutation, which results in the superoxide dismutase gene, a protein having a reduced affinity for zinc, leads to a toxic gain of function in motor neurons when zinc is missing from its active site. Thus, the deficiency of zinc affects the brain and its regulatory functions strongly.

The variety of brain-related diseases is comprehensive, and zinc impacts the most severe ones, either providing us with the opportunity to prevent them or worsening the situation. In connection with Parkinson’s disease, a long-term degenerative disorder of the CNS that mainly affects the motor system, “there is an observed clinical zinc deficiency in patients presenting with PD” (Portbury & Adlard, 2017, p. 6). Irregularities in zinc homeostasis may represent a point of intersection for both the pathogenesis and the symptoms characterizing multiple neurodegenerative disorders, in addition to potentially being involved in the aging process and associated cognitive decline.

Zinc imbalance, which means either a low or a high amount of zinc that is not appropriate for the body, negatively affects its systems. The low level of zinc causes a wide range of diseases and even biological deviations, and nearly “50% of the global population” are under the influence of this fact (Wojtunik-Kulesza et al., 2019, p. 1285). The lack of zinc causes “oxidative stress, including lipid peroxidation, increased osmotic fragility of erythrocyte membranes, decreased protein turnover,” and other consequences with different levels of severity (Wojtunik-Kulesza et al., 2019, p. 1285). A slightly different situation is observed regarding the high absorption of zinc, which may bring the risks of negative alterations to human bodies.

According to the results of the studies on the topic, a high level of the element “leads to neuronal changes, which can contribute to the development of neurodegeneration” (Wojtunik-Kulesza et al., 2019, p. 1285). Such information on the overdose of zinc triggers the thought on a positive side of the fact that it cannot be stored and accumulated, so the human body saves itself by automatically reducing any zinc concentration excesses. This way, controlling the amount of zinc present in the body is much easier because it depends primarily on the amount of this micronutrient a person consumes.

Psychological Effects: Depression

In addition to numerous severe diseases affecting the body and brain, zinc imbalances may also lead to psychological problems. Zinc level and depression were first proved to have an interrelation more than three decades ago. Since then, it has been studied in humans and animals. Zinc imbalances in rodents’ bodies were traced in connection with the symptoms of depression, and their correlation was revealed (Wang et al., 2018). Another study was held among a group of people, in which “female adolescents, postmenopausal women, and patients on hemodialysis” have shown the same results (Wang et al., 2018, p. 2), while the same study on men has not reflected any connections between depression and zinc deficiency. However, the mechanism of such influence of the micronutrient on the organisms of different sexes is not precise yet.

The interrelation of zinc level and the probability of depression is inverse, meaning that zinc has an effect close to antidepressant medicine. According to Wang et al., people with depression have shown fewer depression symptoms after adding supplements that contain zinc to their standard antidepressants (2018). Healthy young women were also distinguished into two groups for the study and were given multivitamin complexes with and without zinc. Those who got the microelement included in their diet demonstrated a more positive attitude towards life and better mood (Wang et al., 2018). According to the study undertaken by Wang et al., the mechanism that makes the interrelation of zinc and depression symptoms so strong may be connected to “the regulation of neurotransmitter, endocrine, and neurogenesis pathways” (2018, p. 2). Therefore, the effect of zinc imbalance can be considered similar for animals and human beings, as it touches on the same chemical and biological processes.

Sleep Efficiency

Generally, it is hard to reveal zinc deficiency because there are almost no symptoms for a long time, and they are not particular for this microelement. Zinc improves sleep when ingested for the long-term in meals daily (Saito et al., 2017). Results of the study by Saito et al. have revealed that people with low zinc concentrations in their diets sleep have a poor quality of sleep (2017). At the same time, those whose daily intake of zinc is enough sleep well and have generally better physiological indicators (Saito et al., 2017). What is more, according to Saito et al., people with lower zinc doses have a shorter sleep duration than people with average amounts of zinc (2017). It appeared that zinc concentrations exceeding normal levels negatively influence sleep duration (Saito et al., 2017). These facts only prove the importance of the micronutrient for organisms of different ages.


The dosages of zinc intake for ordinary people without medical prescriptions are regulated by the National Institutes of Health standards. The amounts primarily vary depending on the age and sex of the person. For instance, males aged 14 and older should 11 mg of zinc a day, while females aged 14 and older should get 9 mg (MNT, n.d.). In addition, pregnant women need to get 11 mg, and lactation women – 12 mg (MNT, n.d.). These amounts of zinc are beneficial for the listed above types of organisms and allow them to avoid various diseases discussed above.


To conclude, all the organic life on Earth requires a particular zinc concentration to live and function as it should. Zinc is vital to maintain the appropriate level of this microelement in the body by intaking it with food or medicine to stay healthy and prevent serious brain illnesses. However, both the lack and excess of zinc lead to negative consequences; therefore, pharmacists and doctors should control the individual dosage thoroughly.


Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopedia (2020). Zinc. 

Harvard School of Public Health. (n.d.). Zinc.

Medical News Today. (n.d.). The top food high in zinc

National Cancer Institute Thesaurus. (n.d.). Zinc. 

National Institutes of Health. (n.d.) Zinc: Fact sheet for health professionals. National Institutes of Health.

Portbury, S. D., & Adlard, P. A. (2017). Zinc signal in brain diseases. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18, 1-13.

Saito, H., Cherasse, Y., Suzuki, R., Mitarai, M., Ueda, F., & Urade, Y. (2017). Zinc-rich oysters as well as zinc-yeast- and astaxanthin-enriched food improved sleep efficiency and sleep onset in a randomized controlled trial of healthy individuals. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 61(5).

Wang, J., Um, P., Dickerman, B. A., Liu, J. (2018). Zinc, magnesium, selenium and depression: A review of the evidence, potential mechanisms and implications. Nutrients, 10(5), 1-19.

Wessels, I., & Rink, L. (2019). Micronutrients in autoimmune diseases: Possible therapeutic benefits of zinc and vitamin D. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 77.

Wojtunik-Kulesza, K., Oniszczuk, A., & Waksmundzka-Hajnos, M. (2019). An attempt to elucidate the role of iron and zinc ions in development of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 111, 1277–1289.

Discussion Of Medical Terminology

Medical terminology is as a specific language utilized by healthcare personnel to describe the components of a body, illnesses, and medical interventions. The basis of medical terminology is the Latin language, and in some cases, these words have little or nothing in common with the modern English words. Nurses, physicians, and narrowly focused specialists use medical terminology in practice to accurately chart a patient.

The first reason why medical terminology is needed to chart a patient properly is that it is a common language understood by all healthcare professionals. In other words, the application of medical terminology allows them to economize time and raise the effectiveness of their communication because they can describe a patients diagnosis with only one word or a phrase. However, at this point, it should be noted that medical terminology should be used only when a doctor communicates with another specialist, not a patient (Derevianchenko et al., 2018). For example, if a physician asks patients how often they suffer from cephalgia, they are likely to be confused because they might have never heard this word before.

The second reason for the essential role of medical terminology in charting is that it is a way to escape medical errors. From one point of view, medical terminology is one of the reasons why medical errors occur. Some hospital staff members might misunderstand what is written or be completely unaware of what it means. Nonetheless, medical terminology is an effective way to describe a condition of a patient to escape misinterpretations of a diagnosis. For this reason, it is necessary to train nurses and doctors to understand medical terminology and promote its usage in everyday practice.

To summarize the aforementioned arguments, accurate charting of a patient is impossible without the application of medical terminology. It optimizes the efficiency of communication between healthcare staff members. Besides, it minimizes the probability of a medical error related to the misinterpretation of a diagnosis by the specialists. For the reasons mentioned above, it is necessary for nurses and doctors to be fluent in medical terminology.


Derevianchenko, N., Lytovska, O., Diurba, D., & Leshchyna, I. (2018). Impact of medical terminology on patients’ comprehension of healthcare. Georgian Med News, 284, 159-163.

Researching The Constitution Of The Russian Federation


Today, it is impossible to imagine any country without a constitution, also known as the fundamental law, and this legislation piece is a characteristic feature of a civilized world. Numerous nations draw sufficient attention to developing their own constitutions to define how they are governed and how power is exercised. Such documents also exist to demonstrate the basic principles and laws that are applied to the country and its citizens. A significant part of a constitution typically considers the freedoms, rights, and obligations of people. However, this description is idealized, and not every country ensures that its constitution meets the requirements above. Some governments manage to transform their fundamental law, interpret its articles in a specific way, or even ignore it to serve their particular and even corrupt goals. The Constitution of the Russian Federation is a suitable example of how the fundamental law can be misused, bringing benefits to government authorities.

It is necessary to state that power is often associated with misconduct. Ursula K. Le Guin wrote a few words that perfectly describe this fact. In particular, the quote is as follows: “Have you ever thought how danger must surround power as shadow does light?” These words demonstrate that power is always accompanied by danger because people in authority typically feel threatened that they can lose their privilege. Another threat refers to the fact that people can exceed their powers causing negative consequences for others. According to Le Guin, this outcome is as inevitable as the fact that light results in shadows. That is why it is reasonable to consider the Constitution of the Russian Federation as an example to identify what goals are promoted by the fundamental law of this country.

Violation of Constitutional Provisions

One can admit that the Constitution of the Russian Federation serves the state, not the people because some of its provisions are violated. For example, this statement refers to Article 31 stipulating that “citizens of the Russian Federation shall have the right to assemble peacefully, without weapons, hold rallies, mass meetings and demonstrations, marches and pickets.” Even though participating in mass meetings is constitutional freedom, it is challenging to state that Russian citizens can benefit from it. The rationale behind this statement is that the COVID-19 preventive measures result in the fact that people are deprived of this right. However, numerous news reports state that the Russian government considers demonstrations a danger to the political system and uses law enforcement agencies to fight against them.

This information stipulates that some of the constitutional provisions are not protected in the Russian Federation. Although the fundamental law highlights the freedom that should be given to all people, the actual state of affairs is much different. High-ranking officials disregard the article and exercise force to peaceful individuals. That is why it is impossible to state that the Constitution of the Russian Federation serves the citizens. Instead, the government is free to take any actions that violate constitutional provisions and protect its interests. It seems that the government is endangered that demonstrations can be used as a means to overthrow its power. This potential hazard makes authorities ignore the constitutional provision and deprive people of freedom that is granted to them by the fundamental law of the country. That is why one can assume that the Constitution serves the government’s corrupt interests.

Vague Wording

As has been mentioned above, a constitution is typically used to explain how a state is governed, and the division of powers into legislative, executive, and judicial branches is a significant part of this phenomenon. However, the fundamental law of the Russian Federation failed to draw sufficient attention to this aspect. In particular, these inefficiencies refer to Articles 10 and 11. On the one hand, Article 10 mentions that “state power in the Russian Federation shall be exercised on the basis of its division into legislative, executive, and judicial authority.” However, Article 11 introduces the concept of Presidential power, and any explanation as to how these powers correlate is absent. Simultaneously, Article 10 stipulates that all the three branches are independent. Even though this statement is not harmful on its own, adverse consequences can arise because the fundamental law fails to explain how and whether the three contribute to the unity of power. Furthermore, it is unclear whether the branches can balance one another to prevent the misuse of power. These inefficiencies can adversely impact the Russian Federation, which will be presented below.

The identified drawbacks can adversely affect the entire governance system in the Russian Federation. The failure to offer an exhaustive explanation of how the power is divided in the state can result in the fact that the individual branches can witness conflicting issues. It is probable that people’s liberties are not protected in the Russian Federation because the Constitution does not clarify how the legislative and executive branches should correlate their actions when mass demonstrations are under consideration. For instance, the legislative agencies can guarantee freedom, but ministries from the executive branch can consider these events illegal. That is why the absence of specific wording in the Constitution of the Russian Federation results in the fact that human rights are violated in the country.


When it comes to summarizing the purposes and effects of a constitution, the given essay can produce two-fold conclusions. On the one hand, the generalized interpretation refers to the fact that this legislation document is the fundamental law of every nation, meaning that it is impossible to overestimate its significance. A constitution is significant because it highlights people’s rights and freedoms, how the country should be governed, and many others. This description of a constitution is generalized, and it should be relevant for every nation. In particular, the rationale behind this statement is that the fundamental law of a country is under consideration, which denotes that it mentions valuable information that is beneficial for people and the government.

On the other hand, the role and significance of this fundamental law depend on a specific country, and the example of the Russian Federation is suitable to demonstrate that the Constitution can serve corrupt needs. Firstly, the essay has revealed that the Constitution guarantees specific freedoms and rights, but they can be violated in the Russian Federation. For example, the right to assemble peacefully is given, but the Russian government does not always respect it because law enforcement forces are sometimes allocated to combat mass demonstrations. Secondly, it has been found that the Constitution of the Russian Federation fails to draw sufficient attention to defining the division of powers. This failure can result in the fact that individual branches do not find agreement regarding the same issues, and the case with mass demonstrations is an example.

It is possible to assume that this state of affairs is present because, as per Le Guin’s quote, Russian authorities feel endangered and try to protect themselves from losing power. This condition makes them disregard some of the constitutional principles, while vague wording provides them with the freedom to do it. Consequently, if one wants to identify what the Constitution of the Russian Federation is used for, it is more suitable to rephrase the query. The Constitution is not used to protect some human rights and formulate the division of powers.


Le Guin, Ursula K. A Wizard of Earthsea. Parnassus Press, 1968.

Constitution of Russian Federation. 1993, Revised 2014.

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